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Para Pharma Quality and Reliability Review?

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Evolutionary.org presents Hardcore 2.0 #15, with your hosts Steve and Mobster!  In this episode they review Para Pharma, which is one of the up-and-coming brands in the industry.  They go over their reliability and also go through their amazing selection of products to help you reach your fitness goals.

Why is Para Pharma so good?

Steve first touches on how Para Pharma has been around for more than 12 years and has a record of great reviews from those who have used their products. He also loves how they have you covered from A to Z, with on-cycle anabolic steroids, on-cycle ancillaries, and post-cycle products to help you get and keep gains.  Their prices are also incredible considering the quality of their products.

Mobster says they are a respected brand and they have passed lab tests that have shown their products are dosed to perfection.  They also produce items in GMP factory-controlled environments with the highest industry standards to give you pharmacy-quality gear.  You can also double-check their products on their website to see if your supplier is selling authentic Para Pharma.

Product list

The product list for Para Pharma is impressive.  Steve and Mobster spend the rest of the podcast going over their favorites and how they recommend you use them.

Steve starts off talking about Accutane which is an acne drug. He says a lot of people out there suffer from this condition and it is awful and can damage a person's self-esteem. The use of anabolic steroids can make acne far worse, so it is good that Para Pharma has this option.

Anadrol50 is sold by Para Pharma, it is one of Steve's favorite steroids because you can run a simple cycle of 25-50mgs a day for 4-5 weeks and not only gain a lot of mass and strength but also get your muscles harder.  He says even though it is a DHT derivative, it also can bind to estrogen receptors, so it is a unique but advanced oral steroid.

Mobster gets into Anavar and says that Para Pharma has both an Anavar10 and Anavar 50.  He likes Anavar even though he is a huge powerlifter because of its mild properties and the results it gives him. The recommended dose is around 50mgs a day for a male and 6 weeks.

Steve then discusses Armidex1mg and Aromasin25mgs, these are great aromatase inhibitors to use on your cycle to help with estrogen.

Mobster then discusses the Boldenone/Equipoise options from Para Pharma. They have a Boldo/Test 400 option which is a blend of the two, and they have Boldo300 and Boldo500. This is nice because it cuts down on injections and it's also around the dosage most people will be using which is 300-500mgs.

Mobster then goes over his favorite blends that Para Pharma has which is Cut Stack 150 and Long Stack 300.  Although both stacks contain Trenbolone, Masteron (Drost), and Testosterone; the difference is the Cut stack is shorter esters, while the long stack is longer esters.  Steve says the main thing to consider is how long you want to run the blend to determine which to choose.

Steve then talks about the Nandrolone options Para Pharma offers. They are a mix of Deca/Test 400, Decan 300 (long ester nandrolone), and Decan P 150 (short ester nandrolone).  Steve says that if you are after a strong appetite, slow mass building, and mild properties he likes Nandrolone. His tip is always to use Proviron with it to help balance DHN/DHT in the body.  Para Pharma has a great Proviron which comes in 25mgs per tab.

Masteron Enanthate and Masteron Propionate are the next Para Pharma products. What Steve likes about these is the fact that they are great for hardening. A dosage of 300-600mgs a week is the sweet spot, but Steve says he recommends you only use it if your body fat is under 12%.

Mobster then talks about Primobolan100 and Primo200, which are both options.  Primo is one of the most faked steroids out there and it is important to use a trusted brand or you will get ripped off. Steve chimes in and says he has been a victim of getting fake Primo and it cost him $1000, so always use a trusted brand like Para Pharma so you know what you are buying.

Steve touches on Superdrol and says that this is the one to use if you are stuck at a plateau you can't break through.  A dose of 10-30mgs a day for 2-4 weeks max is what he recommends due to its toxic nature.

The guys then talk about the many Testosterone options that Para Pharma has. They are:

Suspension100, which is great for tested athletes who are worried about getting busted for PED's. This one is hard to detect since it is in and out so fast.

Susta350 is Para Pharma's blend of Test Enanthate 200mgs, Testosterone Cypionate 100mgs, and Testosterone Propionate 50mgs.

Testo C250, a simple Testosterone Cypionate dosed at 250mgs/ml.

Testo E 250, is another simple Test Enanthate option.

Testo P100 is great for a shorter cycle of 8 weeks or less if you don't mind frequent injections and value flexibility when cycling steroids.

Trenbolone is the King of all steroids and Para Pharma has you covered with a Tren Mix350, which is 250mgs of Testosterone Enanthate along with 100mgs of Trenbolone Enanthate.  Steve says this is a great one for libido, mass, and strength, especially in those who react well to Testosterone.

They also have a great TrenboA100, which is Tren ace 100mgs/ml; and a TrenboE200, which is Tren E 200mgs/ml.  Trenbolone is an advanced steroid, so make sure you save it for when you are truly ready because, Steve jokes, it is known as the 'relationship killer' due to what it does to your dopamine in your brain and the confidence it gives you.

Steve touches on Turinabol20 from Para Pharma and loves it for those who want something very mild.

The next interesting one is Winstrol and Para Pharma has you covered with 3 options.

Injectable Winstrol50, Winstrol Oral 10, and Winstrol Oral50.  All are great for drying out and cutting hard.

The guys finish off the show by mentioning that Para Pharma also has HGH, Hcg, Clen, Letro, Clomid, and Nolvadex.  These are all great products to use on a cycle, post-cycle, and between cycles if necessary.  They say that Para Pharma is truly a one-stop shop and their prices and quality are hard to match.


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Lev Butlerov holds a Masters Degree in Biology, he is NASM Certified, ISSA Certified, The National Council on Strength & Fitness (NCSF) certified and is currently working on his American Council on Exercise (ACE) certificate. From Lev: I love bodybuilding and the biology, chemistry of the industry. It's my hobby and my love. I have done multiple bodybuilding shows, 2 in Germany in the past 5 years. I hope everyone enjoys my articles. In 2021 (going into 2022, 2023) I will be working on my PhD thesis in physiotherapy and biochemistry, I hope to have some of the bits published here.

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