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Welcome to Hardcore 2.0 Episode #57. In this amazing episode, Steve and Mobster discuss Pharmaqo Labs and introduce them. They first review why Pharmaqo Labs is such a great brand and why they trust them. Then they discuss their favorite orals and injectables from Pharmaqo and other excellent products they sell. This is the show to pay close attention to if you want to use amazing gear!
Introducing Pharmaqo Labs
Steve says he loves Pharmaqo. He feels secure using their products because he knows they are a quality product. Mobster says they have high-quality labelling and making a product look professional is hard.
When it comes to Pharmaqo, veteran members have anonymously had their gear tested, and have found their products to be on point both with dosing and accuracy 99%.
Mobster warns that we have seen a lot of people using steroids lately who have horrible allergic reactions from low-quality gear. This is something you must watch out for. 519 - How many need to do grams of Steroids? #evolutionaryorg #Steroids #Bodybuilding
— Evolutionary Podcast (@EvolutionaryPo) January 24, 2023
Listing our favorite Pharmaqo orals and injectable steroids
Pharmaqo Anadrol 50mgs both injectable and oral- Anadrol is a DHT derivative but it also is great for bulking, which makes it one of the more unique steroids out there. Steve says 50mgs a day,, for 5 weeks, can transform your body quickly. Pharmaqo offers both injectable and oral forms.
Anavar 10mgs and 50mgs- This is one of the top 3 most popular oral steroids, and one of the top overall steroids, that both males and females are using today. You can run it solo at up to 10mgs a day as a female and up to 60mgs a day as a male. Or you can stack with Tren or Test to add more kick to the cycle.
Dianabol is both injectable and oral. Dbol is the #1 used oral steroid of all time because it is cheap, effective, and simple to use. Mobster recommends if you want to stack, to go with test and deca for bulk or you can simply run it solo up to 50mgs a day.
Drostanolone/Masteron 200E and Prop 100- This is a purely cosmetic steroid, use at a body fat 11% or lower, but you don't have to. Stack with Tren, Primo, or Test. It is one of the best recompers when used properly.
Fastrip 150mgs/ml. 50mgs of short esters Tren, Test, and Masteron- This is a very popular blend that Pharmaqo offers because it is sensational for recomping. It is great if you want to look good for the beach, or pictures, or just want to be an egomaniac.
Nandrodec 300mgs/ml and Nandrophenyl 100mgs/ml-Nandrolones known popularly as Deca. Steve says it is commonly stacked with Test and Proviron or Tren and Proviron. Mobster loves it but appetite can be annoying on it if you already have a big appetite, but it works great for those who have appetite issues. A great bulker and a dose of 250-400mgs is recommended and you can stack with Testosterone or for more advanced users one of the best stacks is Nandrolone + Tren.
Proviron. Don't run solo for performance, stack it. 25-50mgs is a perfect dose. It stacks well in any steroid cycle to give it a boost.
Turinabol is a great option for performance and athletics. Stack with Tren if you want to bodybuild or get stronger, but stack it with EQ if you want to excel at sports or athletics. A dose of 20-60mgs a day is good. Steve likes 40mgs.
Winstrol - This one is a great dryer for those looking to cut down ahead of a show or photos. You can use it 25-50mgs a day. Mobster says you can stack it with something like Tren or Test for good results or you can use it solo.
Primo- Primobolan is historically known as the golden nectar of steroids. It was popular in the 70s during the golden era of bodybuilding because it gives lean quality gains. You will want to use 400-700mgs a week. Stacking some testosterone or dbol with it isn't a bad idea to give the cycle a kick.
Testosterone- They have many options for Testosterone from Test blends, to steroid blends, to just Testosterone solo. Those who use Test solo will typically run it 500mgs a week with an AI and with an oral kickstart. If you like to stack it, you can run it low and run another steroid at a higher dose.
Boldenone/Equipoise 300mg/ml- This is one of the best steroids for athletics and performance for those who like to be active. EQ is a mild steroid and the sides are very low so that means you can stack it with something more harsh or use it with another mild steroid if you choose. Steve says a dose of 300-600mgs a week is common.
Trenbolone- Steve says Tren is mandatory at the highest levels of bodybuilding for its incredible benefits. Pharmaqo has many Tren options from Tren ace, Tren E, to Tren blends, to other mixes of Tren with other steroids. You can use Tren solo, or you can stack Tren with other steroids. Some of the best Tren stacks that Steve likes are Tren + Tbol/Var and Tren + Masteron for recomping. You can also stack it with Testosterone for crazy strength/mass/libido. A dose of 200-400mgs a week is common, but pros will run it higher.
Talking about nonsteroid Pharmaqo products
Pharmaqo not only has amazing oral and injectable steroids, but they have many other products as well, that we will discuss more in depth on future podcasts. That list includes PED's like Sarms, hcg, and growth hormone peptides. It also includes very important on-cycle ancillaries like Aromasin and Arimidex. Finally, it includes post-cycle therapy products that help you recover after a cycle like Nolvadex and Clomid. 469 Reduce appetite on Steroids and Swelling at the injection site. #evolutionaryorg #Steroids #injection
— Evolutionary Podcast (@EvolutionaryPo) April 4, 2022
Forums on our forums? read on:
Curious on everyone's experience with Sustanon? Has anyone tried Sustanon 250 from Pharmaqo does it seem to be Read More.........
Hello guys I want to start my 2nd cycle after 4 month I recently finished my first cycle and it was Test E Read More..........
30 years old and this is my third time using steroids I’m 208 pounds and about 16% body fat I’m looking for an idea when it comes to using anavar Read More.......
I’m looking to stack a test blend mix of sustanon 250 with some anavar. Nothing fancy at all but interested in building some quality muscle mass and possibly Read More.......
31 years old and I am 5 foot 10 inches and I weigh approximately 180 pounds this is going to be my second cycle of steroids but Read More..........
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