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Welcome to another episode of Evolutionary Underground. In this episode #33, Steve and Mobster go over Primobolan and Winstrol to shred with GP Geneza Pharma. This is a great episode where the guys talk about what shredding is, why GP is a great brand they trust, how best to shred with Winstrol and Primo, how to stack using them, and final tips and tricks.
Geneza Pharma brand features
Steve starts this segment with a personal story of when he spent $1200 on a Primo cycle many years ago. Unfortunately, he realized the Primo he was using was fake 8 weeks into the cycle, which was a huge disappointment. In those days, you were at the mercy of your shady source and had to cross your fingers that they were selling you legit products. The reason he loves Geneza Pharma GP, is because when he orders Primo or any other steroids from them, he knows he is getting what he ordered. This takes a huge burden off his shoulders and gives him confidence during his cycle.
Mobster says that veteran members have randomly had Geneza Pharma products tested without them knowing it. They have them sent to a lab for testing properly. The test results came back perfect on all the products they tested. This means that GP does a great job ensuring that their products are what they say they are, and dosed where they should be, without any games or BS. Radio Episode #421 Turinabol only cycles and taking Primobolan with Dianabol. #evolutionaryorg #Primobolan #Dianabol
— Evolutionary Podcast (@EvolutionaryPo) September 16, 2021
What is shredding?
Steve starts this segment by explaining that people have different goals when it comes to how they want to look. Some people want to get more muscle mass and look bigger in a shirt, others want to get stronger, and some want to get ripped and show off a 6 pack. He also points out that abs aren't that impressive on a skinny dude either. The most impressive thing is when you see a person who is muscular and shredded at the same time. Unfortunately, it isn't easy to do this with all the garbage that companies put in our food, so being able to get shredded is a challenge which is why turning to anabolic steroids is so beneficial.
Mobster says the biggest challenge to shredding is all the sugar that is in our food and the takeout food. You must be careful what you put into your body all winter if you want to shred up for the spring. Shredding to him doesn't just mean popping out your abs, but it also means having lean legs and vascularity as well.
Primo and Winstrol information
During the golden age of bodybuilding of the 1970s, guys like Arnold would love Primobolan. He would pop open a 1CC amp and pin it just about every day and it helped them achieve that amazing shredded physique with amazing definition.
Steve says that the smart guys like Arnold understood that Primo came with an Enanthate ester, so they didn't have to dose it every day. They could pin 2 or 3CC's at a time 2x per week and get in the volume.
Geneza Pharma has GP Prima 100 (Primobolan), which comes in 100mg/ml and Steve points out it is much smoother than what Primo has been historically. GP does a great job of taking away as much PIP (post-injection pain) as possible and allowing you to pin more of it at one time.
Mobster says that Primo is really good for avoiding losing muscle while eating in a deficit, which is what makes it good for shredding. It is not a strength or mass-builder like other steroids.
Steve talks about Winstrol, and says that Geneza Pharma has 3 different options to fit what you are looking for.
GP Stan 10 (Winstrol) tabs
GP Stan 50 tabs
GP Stan 50 Injectable
Whether you take it orally, drink it, or inject it then you will get similar results and in all situations, it is going to be liver toxic since it is 17AA structurally. Also, just like Primo, Winstrol is a DHT derivative which means it is incapable of converting to estrogen and causing any sort of water retention/bloat.
Steve says that pro competitors tend to use Winstrol 100mgs a day or sometimes more since it is such a great shredding steroid.
Ideas for shred cycles
Steve says that some will choose to run testosterone as a base or part of their shredding cycles. Some people react well to some testosterone in their cycles, but some will bloat up because testosterone does aromatize into estrogen and cause water retention. Steve says that Geneza Pharma has many test options if you want to add some to the cycle, but he cautions the more testosterone you add the more you must consider using an AI. Luckily, Geneza Pharma also sells AI options including aromasin and arimidex.
When it comes to shredding, Trenbolone might be one of the best for that purpose. Go to any physique or bodybuilding competition, and find out what these guys are using, and almost all will most certainly have used Trenbolone at some point to prep for their contest. GP has Tren blends and also has Tren ace and Tren Enanthate.
Here are Steve's favorite ways to stack Tren with Primo and/or Winstrol.
Tren 250-300mgs/week + Primo 400-500mgs/week.
Tren 250mgs/week + Winstrol 25mgs/day.
Tren + Primo + Winstrol at the dosages above.
Mobster likes using Anavar and Equipoise as part of the stacks.
GP Oxan (Anavar) 50mgs + Primo 300-600mgs/week + Winstrol up to 50mgs/day.
GP Bold 300 (Equipoise) 300-600mgs/week + Winstrol 25mgs a day. 476 Cutting drugs discussed Winstrol and Masteron show prep steroids. #evolutionaryorg #Winstrol #Masteron
— Evolutionary Podcast (@EvolutionaryPo) May 6, 2022
Tips and Tricks
The guys give you some final tips and tricks including:
Time your cycle and plan for your wedding, contest, or vacation.
Watch out for additives and other junk in foods, many of these products are banned in the EU and Australia, but legal in North America and the Middle East.
Fasted cardio is a huge weapon, but be aware that Tren is very difficult to do cardio or fasting on. So adjust your training if you use it.
Forums on our forums? read on:
Seems like Primo is very popular on this forum but it’s not so popular in Read More.........
Looking at trying a new cycle Test, primo and either Deca or npp. Any help would be appreciated Read More.......
I went and bought 3 vials of primo from a buddy of mine, he said it would be a good cycle for someone like me I’m looking for lean muscle mass currently 6’2’’ and 189 pounds. 28 years old Read More........
Someone told me it was dumb to stack both testosterone and winstrol together they said they were pretty much counterproductive together Read More.........
what are ways to run a steroid stack that will be only 4 or 5 weeks and get good results I’m hoping to do test prop, winstrol and masteron prop.. keep them short esters Read More.........
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