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Rich Gaspari is a former professional bodybuilder who came close to winning multiple Mr. Olymipa's, falling short behind the great and dominant Lee Haney in the late '80s. Despite that, he compiled an impressive bodybuilding record in his dozen years of competing. His peak stats were 5'8'' 255 pounds and his nickname was "The Dragon Slayer".
Early life
Born in 1963 in New Jersey, he grew up following superheroes like Superman and The Hulk and wanted to be as strong as them. In that era, muscle magazines were the big thing and he was hooked on them as a teenager and spent his teen years watching Arnold and Lou ferrigno dominate the 70's. He started lifting weights at 14 years old when he weighed 110 pounds and would train 6X per week. His goal was to become like his bodybuilding heroes. At 19 years old he was over 170 pounds and lean and everyone knew he would have a bright future bodybuilding.
Rich dominated his early competitions, winning the 1983 NPC Juniors. He earned his pro card the next year after winning the 84 World IFBB Amateurs.
Pro Competitions
At only 21 years old he won the Mr. Universe, which was the youngest anyone had ever won it. He competed at numerous competitions over the next decade including the Night of Champions, Grand Prix, and Arnold Classics. Winning them or routinely placing in the top 3 in the competitions. His Mr. Olympia finishes were impressive:
- 1985 3rd place behind Lee Haney and Albert Beckles.
- 1986, 1987, 1988 2nd place behind Lee Haney
- 1989 4th place
- 1990 5th place
- 1991 10th place.
- He retired in 1996 early in his life to pursue business. Today he considers himself 'a businessman' and is still active in bodybuilding.
social media and business
Rich has a very large social media following with over 500K fans
His supplement website has every supplement you can imagine from whey to pre-workouts, to post workouts, to testosterone boosters, to meal replacements, etc. Hardcore #156 Rich Gaspari steroid cycle #evolutionaryorg #steroids #steroidcycle
— Evolutionary Podcast (@EvolutionaryPo) September 6, 2021
Rich was known as a 5 day split kind of guy like most pros of that era. He took the weekends off to rest his body then treated bodybuilding as a full-time job during the week. One of the interesting things about his split routine is he works his front and back arms the same workout. Many other weightlifters prefer to work biceps on pulling days and triceps on pushing days. He liked to do them both together. Another interesting thing is he liked to dedicate a full training split to just legs and train them hard.
He enjoyed the pump and doing a lot of training to failure going heavier than others he grew up watching from the golden age. This was a smart strategy, since he gave his muscles which he wiped out, plenty of time to rest in between split days.
Rich ate 6-7 meals per day and when preparing for a contest kept his fats around 60g, his protein 400g, and his carbs at 250g. His calories were not as high as other guys, keeping them in the 3500 calorie range. He believed in having a tight waist and not overeating.
He liked his bodybuilding foods.
Eggs, peanut butter, brown rice, chicken, steak, potatoes, and vegetables. He also took in some fruit, yogurt, and protein powders.
Rich is a perfect example of someone being influenced by fantasy first then as he matured being influenced by reality when growing up. He viewed his heroes through the lens of batman and superman early in his life, and then later idolized real people like Lou and Arnold. He has tremendous genetics and was able to retire early from bodybuilding but still enjoys the grind of the gym today. His business seems to be quite successful and one of the largest supplement stores online.
Steroid Use
Rich used steroids during his career which is a given. Although it is unclear exactly what he used, as he hasn't been too vocal about steroids since he owns a supplement brand. Of course, we can speculate on what his cycle looked like during the '80s as he was trying to beat Lee Haney unsuccessfully.
- 600mgs a week Testosterone Cypionate, dropped to 0 ahead of the competition
- 1200mgs a week Primobolan
- 600mgs a week Deca Durabolin, dropped to 300mgs ahead of the competition
- 50mgs a day Dianabol dropped to 0 ahead of competition
- 50mgs a day Proviron, upped to 150mgs a day ahead of competition
- 10Iu's per day HGH, lowered to 6IU's ahead of competition
- Nolvadex
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DISCLAIMER: The following article is for entertainment purposes, Rich Gaspari has not publicly admitted to using steroids and HGH as far as we are aware. His cycle is not a fact and it's our views on what he used and what steroids he took. This is for information purposes only.