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In his testimony given to the United States Anti-Doping Agency, John Stiner, a sports massage therapist who worked in one of the altitude camps of Alberto Salazar in 2008, has claimed that he found a testosterone gel tube when the coach asked him to clean up his room.
Salazar is alleged to have explained that the testosterone gel was for his own personal use after he suffered a heart attack the previous year. Stiner also claims that he found Galen Rupp’s wallet in the room and a bag of unused hypodermic needles in the bathroom of one of the apartments rented for the camp of Salazar and vials in the fridge.
Stiner recalled Alberto Salazar, the coach of famous athlete Mo Farah, warned him of the items he would find when clearing out the apartment in Park City, Utah. Stiner said Salazar told him there is a package in the refrigerator that he wants him to take and keep it cold. Stiner also said he found two vials in a light blue Cordura zipped bag and one of them was marked 'allergy one' and one was marked 'allergy two'. He also said around 25-50 unused hypodermic needles were found in the bathroom, all of which he was told to return to the home of Alberto Salazar in Portland.
Stiner said Salazar called him to bring a tube of AndroGel under some clothing in his room that he was sharing with Galen and said he Googled up what AndroGel was after packing up with all the things. The massage therapist said he found AndroGel is a testosterone gel and absorbed through the skin and it is contraindicated for anyone with a heart condition. He also said he found other products including stool softeners and vitamins and Alpha Male, a testosterone booster with trivials in it that is a testosterone boosting herb and builds natural testosterone. He went on to say that one bottle was unsealed and one was half empty. Stiner said smaller things such as the vials and the wallet of Rupp had to go to the home of Salazar in Portland while larger items like the altitude tents were expected to be moved to Houston where Alberto Salazar and his athletes were heading for warm weather training after the Olympic trials.
Steve Magness, a former colleague of Salazar’s, has also testified to the United States Anti-Doping Agency that an unmarked vial was found by hum that belonged to Galen Rupp, the training partner of Farah, while on a training camp in France in July 2011. Magness claimed it was testosterone.
In another development, Mo Farah has been accused of missing out on two doping test. The Daily Mail has reported that the first missed test appears to have occurred in early 2010, which was six months before Farah broke the British 5,000m record of David Moorcroft. The second missed test is believed to have occurred once Mo Farah started working with Alberto Salazar and the athlete appealed to the UK Anti-Doping Agency on the basis that he claimed he did not hear his doorbell. The Daily Mail also claimed that Salazar warned Farah on May 5 2011 that they will hang him if he misses out on another test, with the Olympics looming. Farah went on to won gold in the 5,000m and 10,000m at London 2012.