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Sign up to Get FREE Steroids, SARMS, Peptides eBooks

Ever since bodybuilders started putting together steroid cycles, they’ve been trying everything possible to maintain muscle and strength gains in-between cycles.  There have been all sorts of theories aimed at helping maintain gains, including low dose of oral steroids which (supposedly) were inactive after 12 hours; therefore, they are out of the system overnight, which doesn't cause suppression.  Good theory.  Too bad it just doesn’t work!  You are still taking steroids, how can you recover?  As long as there is an exogenous form of androgen, no matter how slight, the body will not reach maximum natural output.

Enter the new world of SARMS (Selective Androgen Receptor Modulators).  A finely tuned, man-designed structure that is a non-selective form of androgens (steroids).  SARMS trigger the testosterone receptors without converting to undesirable compounds such as estrogen or DHT(dihydrotestosterone).

sarms ostarine mk2866

Ostarine (MK 2866) Chemical Structure

Since SARMS don't convert to estrogen ever, their suppression is far less than with steroids, so these newly available SARMS seemed like the perfect “in-between” drug to use.  Certain SARMS can still slightly suppress and the time between cycles still needed to recover the H.P.T.A (hyper pituitary testicular axis).  However, the advantages of keeping all of your muscle gains and strength are obvious to all of us.  More and more steroids users depended on SARMS to maintain gains from cycles without the harsh side effects of anabolic steroid contraindications.  SARMS have  become the go-to anabolic agent to use in between steroid cycles.

Enter BRIDGE, the very first supplement designed exclusively to be used in-between cycles.  It contains ingredients that mimic steroids without side effects, as well as ingredients that help recover and strengthen the H.P.T.A .  As a result, your musculature is better prepared for the next cycle.  Steroid users everywhere see the tremendous potential and love the fact that they no longer needed to experience the severe “crash” of being natural after being enhanced.  Bridge gives users that “on” feeling even while they are natural.

Many guys still prefer SARMS as a bridging method because the allure of continued androgen saturation offered by SARMS is too enticing to pass up.  And you can’t argue with the results, these things were lab designed to grow muscle without side-effects.  Other guys with a keen eye on health who wanted to clean out entirely went with BRIDGE, in order to feel somewhat “natural” in between cycles.  But today, more and more athletes are choosing to go with both.  This way, they get the benefits of both - a marriage of natural restoration from Bridge along with low risk enhancement from SARMS.  It seems the quest for non-stop gains has finally been found.



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Albert Wolfgang is a professional medical writer with over 20 years of experience. He hold multiple personal training certifications, including the coveted NASM and AFAA certificates. He graduated with honors with a B.S. and M.S. in biochemistry with a minor in physical studies. Albert and his team have trained over 100 IFBB professional bodybuilders, including Hollywood stars and many up and coming fitness stars.

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