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Spring Recomp Cycles with Geneza Pharma

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Welcome to another amazing episode of Evolutionary.org Underground. In this episode #34, Steve and Mobster go over Spring Recomp Cycles with Geneza Pharma.  If you have ever wanted to learn strategies to build muscle mass while also cutting down then this is the episode to pay attention to.  The guys go over why Geneza Pharma is such a trusted brand, talk at length about why Tren is so effective for recomping, and they also go through their favorite GP steroids for recomping.

Discussing Recomp

Mobster says that recomping is very hard!  But those who can accomplish this feat will get rewarded with not only losing body fat and gaining muscle, but also the satisfaction of looking at themselves in the mirror and being proud.

Steve says in most situations recomping will not be possible in a natural state without the help of anabolic steroids.  He hates bringing up cliches but says there is some truth to when people mention catabolism while cutting down.  There is a good chance if you cut down too fast you will lose a tremendous amount of strength and muscle mass.  The ones who can cut down while also gaining muscle will have accomplished a true recomp.

The guys say that the older you get, the harder it will be to recomp. Also, your history will make a big difference too.  If you can tap into body and muscle memory, it will be easier to accomplish it.

Regardless, recomping is an amazing goal to set and you can most certainly push hard to get there and have a successful experience if you use anabolic steroids to your advantage.

Why Geneza Pharma?

Geneza Pharma has been around for many years with a long track record and is the trusted brand of pro bodybuilders all over the world for a reason.

Steve says he has had a history of using poor brands and it angers him to invest his hard-earned money into steroids that are not what they claim they are.  He has had experiences using steroids that were underdosed, fake, or not what they claimed.  After he started to use Geneza Pharma he found a brand that he could trust.

Mobster says that he has used GP many times and it is one of his favorite brands as well.  He has used their gear to set personal records and loves that their prices are fair. The guys both agree that GP might not be the cheapest gear, but their prices are very competitive and even a couple working class stiffs such as themselves can afford to run their gear and enjoy the ride.


Tren, Tren, Tren

Steve talks about how Tren works so well.  He says that Tren is one of the few anabolic steroids that was designed so that bodybuilders could get an edge and is a fantastic choice for those looking to recomp.

One of the ways it works, is that it increases your metabolism to the point where you are burning calories like crazy, even if you don't exercise.  This is why many people use Tren, and eat a lousy diet, and still get crazy good results on it.  Steve never recommends eating poorly while on it, but he is making the point of imagining what kind of results you can get if you DID eat good on it and train hard.

Geneza Pharma has several good Tren options and the guys go over their favorites.

GP Tren100 Acetate.  This is good for those who want the Tren in and out of their system faster, but don't mind more injecting.

GP Tren200 Enanthate. This is a good option if you don't like pinning, and don't mind it lingering in your system a few more weeks after you come off.

GP Tri-Tren150.  Steve jokes that this is the option for those who can't decide on the 2 above since it is a combination of Ace, E, and Hex.

GP Andromix. This is a very cool mix of short estered Test, Masteron, and Tren at 50mgs each. If you love some test and masteron in your recomp cycles, and don't mind injecting, then this one you will love.

GP TMX400 100 Mast E, 200mgs Test E, 100mgs Tren E. Steve says this is a good one if you react well to Testosterone and want to have it as part of your cycle mix.

No bulkers?

Mobster says that in this episode they want to discuss steroids that won't bulk you up, as this runs against our objective to recomp. Geneza Pharma has a bunch of nonbulking steroids that will work well in recomp.

GP Tbol 25.  Turinabol is great for those who want something weak that won't affect your appetite or your cardio.

GP Winstrol50.  This one is perhaps the best drying steroid on the planet but be careful with joint discomfort when using it.

GP Stan 50.  This is injectable Winstrol.

GP Anavar 50.  Anavar is a very good steroid for recomp, but a bit expensive.  However, it is great for fat loss and holding muscle, even while in a deficit.


GP Testosterone options include prop, enanthate, and cypionate.  Steve cautions when using Testosterone that you must use an AI with it, if you run a dose higher than 200-300mgs per week, or you can end up with bloat. GP Aromasin and GP Adex are both great AI's to use as they will block estrogen.


GP Mast 100 and GP Mast 200 are great for hardening since Masteron is a straight DHT steroid.  It also increases vascularity and it's a great addition to a stack with steroids like Tren or Test.

GP Primo100. Primobolan was one of Arnold's favorite steroids back in the 70s for a reason. It has low side effects and will help you build quality muscle mass while also burning fat in a deficit.

GP Clen 40mcg.  Steve hates Clenbuterol!  It is not a steroid, rather it is a drug. It should be considered a stimulant that will speed up your heart rate and metabolism.  Some of you will love using it in a cycle, while others will hate it.  Never run more than 120mcg per day and never exceed 2 weeks or it can be dangerous.


Forums on our forums? read on:

tren seems to be good to me. I’ve used it before even with a diet that wasn’t that good and still was able to cut on it this time I want to Read More..........

I’m on the edge of bulking vs. recomp I’m right at 200 pounds and 6 foot 2 inches with 15 percent body fat more muscle mass would be wonderful but Read More.........

I’m looking to do a recomp ahead of my next contest. Currently about nine percent body fat and I’m 180 pounds and five foot ten inches. Looking to cut down to Read More......

I’m in my mid 20’s and have used 3 steroid cycles. Itching to use tren Have some questions about using tren and wanted to hear some Read More.........

Trying to balance out my cycle. I’m on trt So I’m not worried about recovery just want to make sure my cycle is on point. 35 years old second Read More.........



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Lev Butlerov holds a Masters Degree in Biology, he is NASM Certified, ISSA Certified, The National Council on Strength & Fitness (NCSF) certified and is currently working on his American Council on Exercise (ACE) certificate. From Lev: I love bodybuilding and the biology, chemistry of the industry. It's my hobby and my love. I have done multiple bodybuilding shows, 2 in Germany in the past 5 years. I hope everyone enjoys my articles. In 2021 (going into 2022, 2023) I will be working on my PhD thesis in physiotherapy and biochemistry, I hope to have some of the bits published here.

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