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Sustanon Quality – Euro Pharma

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Evolutionary.org Hardcore 2.0 #82 - Sustanon Quality - Euro Pharma. In this episode, Steve and Mobster discuss what makes quality Sustanon, the different types of Sustanon from Euro Pharma, how to run Sustanon properly, and why Euro Pharma is so popular.

What makes quality Sustanon

Right off the bat, Mobster says when he goes to the supermarket and buys his favorite sauce he makes sure it is the correct formula he likes.  It is the same way with Sustanon, the Testosterone esters should be the correct formula so we know what we are taking, otherwise there is no point in buying it.  Because Sustanon is a specific ratio of test esters, it needs to be correctly put together or what you are taking isn't what it claims on the label.  Another thing Mobster likes when it comes to Sustanon is a smooth product that we can inject a large amount of and not deal with days of pain.  Mobster also knows because he trusts Euro Pharmacies (EP) to give him the best results.

Steve makes a couple of points when it comes to what he views as quality Sustanon. For him, the most important thing is when he orders any steroid he wants to know that it is what they claim. Quality Sustanon would be exactly dosed as it should be with the right amount of esters with the right ratios, otherwise, you might as well just buy your testosterones individually and mix them yourself.

His 2nd point is that 15-20 years ago when he used Sustanon the post-injection pain (PIP) was horrifically bad, where it felt like he got hit by a baseball bat with his muscle inflamed, red, and swollen for days. It caused him to adjust his workouts around his injection schedule and this was a pain in the ass no pun intended.  There is zero excuse today to have to experience all that, and that is what makes Euro Pharmacies Sustanon quality. They do a great job of cutting down on the PIP, where even if you are very sensitive, you can still not worry about this issue.

Sustanon (test blend) EP options

Mobster says he respects Euro Pharmacies for not trying to reinvent the wheel and keeping the Sustanon formula old school.  They didn't change the ratios, or adjust the dosages of each ester like other brands, and he says that there is no need to because the real Sustanon works great. Mobster says he is guaranteed to get stronger and bigger on this old-school Sustanon blend and he has a lot of respect for it.

Steve goes over what is in Sustanon and how much dosing each ester has.


Sus 250mg/15ml: Test Propionate 30mgs, Test PhenylPropionate 60mgs, Test Isocapraoate 60mgs, Test Decanoate 100mgs

Test Blend/10ml: Test Prop 30, Test PP 60, Test Iso 60, Test Decan 100

Sus 500/15ml: Test Prop 60, Test PP 120, Test Iso 120, Test Decan 200


Test Blend 250/1ml: Test P 30, Test PP 60, Test Iso 60, Test Decan 100

The guys finish this segment by saying if you haven't tried Sustanon then you should. A guy like Mobster, for example, doesn't get great results from Test Enanthate, but he loves Sustanon. Maybe it is a psychological thing or maybe some people enjoy the different esters hitting their system at different times.  There are still some out there who claim that mixing esters has an advantage, but Steve says a lot of that he believes is more psychological like trying different flavors of ice cream or protein powder.


How to run Sustanon and stack

When it comes to understanding how Sustanon works it's important to know the half-lives of each ester.  Prop has the shortest half-life which is about 3 days while Decanoate is a very long ester which has a 2-week or longer half-life.  In the middle are intermediate esters Phenylpropionate and Isocaproate.  The big problem Steve says, is people will run Sustanon and not allow enough time for the esters to clear before doing PCT or bridging, then they will experience a crash.  So it's important with Sustanon to treat it like a long ester that will need a solid 8 weeks to even clear out after you come off.

Steve says there is way too much misinformation out there on Sustanon, even by people who claim to be gurus or work at anti-aging clinics.  Sustanon is designed for TRT or cruising long-term.  What fools people is the tiny amount of Test prop in the formula, so they make the wrong assumption that you are supposed to inject it EOD or ED, this is very bad information.  The esters pick up after one another so you are supposed to inject a larger amount infrequently.  A popular way to use it would be injecting it once every 2-3 weeks at an amount that fits your goals.  Most TRT clinics will want you to use 250mgs every 2-3 weeks for example.  In a cycle setting you would run a higher amount, with people using 2 or 3CC's every 2 weeks to get a larger amount.

When it comes to stacking, Mobster's favorite bulking and strength cycle of all time is EP Sustanon + EP Deca Durabolin.  His dosing of each would be 500mgs of the Sust and 400mgs of the Deca per week.  Steve says if you can't gain size on that stack then you might as well find a new hobby.

The guys go over several more stacks briefly, but they say Sustanon can be stacked with other Euro Pharmacies products.  If you want to cut you can try Primo, Equipoise, Anavar, or Winstrol.

Why Euro Pharmacies is so popular

The guys finish the show by saying that none of the Sustanon coming from your gym dealer will be quality, it's impossible because they would have to send each batch to get tested to make sure the esters are correct.  So you must buy Sustanon from ONLY a legit brand like Euro Pharmacies.


Where to buy?

Euro Pharmacies can be purchased from Puritysourcelabs.ru.

Puritysourcelabs.ru is an approved source that has been around for 15 years providing customers with outstanding oral steroids, injectable steroids, ancillaries, PCT products, and more.  When you purchase from them you know you are getting authentic Euro Pharma brand and not fakes.

They provide lightning-quick domestic shipping to American customers, with no need to worry about customs and no need to stress about how long it takes.  They ship typically within a few days and you get your package lightning fast.  They also offer international shipping as well to many other countries.

They have reps on the forums to further assist with setting up cycles and answer questions you may have.  If there is ever an issue they are on call to help with your order and make sure you are taken care of.


Forums on our forums? read on:

26 years old and this is my first cycle five foot 8 180 pounds I’m looking to run a sustanon blend Read More......

Would like to harden up while also doing a lean bulk. Looking to run sustanon and winstrol. Sust will be 250mgs a week and winstrol 50mgs a day. 12 weeks is what I Read More........

Looking for mass and size the 2 steroids I want to run are sustanon and superdrol. Ordering them today Read More...........

currently 33 and 208 pounds and five foot ten. Main goal is to continue to bulk of I would like to be bigger and have more muscle mass. What would your opinion be of using Read More........

I’m currently on a big cycle of sustanon, anavar and tbol. Libido has been steadily dropping during cycle as I have been getting bigger in mass. Doing 1000mgs a week sustanon, 50mgs a Read More........



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Lev Butlerov holds a Masters Degree in Biology, he is NASM Certified, ISSA Certified, The National Council on Strength & Fitness (NCSF) certified and is currently working on his American Council on Exercise (ACE) certificate. From Lev: I love bodybuilding and the biology, chemistry of the industry. It's my hobby and my love. I have done multiple bodybuilding shows, 2 in Germany in the past 5 years. I hope everyone enjoys my articles. In 2021 (going into 2022, 2023) I will be working on my PhD thesis in physiotherapy and biochemistry, I hope to have some of the bits published here.

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