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Welcome to Hardcore 2.0. In this episode #69, Tbol and Winstrol 2024 with Para Pharma. First, they share their knowledge on both of these steroids Tbol and Winstrol with the latest information. They then go over the positives of each option and the stacks they like. They finish the podcast by talking about why Para Pharma is such a great brand and why they trust them.
Tbol facts and history
Steve starts the show by saying that Tbol was introduced by the pharmaceutical company Jenapharm in East Germany in the 1960's. Unlike just about every other anabolic steroid, he says it was developed for the sole purpose of helping their athletes win. He says it worked well and their athletes over-performed for years leading up to the 80's. Mobster says that both females and males were able to use it, and what made it good was that they didn't have to inject anything into their body, or have needles on hand. It was simply a pill they could take and carry around.
Mobster says the 'tbol' doping program was named STASI14.25, and it was kept under wraps for as long as possible so the competition didn't figure it out.
Steve says he loves Tbol only cycles in situations where he is active and wants to take something that won't interfere with his athletic or sporting goals. However, it isn't going to do a lot if you want to truly bodybuild or powerlift unless you stack it. When stacked, he says, it is a very effective and underrated steroid. 433 Stacking Turinabol with Dianabol and Testosterone with Anavar. #evolutionaryorg #Testosterone #Anavar
— Evolutionary Podcast (@EvolutionaryPo) November 5, 2021
Winstrol facts and history
Steve starts this segment by saying that Winstrol is considered one of the top 3 oral steroids of all time in terms of both popularity and sales. The name is derived from the company Winthrop Labs and it was developed in the late 50's. A lot of bodybuilders call it "Winny" and the scientific name is Stanozolol.
Probably the #1 reason for its popularity is due to the athletes who have been busted for it. The guys discuss the most famous incident which was Canadian Ben Johnson in the 1980's who was supposedly busted for it. Johnson was an Olympic sprinter and it is presumed one of the steroids he doped with was Winstrol, although Steve says this is up for debate. Nevertheless, many ignorant people have concluded that Winstrol will make you run faster which is silly.
Mobster says he isn't a huge fan of Winstrol but it's because his goals are more bulking and powerlifting. However, if in the future he decides to change to bodybuilding and do high repetitions, he would love to use it.
How to use Tbol and Winstrol in a cycle
Steve says Para Pharma has Winstrol 10mg and Winstrol 50mg oral version, and a 50mg liquid version. The liquid can be drunk or injected, but most people will simply choose to drink it.
A dosage of Winstrol solo is anywhere from 20-50mgs a day with some advanced users going up to 100mgs. Professional bodybuilders and those looking for a certain dry look ahead of a vacation or photos will typically use it the last 4-6 weeks of a cycle as a finisher.
Mobster says you can use Winstrol with many other steroids including Para Pharma Trenbolone, Para Pharma Testosterone, and Para Pharma Equipoise. Steve warns that if you stack Winstrol with another DHT steroid you run the risk of major DHT side effects, although some users will do it anyway to get a ridiculous drying and hardening effect.
Para Pharma also has Turinabol 20 which come in packets and are very high quality. Dosage can range from 20-40mgs on average, but Steve says some go higher.
Like with Winstrol, a good stack with Tbol is with Para Pharma Testosterone, Para Pharma Tren, and Para Pharma Equipoise.
You can also stack Tbol with Dbol at 20mgs each if you want a creative oral-only cycle.
Side effects and how to mitigate them
Dry joints- Mobster hates this side effect but says you can help the issue with good fats in your diet and also adjusting your training routine.
Hair loss- DHT steroids are notorious for frying head hair follicles, causing hair to fall out. Steve says he isn't even prone to this issue, but even for him on Winstrol, it happened. He says that stacking steroids will make the issue worse.
Prostate issues- Prostate issues can show up with urination issues. It is important to check your prostate 2x per year with your doctor's checkups.
Lipid strain- Unfortunately, when we use steroids this is part of the game. It is important you run sensible dosages and don't stay on either oral steroid for more than 8 weeks. Also, make sure your lipids are in good standing before you use steroids and run support supplements.
Liver toxicity- This can be seen via bloodwork and is something to watch out for with any anabolic steroid. Steve says the best tip is don't use steroids if you are already on every drug under the sun or you drink alcohol. Also, make sure you use your liver support supplements.
Why Para Pharma
Mobster has been using Para Pharma for 2-3 years now and he has been very impressed with the quality of their products. He says that members have sent their gear off to be tested randomly, without the company knowing, and they have repeatedly come back with 98-99% purity. This makes it pharma quality products at an affordable price.
Steve says one of the best indicators that a brand is excellent is the re-sellers who have to keep their reputations solid. They will always thoroughly vet a brand before they even list it to be sold on their website. Hardcore 19 - Clenbuterol and Winstrol PreContest Stacked #evolutionaryorg #Clenbuterol #Winstrol
— Evolutionary Podcast (@EvolutionaryPo) November 4, 2022
Where to buy?
Para Pharma can be purchased from
Para Pharma is an approved source that has been around for 15 years providing customers with outstanding oral steroids, injectable steroids, ancillaries, PCT products, and more. When you purchase from them you know you are getting authentic Para Pharma brand and not fakes.
Para Pharma provides lightning-quick domestic shipping to American customers, no need to worry about customs and no need to stress about how long it takes. They ship typically within a few days and you get your package lightning fast. They also offer international shipping as well to many other countries.
They have reps on the forums to further assist with setting up cycles and answer questions you may have. If there is ever an issue they are on call to help with your order and make sure you are taken care of.
Forums on our forums? read on:
Not hearing much about tbol at all from you people on here. None of the logs have anyone using it, everyone is all over other steroids when it comes to orals. I think tbol is a hidden Read More.........
Looking to do something a bit different this time. Hoping I can add in some tbol along with 400 milligrams of equipoise Read More.........
I’m interested in doing tbol after listening to one of your podcasts on it sounds like a good steroid to try
I’m gonna shoot for 25mgs a day on Read More.........looking to keep things pretty simple on this next cycle. Let me know what you think about it My plan is anavar, winstrol with testosterone Read More.........
let me tell you about me and you can tell me if you think Winstrol be a good idea my stats are six foot two inches and I’m 190 pounds I have long lanky Limbs and I’ve had joint issues Read More.......
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