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testosterone cypionate 200mgsThe building block of all steroids, testosterone is a naturally-produced hormone in the body. It is secreted by the testes and is responsible for the balanced growth and maintenance of primary and secondary sexual characteristics in males - deepening of the voice, broadness of shoulders and narrowing of the pelvis, rapid hair growth (especially on the face, legs and pubis), and the production of semen for sexual reproduction.

Most anabolic androgenic steroids are derived from this hormone and they are then used for improving performance and inducing significant muscle and strength gains.

Use of this hormone is associated with dramatic and nearly-permanent gains in terms of muscle function, muscle mass and size, strength, aggression, endurance, and ability to handle intense workouts. This hormone is required by the body for bone density, muscle strength and mass, sex drive, fat distribution, red blood cell production, and sperm production. Testosterone is also essential for preventing osteoporosis as well as health and well-being. Furthermore, this hormone is also useful for the stimulation of linear growth and bone maturation. It is also beneficial to regulate cognitive and physical energy and maintenance of muscle trophism. Moreover, testosterone also has the ability to reduce cardiovascular disease risk by improving parameters of good health like decreased visceral fat mass, decreased total cholesterol, and glycemic control. Click Here to Listen to our Podcast episode discussing testosterone.


Derivatives Of Testosterone

Testosterone Cypionate

watson testosterone cypionateThis derivative of testosterone is a great hit with American athletes as it provides more of a "kick" than other testosterone derivatives like testosterone enanthate. In addition to this, the cypionate version of testosterone is believed to produce a marginally higher level of fluid retention but not much to be discerned. This long-lasting oil-based injectable has the potential of keeping the levels of testosterone sufficiently elevated for as many as two weeks.

It is classified as the oil-soluble 17β-cyclopentylpropionate ester of the androgenic hormone (testosterone). Its chemical name is androst-4-en-3-one, 17-(3-cyclopentyl-1-oxopropoxy)-, (17β)- and the molecular weight is 412.61 and its molecular formula is C27H40O3. Use of this anabolic androgenic steroid can be easily associated with significant gains in the levels of body strength and muscle mass during a bulking cycle.

The recommended dose of testosterone cypionate for men is 200-800mg per week and this steroid is usually injected on a weekly basis.


The use of testosterone cypionate can lead to the suppression of endogenous testosterone production and therefore it is best to include a testosterone-stimulating drug such as HCG, Clomid, or Nolvadex at the end or just before the end of an anabolic steroid cycle. These drugs also have the ability to help users avoid a strong "crash" because of the hormonal imbalances that may nullify or reduce much of the new muscle mass and body strength. Abuse of testosterone cypionate can lead to side effects such as acne, change in sex drive, irritation, gum pain, hair loss, and headache.

Testosterone Enanthate

testosterone enanthate aburaihan

Testosterone enanthate is one of the most popular drugs to treat hypogonadism in men and other health complications related to androgen deficiency. This anabolic androgenic steroid is an oil-based injectable steroid that is designed to release testosterone (the primary male sex hormone) slowly from the injection sites. When administered, this derivative of testosterone will increase the serum concentrations of testosterone for about two to three weeks.

The recommended dose of testosterone enanthate for men is 250-750mg per week. This steroid is best stacked with Anadrol or Dianabol and some users prefer stacking it with Deca Durabolin or Equipoise. It is best to include a post cycle therapy drug like Clomid or HCG at the end or after the end of a cycle involving testosterone enanthate as one of the anabolic agents. This is not only helpful to restore the production of naturally-occurring testosterone, but it may also be useful to enhance the bioavailability of other steroids and performance enhancing drugs used in the cycle.

Testosterone enanthate abuse can lead to health complications like painful penile erections, vomiting, nausea, increased serum cholesterol, irregular menstrual cycles, and virilizing effects.

Testosterone Propionate

testosterone propionateTestosterone propionate, an oil-based injectable testosterone compound, is a popular anabolic androgenic steroid among athletes compared to other testosterone derivatives. This is because this steroid is comparatively much faster acting than other testosterone esters. This powerful mass drug is required to be administered frequently and can easily result in dramatic and rapid gains in terms of muscle size and strength.

Considered by many as the mildest testosterone ester, this steroid is commonly used for dieting or cutting phases of training though it is also popular as a bulking drug. The most common dosage schedule for this anabolic steroid is to inject 50-100mg every second or third day and the weekly dosage of the steroid is usually kept in the range of 200-400mg. It is generally stacked with Winstrol, Primobolan, and Oxandrolone. Some users add a non-aromatizing androgen such as Halotestin or Trenbolone to experience dramatic and extreme effects on subcutaneous body fat and muscle hardness.

Testosterone Suspension

testosterone suspensionRanked by many as the most potent mass agent, testosterone suspension produces an incredibly rapid gain of body strength and muscle mass. This fast-acting and water-based steroid enters the bloodstream almost immediately after being administered and peak testosterone levels can be achieved very quickly with this steroid.

Testosterone suspension is one of the best drugs for promoting IGF-1 (insulin like growth factor-1) and red blood cells. This derivative of testosterone is also used by athletes as it promotes nitrogen storage and protein synthesis besides offering protection to muscle tissue against catabolic (muscle wasting) glucocorticoid testosterone. In addition to these advantages, this anabolic androgenic steroid can also improve immunity, growth and development of male sexual organs, energy, endurance, and the maintenance of secondary sexual characteristics.



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Albert Wolfgang is a professional medical writer with over 20 years of experience. He hold multiple personal training certifications, including the coveted NASM and AFAA certificates. He graduated with honors with a B.S. and M.S. in biochemistry with a minor in physical studies. Albert and his team have trained over 100 IFBB professional bodybuilders, including Hollywood stars and many up and coming fitness stars.

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