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Thomas Delauer Steroid Cycle

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There are a lot of social media fitness guru's out there, most of which just parrot the same nonsense or spread gossip, but help nobody. Thomas Delauer is not like all the others, he doesn't gossip, doesn't talk trash, and spreads an amazing amount of knowledge backed by personal experience and science. And the best part of it all is that he actually looks like he lifts, which can't be said about most in the social media fitness bubble.

Thomas is 5'10" and weighs around 190 pounds and 6% body fat shredded.

Thomas Delauer steroids

Early life

Thomas grew up in a family that did promote a healthy lifestyle. While studying in Europe as a teenager he started to get obsessed with nutrition and fitness. This was when he fell in love with working out and started seeing great results. He parlayed this into rugby and endurance sports, doing very well in both after returning to the U.S.A.


Thomas got away from fitness in his 20's like many of us who get wrapped around in a career. He ended up getting out of shape and wasn't happy about his overweight body. He decided it was time to get serious again about fitness, which led to him documenting his 100-pound weight loss. He used his experiences and knowledge to become a fitness model and author, inspiring many which helped grow his social media popularity.

Thomas Delauer body


Thomas believes that cardio is important and is one of the reasons he is able to stay so lean. His favorite cardio is long walks with his dogs in nature, and in the gym using the stairclimber a minimum of 45 minutes per day.

His weight training has evolved thanks to his home gym he shows off on his social media. He believes in changing things up to keep the body guessing with individual workouts, but keeps certain consistencies at the same time when it comes to muscles he is working out.

Thomas Delauer training

Thomas focuses on 1 major muscle group per day, working each once a week with 1-2 rest days. An example of this would be Monday doing chest, Tuesday doing back, Wednesday doing legs, etc.


Thomas is an absolute whiz when it comes to nutrition. He practices intermittent fasting, prolonged fasting, and ketogenic dieting to stay lean year round. He avoids inflammatory foods such as sugars, bread, dairy, and wheat. His protein intake is much lower than what other guru's say, and he has shown studies that a weightlifter only needs 0.6grams of protein per pound (lbs) of body weight, and an endurance athlete needs 0.5g. This means a 200 pound weightlifter only needs 120g of protein a day, while an endurance athlete needs 100g of protein a day.

His nutrition beliefs have come under fire from others in social media because they aren't the typical nutrition parroting we hear so much about. In fact, Thomas does not use protein powder and uses real food for his nutritional needs.

Social media

Thomas Delauer has grown his social media to tremendous levels. His youtube channel has 314K subscribers, and growing rapidly. His top 3 videos are a wealth of information.  In this video, he talks about the difference between ketogenic diets and low carbohydrate diets - he explains it very well:

In this video, he discusses strategies to reduce facial and stomach bloat, also which foods cause them and which help:

This video talks about the top mistakes people make when they intermittent fast and is a must watch. All these videos have gotten close to 1million views, which is incredible.

Another excellent video talks about intermittent fasting vs. prolonged fasting which are strategies he implements:

His Instagram has 63K followers. He has pictures of his family, dogs, body shots, and food. He also does recipes for healthy meals/drinks:  https://www.instagram.com/p/BUs2LQPg7tr/?hl=en&taken-by=thomasdelauer In this one, he puts together a simple detox drink with only 5 ingredients.

His facebook has a whopping 500K followers: https://www.facebook.com/thomas.delauer/ It is similar to his Instagram page and is full of comments.

Steroid cycle

Thomas has never talked about steroid use. It is obvious he has his diet and training on point to a tee, so the steroids are merely the icing on his cake. We can speculate on a steroid cycle like this for when he is prepping for a modeling shoot.

Thomas Delauer Steroid Cycle *:


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Thomas Delauer




*DISCLAIMER: The cycle above is our opinion on what Thomas Delauer could have used, this is for information and entertainment purposes only. There is no proof Thomas Delauer used steroids or any drugs. All information expressed is per 1st amendment rights.

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Roy Simpson has over 15 years of MMA experience and athletic experience. He is a personal trainer with over 200 clients. Certified by NCCA accreditation, with NASM ACE and ISSA certificates under his belt. He loves fighting sports and holds a black belt in jiujitsu and karate.

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