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Welcome Hardcore 2.0 #134-Top steroid 'Bro science' myths by Euro Pharma. In this episode, Steve and Mobster discuss bro science 101 history/facts, and then they go over several of the biggest bro science myths that people think are true.
Bro science 101
Steve starts by saying that growing up there was no internet. So back in those days, you had to rely on the most muscular dude to guide you on what was true or not. He makes the point that just because someone is genetically gifted physically, doesn't mean they are gifted mentally actually to know what is actual science. Bro science is theories by meatheads that just aren't true, but in those days you couldn't disprove a theory, so many of these things stuck.
Mobster says that growing up, the only access he had to information was from old books and libraries. He tells the story of Dr. Zeigler, who had to go out drinking with Russian scientists to find things out in those days. Now, you have access to quicker information.
He also makes the point that men don't like to admit when they don't know something. So what happens is a lot of times they will make something up to appear smart when they simply don't know what they are talking about.
Mobster also says that the problem with magazines is the guys who write for them aren't well-educated experts or even guys who train, they are just writers who are clever marketers. So they would try and purposefully say outrageous things to get noticed. Today the same thing goes on but with social media where guys will try and get the most clicks and noticed to drive their views.
You need a test base.
Steve explains why this is bro science. He says when you use exogenous anabolic steroids they are all based on male hormones in the first place. So you do not need to always have a test as a base. Guys in the 70s, some who were champions like Arnold or Frank Zane, never used Testosterone as they couldn't fight estrogen problems, and they did just fine.
He says the argument he hears is "you will get shut down without Testosterone", and this is false logic because with or without Testosterone you will get shut down. Some people will react well to adding Testosterone, and some won't, and just because you happen to react well doesn't mean everyone else will.
You need 500mgs of Test
Mobster takes this one on and says this bro-science has been around from the start on forums, and everyone says you need 500mgs of test as your first cycle. He says he doesn't ever run more than 300mgs a week of Testosterone no matter what, and prefers to use other injectable steroids like Deca for example, or oral steroids instead.
It just isn't true, just because 1 person does well on 500mgs of testosterone, doesn't mean everyone will have the same experience. He also says Euro Pharmacies Testosterone is so well dosed that you can get away with half the amount and have the same effect as other brands. 533 - 5 Bro science steroid myths part 3 #evolutionaryorg #steroids #myths
— Evolutionary Podcast (@EvolutionaryPo) April 3, 2023
More steroids are better
Mobster says the most gear he ever runs is up to 1100mgs a week, that is it. He doesn't need it because if he keeps increasing the dose it won't bring him better results but will bring him more side effects.
Steve believes this comes from steroid sources and people who make commissions pushing more and more gear. It also comes from people using clickbait videos to push what they think professionals use. Yes, they use a lot of gear, but they are pros! 99.9% of you are NOT pros so using more is not going to be better, instead, it will be counterproductive.
Stick to a cycle plan and don't change it
Steve says when he first started using steroids, he mapped everything out, and marked on his calendar when he would do injections etc. During the cycle, he noticed the amount of gear he was using was not what he mapped out, so realized that strategy made no sense.
Most threads on the forum are people who get themselves into trouble, because they plan out a cycle and something goes wrong, and they do not adjust things because they think they can't.
It is good to go into a cycle with a plan and blueprint but don't be scared to change things up.
This or that steroid can only be a cutter or bulker
Mobster said it is true that certain steroids are better or worse at certain things, but it isn't true that you can't use a certain steroid for cutting that someone else would use for bulking.
Steve says Trenbolone is a perfect example. Some people seem to think you can't bulk on it, which is completely false. It is one of the best bulkers out there if you go carb-heavy on it and lift big in the gym.
Pyramiding steroids are good
Mobster names some steroid gurus who have advocated pyramiding steroids up and down, and their logic was you gained more that way and when you came off you recovered faster.
Steve says that these steroids have esters attached, so they will pyramid up and down on their own. The bro science behind this is people who don't grasp what esters do because they think that steroids are like other drugs and they aren't.
Why we recommend Euro Pharma
Euro Pharma has been in the business for 25 years providing great gear and service to people who are serious about getting the best gains possible.
They are a 1 stop shop and have everything you need. 532 - 5 Bro science steroid myths part 2 #evolutionaryorg #broscience #bodybuilding
— Evolutionary Podcast (@EvolutionaryPo) March 23, 2023
Where to buy?
Euro Pharma can be purchased from is an approved source that has been around for 15 years providing customers with outstanding oral steroids, injectable steroids, ancillaries, PCT products, and more. When you purchase from them you know you are getting authentic Euro Pharma brand and not fakes.
They provide lightning-quick domestic shipping to American customers, with no need to worry about customs and no need to stress about how long it takes. They ship typically within a few days and you get your package lightning fast. They also offer international shipping as well to many other countries.
They have reps on the forums to further assist with setting up cycles and answer questions you may have. If there is ever an issue they are on call to help with your order and make sure you are taken care of.
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