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Tougher Doping Penalties Approved By NSAC

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The Nevada State Athletic Commission has unanimously approved many amendments to its anti-doping practices on Friday. This includes a guideline that calls for a suspension of three years for first-time abusers of anabolic androgenic steroids.

Tougher Doping Penalties Approved By NSAC

The NSAC hopes that all amendments will go into effect by September 1, 2015 as the Nevada State Athletic Commission requires a specific amount of time to formally amend its regulations. The NSAC also set higher fines that include 100 percent of a fighter's purse in extreme cases. Previously, first-time offenders were suspended for nine months to one year and fined 30 percent. In addition to this, failed test conducted on the fight's night will now result in a loss on the record of the athletes. Before the amendment changes, athletes who failed a test after winning a fight saw that result changed to a no-contest.

NSAC chairman Francisco Aguilar said this was a team effort by all the commissioners to enforce what we believe to be what's best for the athlete. Aguilar added we are ensuring fighters can come to Nevada and have a fair chance. Commissioner Anthony Marnell, acknowledging the significant change in penalties, remarked Nevada is basically telling its athletes that it has a zero-tolerance policy.

  1. Under the new amendments, a fighter would be subject to a three-year suspension for the use of anabolic steroids and will face a fine equal to 50-75 percent of his or her purse on the first offense. A second doping offense would result in a suspension of four years and a fine of 75-100 percent of purse. A third offense will lead to lifetime suspension and fine of 100 percent of purse. Athletes who fail a test for stimulants would receive a suspension of two years and a fine of 35-45 percent of the purse. Second-time stimulation offense would result in a suspension of three years and a fine of 50-60 percent of purse while a third offense would mean lifetime ban and a fine of 100 percent of purse.
  2. Athletes caught using diuretics in cutting weight will receive a doping suspension of two years and a fine of 30-40 percent of purse for first doping offense. Second offense would result in a fine of 50-60 percent of purse and suspension of three years while a third offense would mean lifetime ban and a fine of 100 percent of purse. The NSAC amendment means that use of diuretics will now be prohibited at all times.
  3. Athletes who are caught using sedatives, muscle relaxants, opiates, cannabis, anxiolytics, or sleep aids would face a suspension of 18 months and a fine of 30-40 percent of purse for first offense. Second offense would mean a suspension of two years and a fine of 40-50 percent of purse while the third offense would result in a fine of 60-75 percent of purse and suspension of three years. Fourth offense would result in lifetime ban and a fine of 100 percent of purse. Under the amended NSAC guidelines, these substances (sedatives, muscle relaxants, sleep aids, anxiolytics, opiates, and cannabis) are prohibited in competition only that means that the fight cannot test positive for them 12 hours before or after a fight.

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Albert Wolfgang is a professional medical writer with over 20 years of experience. He hold multiple personal training certifications, including the coveted NASM and AFAA certificates. He graduated with honors with a B.S. and M.S. in biochemistry with a minor in physical studies. Albert and his team have trained over 100 IFBB professional bodybuilders, including Hollywood stars and many up and coming fitness stars.

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