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WADA VP Wants More Contributions From Governments

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Linda Helleland, Vice-president of the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA), has urged European governments to step up their role in the fight against drugs in sport, including contributing more financially.

Helleland, the main Government representative on WADA, urged that governments should provide more and active support in the anti-doping fight when addressing the group.

Helleland remarked there are currently many important discussions now regarding the future for the anti-doping. The Vice-president of WADA also said we, the Governments, from media coverage have learned of many different initiatives from organizations in the Olympic Movement, including the IOC (International Olympic Committee). Helleland also said she addressed this in an address to Ad Hoc European Committee for the World Anti-Doping Agency.

The WADA VP also commented that it is not a time for the Governments to be less involved and coordinated in a collective effort in the global fight against doping in sports. Helleland also remarked that this is the time for Governments to step up our involvement, and focus our energy and resources to strengthen our collective effort for clean sports alongside the Olympic Movement and the rest of the sport movement.

The Norwegian Sports Minister made the call when she was delivering the opening address to the Ad Hoc European Committee for the World Anti-Doping Agency (CAHAMA) in Copenhagen.

CAHAMA is the body for senior officials from European states that prepare their position on political issues to be decided by the World Anti-Doping Agency. One of its roles includes drawing up opinions for the Committee of Ministers of the Council of Europe regarding anti-doping issues, including budgets.

The World Anti-Doping Agency is funded 50-50 by Governments and the International Olympic Committee. Both sides are presently under intense pressure to increase their respective contributions.

Last November, a framework towards boosting relations with the World Anti-Doping Agency for improving drugs testing practices was agreed at a meeting of European Sports Ministers in Budapest. Both IOC and WADA have promised for increased cooperation with each other following a meeting in Lausanne between IOC President Thomas Bach, WADA counterpart Sir Craig Reedie and Richard McLaren. In a joint statement, it was said that the three had held a "very constructive" and "fruitful" meeting at headquarters of the IOC, concerning the McLaren Report. The statement also reads that our common goal is to do everything possible to protect the clean athletes so that such a systematic manipulation of the anti-doping system can never happen again.

Bach, Reedie, and McLaren discussed the strategy regarding the follow up and response to the second part of the report by McLaren. The IOC said in a statement following the meeting that only full cooperation would allow them to properly follow up on Professor McLaren’s Report and its findings.

In his report, Canadian lawyer McLaren alleged more than 1,000 Russian athletes were involved in a scheme where doping samples were tampered with. It was also claimed that events including the 2014 Winter Olympic and Paralympic Games in Sochi were manipulated by Russians.

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Albert Wolfgang is a professional medical writer with over 20 years of experience. He hold multiple personal training certifications, including the coveted NASM and AFAA certificates. He graduated with honors with a B.S. and M.S. in biochemistry with a minor in physical studies. Albert and his team have trained over 100 IFBB professional bodybuilders, including Hollywood stars and many up and coming fitness stars.

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