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Welcome Hardcore 2.0 #137- Worst steroid cycle experiences by Para Pharma. In this episode, Steve and Mobster discuss their bad cycles, side effects that can make a cycle bad, the most common side effects people complain about, how to avoid side effects, and Para Pharma. quality products.
Steve and Mobster talk about their bad cycles.
Steve starts this one off by talking about his horrible superdrol experience. He said the steroid was amazing and led to him having amazing strength gains in a short time but he felt like death while using it. He says he likes to feel energetic and good all day while also getting crisp sleep, which is important. Superdrol is one of those steroids he wouldn't use again, but it's good to try it out once or twice to experience it.
Mobster says he had a horrible experience with back and shin pumps when he used Anavar for the first time. Pumps can be a good thing, but when they get too bad, they can become counterproductive. In his case, he had to stop several times and massage his shins because of the pumps.
Steve jumps in and talks about another bad experience he had with Trenbolone. He was deep into a Tren cycle and did a deep sea fishing trip and as soon as the boat got offshore he started to get seasick as the ocean was rough. He spent 7 out of 8 hours of the trip on the toilet or throwing up in a bucket, it got so bad that his urine turned brown.
Mobster used a Tren blend that contained Test Prop and Masteron as well. Even though it was a low dose he felt toxic on it and it affected his sleep and blood pressure. He also had some issues with appetite, sweats, and cardio.
Another bad experience Steve had was using dbol and testosterone together without an AI. He was new to steroid use and got bad advice and learned his lesson. His face became super bloated and his energy dove from holding so much water. He says he also took a big chance of ending up with serious estrogenic issues like gyno.
Mobster finishes by talking about gaining 20 pounds of weight quickly and his bad experiences. Although he had a good time gaining strength, he struggled with how much it destroyed his cardio. Hardcore 30 - Why you should wait to start steroids? and Why not wait? #evolutionaryorg #steroids #bodybuilder
— Evolutionary Podcast (@EvolutionaryPo) February 14, 2023
The most common side effects people complain about
Mobster says your side effects and how steroids will affect you with side effects will change as you get older. For example, you could have run 1000mgs a week of Testosterone without an AI and was fine, but later on in life you do 500mgs and end up with major issues.
Another important tip is never to go into a cycle without all your necessary ancillaries from Para Pharma, as they carry everything you need.
Steve touches on joint issues first. He explains what happens when a steroid like Winstrol drains the fluid out of the muscles and joints. If you are not careful, you can cause injuries and long-term issues so you need to be aware of that.
He then talks about hair loss. When you use a testosterone derivative or a DHT derivative you are going to be prone to that DHT frying your head hair follicles. This is why those bodybuilding fake natty gurus you see online are all bald by the time they are 30 years old.
Steve gets into numerous issues with organs including the liver, kidney, heart, skin, and brain. He touches on both and explains how steroids can affect them and cause permanent issues.
Females are most certainly at risk for side effects as well. They can experience things like masculine voice, enlarged clitoris, body/facial hair, and the same organ strain that men have.
How to avoid side effects
There are things you can do to help with side effects and luckily Para Pharma has you covered.
It is smart to use Aromasin or Arimidex on the cycle to help control estrogen. You should also consider having Letrozole on hand in case of emergency as it is a very strong AI. You also need your PCT products as well.
Support supplements are crucial, you should be using your liver supplements, TUDCA, fish/omega oil, and things like CoenzymeQ10, etc.
You also should use quality steroids and ancillaries so that you know what you are taking is dosed correctly and is legit. This is why using Para Pharma is so smart.
In the end, keeping your cycles moderate and short is also an excellent way to avoid side effects. Also, not doing more than 1 or 2 cycles a year is important. You should also listen to your body and not ignore red flags where something is wrong. Getting bloodwork done, having regular doctor checkups, and understanding what you should look for. If you decide to abuse steroids then you should expect a domino effect of problems over time.
Evolutionary Episode 492 Steroids affect your fertility and what you should do about it. #evolutionaryorg #Steroids #fertility
— Evolutionary Podcast (@EvolutionaryPo) July 21, 2022
Para Pharma quality products
Para Pharma is the real deal when it comes to having all the products you need both on and off cycle. When you order from them not only do you enjoy amazing service, shipping, and easy ordering. But you also enjoy quality products.
Where to buy?
Para Pharma can be purchased from is an approved source that has been around for 15 years providing customers with outstanding oral steroids, injectable steroids, ancillaries, PCT products, and more. When you purchase from them you know you are getting authentic Para Pharma brand and not fakes.
They provide lightning-quick domestic shipping to American customers, with no need to worry about customs and no need to stress about how long it takes. They ship typically within a few days and you get your package lightning fast. They also offer international shipping as well to many other countries.
They have reps on the forums to further assist with setting up cycles and answer questions you may have. If there is ever an issue they are on call to help with your order and make sure you are taken care of.
Forums on our forums? read on:
last couple steroid cycles I have ran haven’t gone well. Not because I haven’t gotten stronger and more big but because I have gotten very fluffy and bloated. I’ve run Read More.........
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I’m 36 years old. 5’10’’ 174 pounds and 15% body fat. Looking to improve my physique overall I’m looking to approach steroid use Read More..........
I’ve seen friends of mine and I’ve seen transformation pictures online from people or pro bodybuilders who have used steroids for a couple years or longer.. seems like they age very Read More........
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