Can you all give me some advice on using tren and bulking?
I’m 175 pounds and 5’6’’.. I’m around 10% body fat. Want to keep my body fat down but I don’t want to gain more mass at the same time if that makes sense and I’m 38 years old
I’ve read that it can be hard to bulk on this compound but...
I’m 33 years old and I’m 245 lbs and I’m about 18% body fat. I’m a bit overweight but not much I’m gonna try to cut down as much as I can but I’ve never really been a skinny guy my whole life
a friend recommended I use Primo and he said it would be safe to use for someone in my situation. My...
I’m looking to use a supplement that will help me lose body weight Mass and get leaner
I’m currently around 20% body fat
5 years ago I was much leaner probably around 10 or 12% but I’ve kind of let myself go and I’ve been eating a lot
looking for a supplement that can help me stay discipline
I’m interested in trying a lean bulker
right now I’m around 200 lbs and I’m 5’9”
my body fat is somewhere between 15 and 16%
I would like to keep my body fat where it’s at or get leaner while also gaining muscle mass
when it comes to using equipoise and testosterone what would be the best ratio...
what are going to be the best fat burner options that I can mess with
already tried things like ozempic and they tore up my stomach really bad. Made me feel nauseous and sick all the time
what are some supplements that won’t make me feel like crap that I can take to help me burn fat
CJC-1295 has been a peptide that has grown in popularity according to the data I have read. One of the best ways to run it is 250mcg twice per day. 45 years old, I’ve been taking it an hour before I go to sleep and I’ve been taking it earlier in the day with breakfast
my main goals are to build...
6’2” 195 lbs and around 14% body fat and I’m 38
I know that Primo was a big steroid back in the seventies during the Golden Age and I would like to try it this time for its low side effects and it’s lean muscle mass abilities
however I’m conflicted on if Primo is worth it because looking up a...
I’m a pretty big dude. 5’6’’ and 220 pounds. Body fat is probably around 20-25% area.
I’m not fat but I do carry some size around my waist
what is your opinion about using 200 mcg AM and PM 1 hour before my meals of ipamorelin to help me with my physique and also help my energy so I can exercise...
need some help for my first cycle I’m around 18% body fat and I’m 216 lbs and I’m 5’8”
25 years old and I would like to run my first cycle with testosterone
do you think that 500 mg a week for 12 weeks and then adding some Aroma to it would be a good cycle for me? Should I add something to...
I’m currently around 5’4” and I’m 138 lbs body fat is low around 7% and 24 years old
I would like to compete I’m not sure what division I should go into maybe you can help me out with that but I’m already extremely ripped and lean because I used to do gymnastics when I was younger
I had a...
I’m 24 years old and I’m 5’9” 238 lbs. Very muscular and very strong. My body fat is around 15-20%
my goals are to be at the Mr. Olympia maybe by 2030
going to be competing as well in the next year at our regional competition and worked my way up slowly
would like to use trenbolone for the...
I just turned 40 and I’m looking to use equipoise and I’m hoping you can give me some of advice on how much and for how long I should run it for. I would like to get some lean muscle mass and some mild bulking effects as I’m 180 lbs and about 12% body fat
My thoughts are to run it like this but...
I’m a bigger dude I’m 310 lbs and I’m about 30% body fat
not looking for a magic pill or a quick fix I know I have to improve my diet but I’m also looking for something to help me burn more fat that’s a supplement
what do you recommend I use going forward that actually works?
I’m gonna be doing anavar solo for 10 weeks.
First 5 weeks will be 50mgs a day and next 5 weeks will be 100mgs a day.
Gonna split the dose AM/PM
I’m 5’11” and I’m 250 lbs my goal is to lose body fat and get leaner. I’m 24 and been using steroids for the past 2 years.
what is going to be your...
Hello everybody my main goals are to get some moderate muscle mass and all so boost strength and lose some fat why not
I’m 34 years old and 5’8’’ 218 pounds and 17% body fat
4 weeks into cycle and the side effects are absolutely brutal using tren ace 50mgs per day
do you think I can adjust my...
I’m not really motivated to go train like today I skipped my workout and on Monday I skip my workout. Don’t really have the motivation wondering what supplements can help push me so that I can get more motivated to go kill it at the gym.
Currently 5’10’’ and 210 pounds with 12% body fat.
I had a very successful cycle using napsgear.
On our recent cycle I got on test prop and mast prop and ran them both together for 8 weeks. Wasn’t a long cycle but I was getting some really good results pretty quickly. The hardening effects started to kick in after just a couple weeks and I was...
my son is very fat and I want to get him something to help him lose weight
he is like 340 pounds and is a big boy. I blame his mother for feeding him a lot of delicious food
what would be your tips for supplements that will help him lose weight he’s 21 years old and he’s three years into college...
I’m scrolling through the forum and not seeing anyone doing short cycles like 4 week ones.
Any particular reason for that?
I’ve been curious to hear the advantages and disadvantages to doing something like that. Using orals or using something like test prop during the 4 weeks then coming off...
6’2’’ 188 pounds and 9% body fat.
My goal is to have a Beachbody for the summer as I’m planning two different vacations one to the Caribbean and one to California where I will be doing some photo shoots
I’m looking to add some winstrol to my summer cycle.
Right now I am doing EQ 300mgs a week...
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