Hi I’m 26 years old and I’m about 6 weeks into my Primo cycle and I’m a little disappointed
my weight hasn’t really increased very much I was expecting a lot more
my current stats are 195 lbs and I’m 6’3
I would like to push to 205 lbs what can I add to this cycle so I can start gaining more...
My goals are to gain some lean-moderate muscle mass. And also recomp.
I’m 5’9’’ and 175 pounds with 12% body fat. 37 years old.
What is your opinion on what I should do from here when it comes to using Primo ?
Is 500mgs a week any good or should I run something with it and lower the dose?
6’2’’ 216 pounds and 17% body fat
37 years old
want to cut down and recomp.
This is the plan for my cycle. Let me know what you think.
Primo. 500 mg per week.
Testosterone 400, milligrams per week.
This will be a 12 week cycle and I’m also going to run 4 weeks of PCT after
do you think this...
I’m looking to cut down on my next stack. Plan on doing a lot of cardio and eating in a deficit
The 3 steroids I want to use:
I haven’t seen too many people stacked these three together and I’m curious what you thought about doing it this way
I’m 240 pounds and 6’1’’...
I’m 33 years old and I’m 245 lbs and I’m about 18% body fat. I’m a bit overweight but not much I’m gonna try to cut down as much as I can but I’ve never really been a skinny guy my whole life
a friend recommended I use Primo and he said it would be safe to use for someone in my situation. My...
Logging time. First ever log – we’ll see how it goes. Aim is to keep it hog shot-free and focussed on progress. Also first time trying a 19-Nor.
Running @Core Pharma oils (Test, Primo, NPP, Mast), & @Raptor Labs (GH & orals). These vendors are absolute gents to deal with. Have previously run...
I’m 58 years old and been using steroids for around 25 years or so. 237 pounds and 18% body fat with a lean build packed tight on my frame.
I have been using steroids longer then most of you have been alive so I know my way around the steroid game. I know that you are supposed to pin sustanon...
👋 Welcome from the Aussie section of Evo 🫡
I’m thrilled to start my 20-week steroid cycle, and I want to give a special shoutout to @HybridLabs and @Core Pharma for sponsoring this journey (2 trusted and reputable labs supplying the Australian domestic market). Before this cycle, I was already...
Evolutionary.org Hardcore 2.0 #79 - Primobolan Quality and Fakes with Para Pharma
Last couple times I’ve used steroids I’ve been bulking up
not really happy with the look I’m too fluffy and I have two much fat
I’m now up to 20% I want to get my body fat back down and use a cutting cycle
read that primobolan is the best for that and safe for anyone. I’m 32 years old, 5’10’’...
I’ve got some damn good primo that I got. They are amps and are 100mgs per amp.
I want to run 700mgs a week so I will do 1 amp per day for 12 weeks.
Do you think this is going to be a pain in the butt to pin this stuff every single day and what advice can you give to me how many muscles will I...
I’m a bigger guy I’m about 265 pounds and six foot two. 44 years old primarily into power lifting and doing low repetitions and taking several minutes between sets.
Question about Primobolan usage. If I was to use it what kind of benefits do you think I would see?
I’m hoping to get some lean...
I’m 32 years old and I’m looking to get some lean muscle mass.
I’m five foot ten and 185 pounds
I’m looking to use some primobolan on my next cycle.
I think that kick-starting is essential to having a successful cycle.
My question is should you kick start with an oral steroid or should you use a...
Looking for Tested Primobolan I heard supplys are short all round the globe and sceptical to buy the shit, can anyone please point my in the direction of some real Primo in AUS and not that Masteron shit cheers!
Evolutionary.org Underground 36 - TRT and Primobolan with Geneza Pharma
looking for thoughts and opinions on using geneza pharma primobolan.
My initial thought was to run it at 200 milligrams a week but now I’m hearing that would be too low and I have to run it at least four or 500 milligrams. My question is how is the post injection pain and is the stuff easy to...
First contest prep 16 weeks out, already quite lean and vascular, done a decent amount of blasts so far. Currently on cruise test e@180mg stats around 102kg 5'10 10% bf age 29, was planning on doing;
Wk 1-16: test e 400mg
Wk 1-16: Primo 500mg
Wk 1-16: Mast 300mg
Wk 10-16: tren e 250mg
I’ve got no clue how to lose more fat on steroids. Seems like when I’ve used them in the past I have always bulked up.
Never tried things like primobolan or winstrol.
Would those 2 be the best cutters I could try?
How much and how long should I run them
I’m 270 pounds and around 18 or 19% body...
Evolutionary.org Hardcore 2.0 #48 - Shred with Anavar and Primobolan? Para Pharma part #2
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