I have to add to some of the other threads on here. Crnusa.org is shady as hell.
Get on their list and you get business. Get off their list and forget it. They make calls and destroy you as a businessman. This is super scammy if you ask me.
You should earn business through being a great company...
I don’t like domestic supply injectables. They suck ass. This is my first cycle I’ve used and was told that they were good for newbies like me and smooth.
I’ve been using their sustanon and primobolan and it hurts when I pin them A LOT. Like stings when I inject.
I know how to inject, I am an ex...
alpha pharma canada sells bunk products for sure. Almost lost my leg on their mast prop.
Injected into my quad. Felt something weird, next day it was swollen could barely walk, fever came in and area got hot. After a week my mom made me go to the ER, they said it was infected and I had to get it...
Maybe I am losing my mind but using swisschems seems contaminated.
I’ve been on their rad and s4. Not only do I notice weird bumps on my skin on the outside but they are also forming inside my mouth like on my tongue. Need some advice on if this is normal or what, does this mean this stuff is no...
got my package from misterolympia shop and missing a lot of items.
I’m a big pissed off
had ordered 3 anavar, 2 test cyp and 2 EQ.
Only got the 2 EQ and 1 test cyp lol.
They aren’t sending me the rest of my items because they claim I am lying and trying to reverse scam them. Its BS. I have pics...
made my order on nov 23, it is now almost Feb and still not getting my full order. Makes me angry.
They sent me a partial order which I got in early dec. but nothing since. I messaged them at least eight times and they keep claiming that they will send it but they never do
I believe that they...
I’ve been on ecbproject.org trenbolone for the past 4 weeks and I feel horrible.
No energy
bad libido
feeling aggressive and angry all the time
crazy PIP after each injection
this is not good and I don’t understand why they’re allowed to sell these bad products like this steroids are supposed to...
I’ve been on ugfreak products for the past 2 weeks.
I’m doing sustanon 500mgs a week. Injecting it EOD and not seeing enough results. This stuff is supposed to kick in fast because it was prop in it. Why am I not feeling a thing yet?
I’m gonna go get blood work done next week but it seems to me...
don’t use legalsteroidssale.com their NPP sucks bigtime.
I’ve been on it for the past 6 weeks and haven’t had a lick of results.
I’ve used nandrolone before and I’ve always loved using deca it was the first steroid i ever used but this stuff is fake 100%.
stay away from them
after my experience with 99 purity I’m convinced that sarms don’t work at all.
I’ve been on them for 12 weeks and always told myself the whole way this would be the day where they would start to work but they haven’t been working at all
using their s4, lgd and rad should have been a blast of a...
swisschems is awful lol.
Ordered their lgd, rad and sr9009.
Just a typical cycle using three sarms which should have yielded me some good results.
Instead it yielded me big time problems I started peeing out brown stuff. Went to the doctor and they said that I had kidney and liver failure.
I’ve been on Southernsarms now for 12 weeks and I can say that their products are crap
been using their lgd 20 mg a day and I’ve been using their S4 at 50 mg a day
first off I’m not having any Vision side effects I’ve read that some people get it and some people don’t but whatever
the main issue...
stay away from crnusa.org.
Made the mistake of clicking on their banner and falling for their little scam
you pay a membership to them and they basically blackmail you from there and they’ll take you off their list that they send out to customers if you cancel your membership with them
I have a...
steraloids.com is a crappy source confirmed. I used several of their injectables.
They are:
test cyp
didn’t see a lick of results from this stack which is stupid considering I should have seen a lot of good things happen plus I spent about $1200 on this cycle. A complete waste of...
I placed an order with domestic supply a week ago and it still hasn’t gotten to me.
I thought these guys were very fast when it comes to shipping so I’m a little disappointed is this normal is everything okay still with the company I guess I’m a little paranoid?
Where are the Reps to help us out...
not sure what I was thinking I listened to the sleeping me that the gym who recommended I use wordenhall products.
I got on their testosterone and Primo and it took 12 weeks for me to even gain a pound on this stuff
it’s severely under dosed and I highly recommend staying away.
gdroids.com is a bad source and I don’t trust them.
Made an order 2 months ago and still haven’t got my products.
Reached out to them multiple times and he keeps saying that they will ship it but they never do.
Seems like I got ripped off and I’m so pissed off $600 down a drain
99Purity has really bad customer service.
I ordered peptides from them and they sent me the wrong stuff. They then reshipped the products to me again and it took another 6 weeks to get to me and they sent me the exact same wrong stuff all over again very bizarre.
They need to fix whoever...
don’t ever use afip products. Their test prop is so bad. I’m sitting here like a dumbass unable to work out in my gym because I pinned this crap into my quad and now my entire quad is like twice the size and it’s all red and I have a fever.
What a horrible steroid source to sell me this crappy gear
They should change the name of GD roids to scam roids.
My experience using their products has been questionable at best
I made a large order of dollars from them and I still haven’t gotten my products yet. They won’t return my messages and they have no reps like anymore I can contact.
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