what’s up everybody I’m 28 years old 92 kg and around 185 cm tall
body fat is somewhere between 15 and 16%
I lifted a lot back in the day especially at my teenage years and then since then it’s been off and on but over the past 2 years I’ve been pretty committed
my goals are to improve my...
I’m just a poor college kid trying to get into bodybuilding and enjoy myself
recently started training at my College gym that they just completed and it is awesome.
I’ll have to post some pictures for you guys you guys will all be jealous and a nice thing about it is my tuition covers my...
seems like that my liver is struggling to keep up with the demands of the bodybuilding sport
it’s taking a toll on my body
right now I just got out of the hospital because I caught a couple Health scares
I need some supplements to start taking so I can take things more seriously
I’m currently not bodybuilding but in the future I would like to definitely try something.
My main goals are to compete one day and masteron I know is something universally used by professional bodybuilders and it really works.
My stats right now are 6 ft tall and I’m 205 lbs and about 14% body...
Evolutionary.org Hardcore 2.0 #111 - Going for that dry look with steroids from Beligas
Evolutionary.org Hardcore 2.0 #110 - Ways to track steroid progress by Para Pharma
I have to laugh at those of you on here going around saying you shouldn’t use steroids when you yourselves are on a steroid forum and have used way more steroids then I have and you still look like you don’t even lift.
A couple of the mods/VIP’s on here look so skinny you would think they were...
This has been a little controversial out there in the fitness industry but what about the people who are bodybuilding and not using any AIs on their Cycles?
I’m thinking about doing 1000 mg a week of testosterone without one do you think that I’ll be okay just keeping one on hand and seeing what...
Evolutionary.org Hardcore 2.0 #100 [SPECIAL] - The history and favorite episodes 100 Special
I’m 21 years old and I’m getting into bodybuilding but I’m going to not use steroids for a few years and just stick to sarms. My stats are 10% body fat and I’m about 148 lbs
I’m looking to take my sarms usage to another level and start using them more often.
How often per year do you think you...
I had a quick question about using steroids as you get older. I used them from around 22 years old up to about 35 years old. Took about 8 years off. And now I want to use them again in my 40’s.
Seen some posts from people who have said that steroids have affected them differently as they’ve...
Evolutionary.org Interviews #2 - Vision the man, the legend, the truth about bodybuilding
I’m looking to be the top 1%. I grind like a gorilla in the gym, I am growing my social media and I want to turn pro one day. I’m serious.
My stats are very good. I’m 24 years old, 5’10’’ and 217 pounds and about 13% body fat. I am sculpting a body right now and my 24 month out look is get my...
I’ve got load testosterone levels and I’m 28 years old and I’m not sure what to do.
Got them tested twice. Both times they were under 300ng/dl.
I don’t want to go on trt because I don’t want to be stuck on something for the rest of my life.
But at the same time I definitely have low testosterone...
Evolutionary.org Hardcore 2.0 #60 - Injecting Oral steroids, is it safe? - Euro Pharma
so I got put on catabolic steroids which will need to take for a while due to allergic reactions to who knows what. We can’t figure out what is causing it.
Doctor warned me about the sides upfront but On between a rock and a hard place.
Do you think if I use anabolic steroids with these drugs it...
Evolutionary.org UG Supplements 14 - [2024] N2Guard off cycle how to utilize it?
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