My goal is to bulk up. I’m already on trt I’m doing about 100 mg a week of testosterone.
My body weight is around 170 lbs and I’m 5’11”
I would like to add deca/dbol to this possibly.
Would you think this stack would work?
Test 100mgs a week (TRT)
deca 500mgs a week split dose
dbol 30mgs a day...
25 years old, 5’8’’ and 178 pounds.
I’m currently doing 300mgs of test + 50mgs a day dbol. Love this cycle a lot and I’m eating like a raptor on this and growing like a weed. Overall it’s a great cycle but the water retention is getting too much I’ve gained about 12 lbs.
Should I stop the dbol...
I’m looking to pick 1 oral to use that will help me bulk up.
Looking to run something. My options are down to dbol or anadrol. If you had to pick one steroid or the other which one would you pick between them for 5 weeks?
My thought process is 50mgs a day of either oral
goals: bulking and...
I’m looking to gain more size and get more growth on my next cycle. Its going to be a mix of test + dbol. My dosing is gonna be 25mgs of dbol per day for 6 weeks as a kickstart on top of 500mgs a week of testosterone.
I’m 26 years old and I’m 175 lbs and 5’9”. would like to get closer to 200 lbs...
A 28 years old and this will be my second steroid cycle I’m around 180 lbs and I’m 5’8”
Interested in learning more about using dianabol for kickstarting. My current cycle is test and EQ. I would want to know about how best to kickstart things.
My plan was 30mgs a day dbol first 5 weeks.
I’m 24 years old. 5’10’’ and 177 pounds. Looking to put on some bulk using dianabol.
Want to run it solo for 4 weeks.
I’m debating dosing. I’ve heard 10 mg a day is good and I’ve heard up to 50mgs is good too. 100 if you are using it solos should I go on the higher end of the dosing or should I...
I’m currently 168 lbs I’m 25 years old and I’m looking to bulk up.
Currently consuming around 3300 calories per day but not getting the kind of improvements I was hoping for
I need some more bulk to my frame as I’m over 6 ft tall and very skinny but I have a hard time with appetite.
currently in my mid-twenties and I’m 178 lbs and I’m 5’11”
I’m looking to use Deca to get more moderate bulking. What would you recommend for me from the following cycle ideas?
Option 1:
Deca 500mgs a week
test 250mgs a week
anavar 25mgs a day
Deca 400mgs a week
equipoise 300mgs a...
25 years old and this is my third cycle and I’m 185 lbs and 5’6”.
By far my favorite cycle of all time has to be testosterone + dianabol.
I feel like million bucks on this cycle and I’ve been doing 500 mg of the testosterone and 30mgs of the dbol for the past 4 weeks. Not using an AI. Didn’t...
30 years old and I’m 185 lbs looking to improve my physique
I’m big on oral and not that kind of oral. I’m talking oral steroids of course!
And the big 3 I love are:
Is there really any reason to use any other steroid I mean seriously?
This time I want to stack all 3.
I’m gonna...
going to do a short for or 6 week cycle for big gains for bulking
26 yrs old, and 166 pounds and 5’9’’
a friend of mine suggested I go with anadrol or dbol
he had good results on both.
My options are this:
50mgs anadrol 5 weeks
30mgs of dbol for 4-5 weeks
do I need to use an AI with either?
first time I’ve done a review on a source.
I’ve been a customer of geneza pharma for 10+ years.
Never had a bad experience using them they make things so simple.
Everything from ordering to their payment options to their customer service and to their products has been nothing short of amazing...
I’m going into my next contest with room to grow versus cutting down like most people
I’m currently 175 lbs and 6% body fat. 25 years old and this will be my first contest. I would like to compete in physique but I’m really skinny considering I’m 6’3”.
what do you think about using dbol and deca...
put together a simple bulking stack using test cypionate and dianabol.
Only did 250mgs a week of their test and did 30mgs a day of dbol. This was an 8-week cycle and I was putting on about a pound a week and then my gains started to accelerate where I was putting little over a pound that I have...
I’m 26 years old and a friend of mine is 24, we train together.
this friend of mine did a dianabol cycle and put on like 15 pounds. It but he also said he was experiencing some itchy nipples.
I want to do a similar cycle but I’m worried about these types of side effects
what is going to be the...
I’ve been on my current steroid cycle for the past 2 weeks and I’m not seeing any libido if anything it’s been going down
I’m using testosterone and I’m using some dbol.
I’m looking to add a supplement to help boost my libido while on cycle but nothing that will interfere with the cycle if you...
Hey guys I had a slap tear 4 years ago from combat sports (bjj, boxing etc)
I did alot of prolotherapy + BPC 157 and tb-500 it helped alot with the years + the physiotherapy and manual therapy. But It still came back and forth and i lost alot of muscles on my left arm. (Saw doc and said...
currently 28 years old and I’m five foot 11
180 pounds
I’m not interested in becoming a big bulky bodybuilder or a powerlifter and fluffy
I’m looking to gain more muscle without the bloat on my next cycle
what would you recommend I use in that situation
one of my buddies took dbol and blew up...
I’m looking for the most affordable bulking stack out there.
Its gonna be a lot of fun and I’m hoping I can put on a lot of size.
Currently 5’10’’ 183 pounds and 12% body fat and 44 years old
haven’t used steroids in 5 years, so this is my comeback
my plan is:
deca 250
dbol 50
test 200
geneza pharma is top quality steroids
ordered several things from them.
Anavar, dbol, sustanon, and trenbolone.
All are excellent quality and fast shipping. I also was able to hit some mass highs which was really something I didn’t expect. All in all put on 12 pounds in 15 weeks on this gear...
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