I’m 27 years old, 179 pounds and 6’ tall. This will be my 2nd real cycle
and still learning about steroids and had a question.
I know about kick-starting and how a lot of people like to do it and it’s recommended many.
But what about using testosterone to finish off the cycle?
What if I did...
I’m doing some research on the best steroids that I can use for moderate bulking.
Seems like doing moderate testosterone and equipoise will be a good option so that’s why I’m gonna try but I wanted your feedback
what do you think about 12 weeks of equipoise at 600 mg a week and then adding...
a lot of people say that equipoise is similar to dbol. So I want to run it to try it out for the first time but I want to stack anavar with it.
Anavar 50mgs a day is what I’m looking to do and then do 300mgs a week of equipoise. I will do the var for 6 weeks and the EQ for 12 weeks.
My test dose...
I just turned 40 and I’m looking to use equipoise and I’m hoping you can give me some of advice on how much and for how long I should run it for. I would like to get some lean muscle mass and some mild bulking effects as I’m 180 lbs and about 12% body fat
My thoughts are to run it like this but...
37 yrs, 5’6’’ 133 pounds and training for 2 years
my next cycle is going to be equipoise and I’m looking to use it the right way
my dosing is going to be 500 mg a week and I’m looking to run at 12 weeks
what is going to be the best oral I can do while using it? Goals are more bulking abilities
Had previous order of sus 350 and bottles were orangy hint of colour new vial is clearing like same colour as the EQ
Vial on far right is previous order, vial in middle just received and completly different colour looks like the eq on the left
@Nordic Fusion
What’s up y’all I had a question about equipoise
wanted to see what you guys thought about it and if you thought that it was really that good or not
I’m currently in my early 40s and I’m around 206 lbs just looking for something to put on some quality muscle mass
do you recommend I try equipoise...
I’m gonna be using test undecanoate on my next cycle along with equipoise.
It’s going to be 24 weeks and I plan on using the equipoise at 1000 mg every 2 weeks and the test U at 1500mgs every 4 weeks
my main goal on this is to have a steady Improvement in my mass and strength
I’m currently in my...
I’m 32 years old and I am approximately 178 lbs
I’m currently training seven times a week I do it every day for between 45 and 60 Minutes like clockwork. Best way to start the day off is with my weight training and I’m heading about 20 sets per session.
My thoughts were to run 500 mg of...
geneza pharma has done it again!
this was the third time I’ve ordered from them and this time I went with their equipoise
didn’t do anything that fancy just used 500 mg for 12 weeks and then 150 mg of their testosterone.
Stacking them both together in the same syringe I didn’t feel any post...
30 years old and I’m around 85 kg and medium build
Wondering what would be the difference if I was to use winstrol to kickstart my cycle instead of finishing. Seems like 90% of the times people want to finish with it instead of starting the cycle.
Last time I used it that’s what I did and I was...
looking to have an active Summer and do a lot of outdoor activities I live up north in Canada and really we get two months out of the Year where it’s ideal for outdoor stuff the rest of the year it’s cold I’m sure a lot of you know what I’m talking about.
Looking to stack turinabol and equipoise...
equipoise is one of my favorite steroids of all time and I decided to try some from geneza pharma. Using GP products has been amazing. I’m doing 400mgs a week of the EQ, 200mgs of test and some winstrol along with it but only at 10mgs a day.
Getting some nice results. Body fat has been dropping...
looking to get some bulk but nothing crazy. I’m 90kg and 5’9’’ and 48
so I have done 2 injections of equipoise so far
first injection I mixed in 250mgs of EQ with around 200mgs of test. That was 6 days ago. Today I did another 200mgs of EQ but no test. Doing test cyp btw.
Wondering if I should...
I’m ready to use some testosterone equipoise on my next cycle.
What is going to be a good dosage to use for someone who’s about 25% body fat and 280 pounds.
I’m also 28 years old I’m looking to get leaner and get more muscular.
What would you recommend I use in terms of ancillaries and dosing?
so far I’m using equipoise from napsgear. Its 500mgs a week and I’m also stacking in some anavar and testosterone with it. All from napsgear. All are amazing products.
Very smooth injections and have no issues in my stomach with the oral.
I’ve been on them for about five weeks and I’m already up...
looking to try equipoise for the first time.
Also looking to try a couple more steroids if possible to go along with it.
I was thinking possibly Primo or testosterone but I’ve used both before and they are just okay.
My main objective is more endurance and energy and I also like to take...
I’m looking to try a combo of test and equipoise on my next cycle
stats are 5’10’’ and 188 pounds with 20% body fat
I have some muscle but not a lot. Have a tough time losing fat and gaining muscle. My T levels are sort of low for my age of 28 so I think that is a factor. Would doing 200mgs test...
I’m excited to try equipoise for the first time
500mgs a week is gonna be my base dose so that is set
what 2 steroids would you add to this for some decent muscle mass increases?
I’m looking to put on some muscle and size
stats are 5’10’’ 175 pounds. Want to put on 10-20 pounds
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