Whats up had a question about AI’s and how they act in the body.
I’m 26 years old, 1st cycle and 175 pounds, looking for leans gains.
I’m on 10mgs of aromasin 3x per week. Doing test 300mgs a week and primo 600mgs a week.
I got bloods done and my estrogen is around 15 area, which is lower end of...
If you have thought about whether to order from geneza pharma then the answer is yes you definitely should!
They have super fast service and lots of different options to choose from. I decided to go with their testosterone and Primo on the cycle I did 500 mg of each and I also use a little bit...
25 years old and this is my first cycle and I’m excited to use steroids
I’m 225 lbs and 17% body fat
what are some estrogen issues that I should be looking out for on my next testosterone cycle
I’m going to be running 750 mg a week and it’s going to be for 12 weeks
a friend of mine said that I...
Evolutionary.org Hardcore 2.0 #85 - Dangers of high Estrogen (E2) on Cycles - Euro Pharma
I’m currently on TRT 125mgs a week and got my bloods done and my numbers are in range with test but my estrogen is a little high. Just a couple points
I’m 25% body fat, 5’10’’ and 55 years old
Do you think this needs to be corrected and I should run anti estrogens or should I adjust my test...
What up kiddos, I’m 5’9’’ 183 pounds and 30 years old. 2nd cycle
I’m doing 500mgs a week of sustanon for 15 weeks and noticing some issues I need help with.
What would you do about estrogen problems on cycle?
Its been a tough go for me. First 6 weeks had explosive results but now the estrogen...
really excited to start my next cycle, putting together the finishing touches.
38 years old and this will be my biggest cycle yet and longest and I’m 208 pounds and 5’10”
Its gonna be for 16 weeks. Here I’m gonna be using 500 milligrams of Primo and 400 milligrams of equipoise. My testosterone...
currently 44 years old and I’ve been using steroids for the past 12 years.
First few years I was using them had no problems everything was going smooth and I was getting stronger and my blood work was coming in excellent. I made sure that my blood work was good and I had my estrogen dialed in...
Is it possible to have normal estrogen levels and still have estrogen issues?
I’m doing testosterone, dianabol, and equipoise together
started noticing some bloating and some issues with moon face. I’m on aromasin 12.5mgs a day and its not going down.
Not sure what is going on here and need...
35 years old and 218 lb
I’m doing testosterone and Dianabol
the test dose is around 350 per week
and I’m doing the Dianabol at 20 mg a day
I’m getting a lot of estrogen symptoms including itchy nipples and water retention
I’ve been on adex from day 1. using 2mgs per week total
what is wrong with...
Hi everyone today I want to share some studies in regards to controlling estrogen & about testosterone
The studies provided include both positive and negative effects human and non human studies
This work confirmed that EGCG and...
I am in a situation where I have low estrogen.
went to the doctor and he got my blood work scheduled and that's what it came up as
the only thing that I think may have happened was after my cycle I did not recover properly so maybe I'm not producing enough testosterone?
is there a...
Hey I got blood work done and I have a lot of things that are off. can you give me a list of supplements that can help balance these things?
Creatinine is high
Bilirubin is high
Alkaline phosph is low
Testosterone is low
Estrogen is high
I’m 44 years old and just came off testosterone 4...
was reading that using non wet steroids was a good idea for someone prone to gyno and bitch tits
I also have had moon face before and it sucks.
What is a good cycle for me since I am prone to estrogen?
I’m 15% body fat so I’m not fat at all and I’m 37 years old. 6’ tall
I just ran a basic 500mg test c 10 week cycle n2guard.
Bloods before cycle everything was within normal range.
Bloods after 4 week mark was all in normal range except test which was skyrocketing
I didnt take any aromasin to start off with because my estrogen was low then around 5-6 week mark...
curious how many of you have ran testosterone over 1,000 mg a week and how did it feel to do that?
I'm thinking about doing it and maybe trying to do 1500 or 2,000 mg a week of testosterone enanthate
how much of an anti estrogen will I need?
I’m 25 year old, 6’1’’ and 155 pounds
I had a guy go down on me the other day and he was sucking on my nuts and made a snide comment that they were small. I ignored it and we finished and then I kicked them out of my house and I haven't called him back since even though he's leaving messages. as a man I think it's embarrassing...
I ran a cycle of testosterone and Dianabol. I was doing 400 mg a week of the testosterone and I was doing 20 mg a day of the Dianabol. I did it for 8 weeks
I started noticing some itching on my nipples so I stop the cycle. Did my PCT and everything turn out okay
I'm now about six weeks post and...
I am gonna start a large cycle
I’m 25 years old
I want to run deca durabolin 500mg a week with equipoise 600mg a week.
I am gonna also do testosterone propionate @100mg a day
how much of an AI do I need here? I thought EQ doesn’t cause estrogen issues so why would I need to use an AI?
what are some natural diuretic supplements that are out there that can help me flush out water weight
I am retaining a lot of water especially around my face and other parts of my body. A friend of mine was the same way and he was able to take an anti estrogen and flush it all away by don't...
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