tried geneza pharma a year ago and their testosterone was really reall good. Blew anything else away I’ve ever used. I’ve used testosterone from another brand since then and it just wasn’t the same.
Problem is that geneza pharma isn’t the cheapest lol.
Is there any product sales that they have...
Using para pharma brand from ugfreak has been an amazing experience.
I’m 40 years old and this is a great way to enter my midlife with an amazing cycle.
My cycle is test 500 and anavar 35mgs a day.
Seeing excellent lean muscle mass increases and also my strength has been very surprisingly good...
I’m wondering what you think about the testosterone from
Is this stuff those correctly a friend of mine was using their products and said that it was overdosed and his numbers came in way too high for how much he was using.
I’m worried about my doctor finding out and I don’t want...
35 years old
176 pounds
14% bf
I’m looking to add some winstrol to my cycle to finish things up
right now I am doing equipoise and testosterone in ever since I got on this I’ve seen some lean muscle mass but also some water retention.
My testosterone dose is 300 mg and my equipoise those...
hey all I wanted to report back on my current Para Pharma cycle. I got the uncapped testosterone bloodwork and my numbers came in at over 4000!! that was on 500mgs a week of their test cyp.
I’m using 12 weeks and I’m on week 6. Results have been incredible I’m seeing some Big Time gains and my...
Help and advice is needed with my current testosterone cycle
it’s my first cycle ever and I’m doing 500 mg a week
however the first couple injections I did I screwed up and said of injecting 500 mg total for the week I injected 1000 mg. I corrected it and since then I’ve been back to 500 mg and...
I am searching for someone who can point me in the right direction to get REAL LEGIT HGH and other steroids like test, tren, anavar, etc. I would appreciate advice from others who have used the products and was pleased with results
I’m looking to do some testosterone boosting to build more muscle
right now my physique is pretty lean and skinny and I weigh about 138 pounds
to possibly getting on a testosterone booster but I’m not sure which one would be best to use
what would you recommend for me?
From what are your thoughts on using individual steroids vs. using blends.
See a lot of blends out there. EQ, deca, test, tren, seems like they are mixing up everything these days and doing blends out of them. They even mix up testosterone options and do blends that way.
What are the advantages...
if you want fake testosterone then use
I’m a victim of their incompetence.
Using 300mgs a week of testosterone resulted in my test numbers coming in low, got them tested 2 weeks into the cycle.
This is some of the worst testosterone I’ve ever had in my life and my libido’s...
I’m looking to use my trt dosage of testosterone to my advantage and stack in an oral steroid with it.
I got a couple packets of anavar from a source on here so thanks for the advice.
My main goals are mild gains with strength and muscle.
I’m 5’7’’ 177 pounds and around 10-11% body fat and in my...
I’m currently five foot six and 182 pounds. 30 years old and I’ve been training for the past eight years
Would like to do a nice recomp stack.
so I was gonna do winstrol and anavar together, but thought I would add some test E as a base.
So my plan is this:
test E 250mgs a week
anavar 25mgs a...
Last couple times I’ve used steroids I’ve been bulking up
not really happy with the look I’m too fluffy and I have two much fat
I’m now up to 20% I want to get my body fat back down and use a cutting cycle
read that primobolan is the best for that and safe for anyone. I’m 32 years old, 5’10’’...
I’m currently doing some primo and testosterone.
Getting 400 to 500 milligrams of the Primo per week and I’m doing approximately 300 milligrams of the testosterone with it.
I’ve been pinning them together in the same syringe.
Is this a typical experience using Primo or is this something that you...
looking at the geneza pharma options I see they have several good testosterone options.
I see they have a test cyp, test E, test prop and a weird sustanon 270.
can anyone tell me what they recommend I use as a first time steroid user? I’m 27 and this will be the first real steroid cycle I have...
what do you think about a dosage of 150 milligrams of testosterone per week for my trt?
Went to the anti-aging clinic and they want to put me on more but I nixed that and I said that I want to use a little less they want to meet on 300 milligrams a week.
I’m 45 years old and my total...
I’m looking for some advice on using testosterone and dealing fatigue and low energy.
My cycle has been 500mgs testosterone
10mgs aromasin once a week
I’m 6 weeks into the cycle. The last couple of weeks the fatigue has really kicked in but I’m only up about six pounds so I don’t think it’s too...
I’m looking to run the perfect Primo stack
my strategy is 500 milligrams a week of the Primo and I would run some testosterone with it.
What is the best dosage for testosterone that you recommend with it if I’m looking for lean muscle mass improvements
I want to go 12 weeks.
My stats are 27 yrs...
I’m looking at using cardazol both on cycle and off cycle.
How would you recommend I run it and what would be the best dosage
I’m gonna be doing some testosterone from my cycle and I’ve already got support supplements I’m just looking to add something else to give more of a boost and then after...
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