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Due to a different ester attached to it, boldenone acetate is popularly called “short acting Equipoise.” In fact, it is a veterinary steroid that is most known for use in horse racing, and it has never been approved for human use. However, boldenone acetate is a somewhat widespread injectable anabolic steroid among bodybuilders.
Fig 1. Boldenone Acetate chemical structure
Table of Contents
Half Life
In order to understand how this particular acetate version of boldenone differs from the normal one with the undecylenate ester, we must first understand what esters and half lives mean. The most popular version of Equipoise (EQ) is the undecylenate version with a half life of 14 days, whilst the acetate ester's half life is just 3 days. Obviously, this is a huge disparity.
Contrary to popular belief promoted on most steroid forums, half life does not refer to how long a compound will be active in the body, and it actually takes several half lives before the compound's esters totally clear your system. Furthermore, this is also dependent on how much time you have given the compound to 'build up,' since one or two injections is not the same as 10 injections. Once the compound reaches peak levels in your system, it will take approximately 3-4 half lives for it to clear out in most cases. Therefore, with the "Undecylenate" ester of Equipoise, it will take 5-6 weeks to leave the system compared to 1-2 weeks with the acetate version.
Hence, half life simply refers to the period of time needed for the concentration of the drug to be reduced by 1/2 of the given amount. Thus, in the case of the acetate ester, if you inject 100 milligrams (mgs) of acetate then after 3 days (length of time of half life) you will have 50mgs still present in the body; then after 3 more days only 25mg, and so on.
Long esters vs. Short esters
The beautiful part of anabolic steroids are the long lasting effects that reduce the frequency of necessary injections, which would be the main advantage of using long esters. After all, wouldn't it be hard if you had to inject every couple hours? However, once you stop injecting the long ester it will take weeks to clear out. This is a very important issue because until the esters are completely gone, your HPTA will not be able to recover and produce hormones on its own again.
On the flip side, the advantage of short esters is that they are in and out of the body much faster, making a huge difference if you want to run numerous cycles per year, as the required time off would be decreased. Moreover, the short ester can be very beneficial if you are concerned with side effects bothering you.
PIP (Post Injection Pain)
PIP stands for post injection pain, and boldenone acetate is considered a potently painful substance to inject. This is probably the biggest disadvantage of using the acetate version of EQ compared to the undecylenate version. However, there are several things you can do to help relieve the PIP. For instance, you can homebrew your boldenone acetate to change its conversion by adjusting the Benzyl alcohol and Benzyl benzoate (BA and BB) ratios, which will help 'thin out' the injection. If you are not a homebrewing wizard, you can also get another steroid oil (like testosterone), and simply mix them to create a diluting effect before injecting.
Some guys claim that heating the oil helps, as well as injecting it slowly and in small amounts at a time. However, I would encourage you to attempt the first two suggestions, as they are the most beneficial and effective.
It is a very important aspect of steroids use, since dealing with PIP can ruin workouts because it will make the muscle you injected sore for several days, and even cause swelling and redness. In addition, it must be noted that certain individuals tend to be more sensitive than others, and you may react differently than you did on prior cycles, since the body changes overtime.
Now that we understand what the boldenone acetate ester is all about we can talk about the unique properties of this steroid. One of the advantages of boldenone is its structure, which makes it unlikely to convert to estrogen. Though, it does have an affinity to cause some estrogen problems if used at high dosages, making water retention almost a non-existent issue compared with other compounds. This makes boldenone acetate a good choice for endurance athletes who do not want to carry around water while they run, swim, or bicycle.
Furthermore, boldenone acetate also has mild side effects with users reporting very little estrogenic issues and some appetite changes (which could be beneficial for those trying to slow bulk). This makes this steroid a good choice for those who want to add lean bulk. Since boldenone acetate has a shorter ester than the undecylenate version, you can shorten the cycle to get faster results without having to wait for weeks.
Typically, users will talk about how they improved their endurance on this compound, had low side effects, and were able to add some mass and strength in the process.
Side Effects
Like all anabolic steroids, boldenone acetate does have a tendency to cause a rise in red blood cell count, so it is a good idea to run such cycle-support supplements as N2Guard, as well as give blood before and after cycle to help thin out blood in the body.
In addition, some users report having changes in appetite, making them crave certain foods, or wake up at night hungry. Androgenic side effects, such as increased aggression, acne, oily skin and hair loss, can be increased or sped up on this compound. Therefore, women should be especially careful if they want to use it, and use this steroid only at very low dosages.
Like all anabolic steroids, boldenone acetate will suppress the Hypothalamus-Pituitary-Testes-Axis (HPTA), so a full post cycle therapy (PCT) is needed. A good example of a proper PCT is the perfect PCT, which you should definitely check out.
Boldenone acetate should be run at 300-700 milligrams (mgs) per week with injections done at least every 2-3 days. The minimum recommended cycle duration with boldenone acetate is 6 weeks. Some guys like to stack a little testosterone or trenbolone with it; and the beautiful part of the acetate version is that no kickstart is necessary, so you save on having to use an oral to start things off.
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