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About Deca Durabolin
Deca Durabolin, also known as Deca and Nandrolone decanoate, is an anabolic androgenic steroid that is used by bodybuilders to bulk up. While this steroid is second to none for stimulating dramatic improvements in terms of recuperation time between workouts, it also has the ability to promote nitrogen retention and protein synthesis. Not only this, Deca is easy on the liver and unarguably one of the best performance enhancing drugs for promoting strength, muscle size, and wet gains.

Fig 1. Deca Durabolin Chemical Structure
Deca Durabolin is characterized by a very low rate of aromatization that makes it ideal even for athletes who are prone to estrogenic side effects, though progesterone sides (some prolactin) are usual. Moreover, they can expect slow but steady gains in terms of muscle mass, strength, and muscle tissue. Deca Durabolin is more suited to longer steroid cycles and is generally stacked with Testosterone Suspension, Testosterone Enanthate, Testosterone Propionate, Testosterone Cypionate, Anadrol, Dianabol, and Sustanon 250. Most athletes prefer stacking Deca Durabolin and Dianabol as they share a synergistic effect with each other.
About EQ (Equipoise)
Equipoise (also known as EQ, Ganabol, Boldenone, and Ultragan) has come a long way from just being a veterinary drug to transform itself into one of the most popular and recommended bodybuilding drugs. This extremely anabolic and moderately androgenic steroid stimulates appetite and has the unmatched ability of increasing endurance. A perfect pre-contest drug, EQ can dramatically increase Hemoglobin and Hematocrit (the number of red blood cells and the percentage of red blood cells) that in turn promote greater "pumps" during intense workouts. One of the biggest advantages associated with Equipoise is that this anabolic androgenic steroid can stimulates the release of erythropoietin in the kidneys. A big majority of athletes prefer stacking EQ with Testosterone enanthate, Testosterone cypionate, Winstrol (Stanozolol), Anadrol, Sustanon 250, and Testosterone propionate.

Fig 2. Equipoise Chemical Structure
Deca vs EQ
Considered by a big majority of bodybuilders as a dream steroid, Deca Durabolin is superior to Equipoise. This is primarily because Deca is better than EQ in terms of retention of muscle mass and body strength gains. However, Deca users should always follow a very strict post cycle therapy with drugs such as Arimidex, Clomid, or Nolvadex to protect against excess estrogen. There is one issue with Deca that's a big downside, Deca stays in the body for a long duration (approximately 2 years) and is therefore not the ideal drug for athletes who are tested regularly.
Equipoise, on the other hand, is preferred by experienced athletes and bodybuilders who can be satisfied with moderate gains that are sustaining in nature. While Equipoise is associated with androgenic side effects like hair loss, growth of body and facial hair, and acne, Deca Durabolin is often associated with gynecomastia and fluid retention. It is widely believed that Deca is more suited for bulking cycles while Equipoise is more suitable for cutting cycles. The use of Equipoise is associated with slow but steady gains in terms of muscle mass and strength with very few estrogenic side effects. EQ can be a part of longer cycles. The fact that Equipoise promotes red blood cell production and stimulates appetite slightly puts it ahead of Deca.