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Fasting – Day 2

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I slept very hard last night and I had 1 dream about food, but don't remember what it was. Birds outside woke me up otherwise I would have slept more. I am very surprised I slept so good considering I went to sleep on an empty stomach and my prior fast I had a tough time sleeping while fasting. Maybe I am adjusting to it this 2nd time.

I woke up at 2 am wide awake, drank a lot of fluids and went back to sleep. In all, woke up 4 times to pee at night, usually, I wake up twice. I expect to urinate more tonight but we will see.

  • 8 am I am a bit gassy but not a strong urge to have a bowel movement yet.
  • 9 am I tested urine and ketones are between 5-10. I will test again tonight to see if there is any change.
  • 10 am Bowel movement was smaller than usual, no surprise there. I took a shower and scraped the white film off my tongue.
  • 11 am I am hungry, but easily beating it back just being mentally tough. It isn't that bad at all.
  • 12 pm Hunger comes and goes in waves. If I keep my mind occupied no problems.
  • 1 pm I'm noticing a trend of feeling colder than I usually do. I had to lower my ceiling fans and raise my A/C temperature.
  • 2 pm Ketone strips are at 5. I'm not quite deep into ketosis yet, should be there by tomorrow.
  • 5 pm Another attempt at bowel movement failed, digestion system is starting to shut down which is the first step of increasing body repair. My body will have 1 less thing to worry about and my immune system and recovery will improve.
  • 6 pm My tongue again has some white film, nothing major. I'm using a tongue scraper to get rid of it. No body acne showing up yet.
  • 7 pm Final ketone urine test is showing somewhere between 5-10 which is unchanged from this morning. So not quite into deep ketosis yet.

Have had increased smell coming from arm pits, have had to use multiple deodorants. This is consistent with the body detoxing and will get worse into tomorrow.

I have no problems with hunger, been keeping my mind busy and running errands so that is keeping my mind occupied. The hardest thing to do is watching tv or walking into the kitchen. I miss watching tv and snacking.

I have found myself opening my fridge a few times today out of habit, I do not have any food in my fridge. Not having food in the house helps greatly resist temptation.

Did not have a bowel movement even though I attempted in the evening. Just once this morning. May try another later tonight.

end of day 2 pic

End of Day 2 Picture

*Read on - PART 3 of my fast...

*Missed part 1 - Read - PART 1 of my fast...

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Steve Smi (Also known as Steve Smith), has over 12 years of experience in the bodybuilding and fitness industry. He's the co-Host of the popular Evolutionary Radio Podcast - over 500,000 listens! He has been a personal trainer and writer for the last 10 years with over 1000 articles written. He's been a moderator on forums for over 10 years. Steve holds the following certifications and records: NASM Personal Trainer NASM Fitness Nutrition Specialist Florida Local Powerlifting champion Top writer for 2019 Fitness rated

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