I’m looking to take something to help me boost my liver health.
I’m currently 28 years old and I got my liver numbers done and they came in a little high
I blame my last cycle for that because I was on steroids
what can you recommend for me when it comes to boosting my liver health
I noticed a group of guys in my gym who went from skinny as a rail to big and Bloated in literally a few weeks, then after that they went back to being skinny again. Way too obvious that they are using steroids or other PED’s.
Just curious any guesses as to what they could be using to have that...
Always wondered with these humongous cycles that these guys are using what are the supplements that they are using to help with their liver and their kidneys and all the other stuff?
I know that steroid use is very brutal on the system and I don’t want to end up sick the same way
I’m going to be...
I’ve spent the past 3 years using steroids, ran 6 cycles, 2 cycles per year. I have come up with several rules to using steroids that I would love to share with you
1. always use tren as your base. If you don’t then you are shutting yourself down for nothing
2. never go longer then 6 weeks on...
Evolutionary.org Hardcore 2.0 #98 - Why some steroids make you 'feel on' from Euro Pharma
okay A friend of mine suggested that I try steroids again after taking 5 years away from them due to health problems but using super low dosing.
I’m 50 years old and I am currently 5’11” 210 lbs. We’d like to get better recovery and results in the gym again.
My thoughts are:
10mgs a day anavar...
Evolutionary.org Hardcore 2.0 #97-When is it best to start using PEDs by Euro Pharma
reading some of the professional dosing on trenbolone has me intrigued. Would like to really push things and test out my body to get the most benefits. Basically I want to look fantastic naked!
Looking to run 8 weeks of tren E at 1000mgs a week
has anyone tried this type of dosing and how did it...
What is everyone's thoughts about Test E 150mg, Deca 150mg and Tren E 150mg every 7 days for 10 weeks as a Cycle? I'm 43yrs old and weight is 186.6lbs and height is 6ft even?
just wanted to give my advice when it comes to tren usage and give some of my personal tips.
1. never use tren while masterbating or while going to sporting events or bars.
2. don’t be married while on tren, you will cheat every time. Those of you on here who deny this are the #1 offenders.
I’m looking to kickstart my first testosterone cycle
it’s gonna be 600 mg a week and I’m 25 years old and I’m 5’10” 230 lbs. Looking to do a recap out of this and build some strength in the process
I want to go 12 weeks and then Kickstart the cycle with an oral for the first 4 weeks
which oral...
I’m gonna be using test undecanoate on my next cycle along with equipoise.
It’s going to be 24 weeks and I plan on using the equipoise at 1000 mg every 2 weeks and the test U at 1500mgs every 4 weeks
my main goal on this is to have a steady Improvement in my mass and strength
I’m currently in my...
I’m currently 245 lbs about 17% body fat and I’m 45 years old
I’ve done a good job of bulking I put on about 80 lbs over the past 3 years but now I want to switch to do more lean gains
looking at a couple steroids and I want to use together I think I’m gonna go with Primo at 250 mg a week and...
I took about 10 years off from using steroids now I’m looking to get back at it.
How would you get back into it would you be very aggressive and do a big cycle using tren and superdrol? Or would you go a more mild route and do some testosterone with Primo?
My goals are to get stronger and more...
How did General question about using mixes and blends versus just separating your steroids in a cycle.
I’m noticing a lot of sources and Brands these days are coming up with different blends is this something that’s popular and that you like to use ?
Or do you like to just use them separate and...
I’m 55 years old. Started using steroids at 20. I can remember my first time using dbol I did 20mgs a day and had great results. Have done steroids off/on since, but took about 7-8 years away from them.
Now I’m reading people doing 50 mg a day as something that’s quite common.
wouldn’t that...
I’m 26 years old and a friend of mine is 24, we train together.
this friend of mine did a dianabol cycle and put on like 15 pounds. It but he also said he was experiencing some itchy nipples.
I want to do a similar cycle but I’m worried about these types of side effects
what is going to be the...
Evolutionary.org 611 - Ross Patrick (Ross Flanigan) steroid cycle
what is going to be the best supplements to use on a harsh steroid cycle or I can protect my organ health.
I’m primarily concerned with my liver, kidneys, and heart
I know that steroids can really be the crap out of your body and I want to keep things as safe as possible
I’m also 50 years old so...
27 years old, 5’9’’ 170 pounds and 11% body fat
I’m looking to use Trenbolone along with primo but using both at a low dose.
My 2 trains of thoughts:
tren 200mgs a week + primo 250mgs a week
Tren 200mgs a week + primo 500mgs a week.
Here looking to get some lean muscle mass and also limit my...
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