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I found a lot of good bros on evolutionary forums are confused about taking their natural testosterone levels to the next level. Did you know there is something out there that can boost testosterone naturally without cycling or using TRT? NO way! Well, yes way my friend. Before we go into that, you probably want to know how can you increase your test levels and how does test work?
- Free testosterone and total testosterone are different.
- Your pituitary gland produces LH.
- LH stimulates your leydig cells.
- Leydig cells essentially push the production of testosterone.
- Free testosterone binds to SHBG.
- The higher the free testosterone, the higher your muscle and strength gains.
How can HCGenerate increase my free testosterone? Good question.
- HCGenerate stimulates leydig cells directly.
- When leydig cells stimulated, your pituitary will start functioning fast.
- As a result, you will have higher Free Testosterone and total testosterone levels.
The equation is simple, right? Use HCGenerate to boost your natural testosterone or keep your leydig cells stimulated during your cycle.
Benefits for you from HCGenerate?
- Increased free testosterone
- Increased total testosterone
- Increase “ball” size
- Decrease problems in bedroom
- Increase in desire for your girl (or any girls :-))
So where can you get some HCGenerate? The exclusive place to get HCGenerate is on, check them out.
*Pick up a bottle of HCGenerate and boost your own testosterone levels*
What do other bros say about HCGenerate?
Here is a great thread about it:
“hcgenerate is such a better and safer alternative than hcg... i can't tell you how many people overuse and abuse hcg and find themselves in such horrible condition when they discontinue use... hcgenerate has NO side effects and a mile long list of benefits AND can be used throughout your cycle to ensure not only a strong libido but also keeping shutdown to a minimum, thus ensuring a smoother transition into pct which allows not only for an optimal recovery but a million percent higher liklihood of keepable gains... its a no brainer to use on every cycle...” Dylan Gemelli – professional model, personal trainer
“I've been taking hgen & bridge since they've both came out for pct, always helped me to a great recovery” xpand – evolutionary member
“I am on my 3rd bottle of HCGenerate classic. I can say a few things: 1) my b@lls are bigger 2) my girl is happy as hell in the sack. What else can a guy ask for? lol” D-sand – evolutionary senior member
Want to read some HCGenerate articles?
P.S. For my good bros, I'll give you an exclusive link to pick up a double pack of HCGenerate, basically you pick up 2 bottles at a good discount (don't share this link on the forums bros):
P.P.S. If you're not sure if HCGenerate is for you, watch this video to get a good overview of what HCGenerate is and does:
P.P.P.S. Still not convinced? Send an email to Dylan and talk to him about it: [email protected]
Dylan will give you good cycle advice and will guide you through your tough spot.
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