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Proper Injection Techniques – Part 2

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In part 1, I covered proper injection technique, procedure safety and injection sites for both intramuscular, and subcutaneous injections.

The Injection Procedure for Intramuscular Injections

The actual injection is very simple, but just like with most things in life, the devil is in the details.


Before you do anything, sanitize the counter you will be using with an anti-bacterial all-purpose cleaner, and wash your hands thoroughly.

After sanitizing everything, lay out everything needed for the injection: 2 withdrawing needles, 2 injecting needles, 2 syringes, 70% rubbing alcohol (or 99% isopropyl alcohol), cotton balls, Band-Aids, a sharp/hazardous material bin, and of course - your steroid vial(s). Always have extra needles and syringes laid out just in case you drop something, or decide to change injection sites last minute.

Once everything is laid out, the first step is to clean your injection site. Generously soak a cotton ball with alcohol and wipe your injection site thoroughly. Clean the entire injection site, and not just the area you are planning to inject. For example, if you are planning on injecting into the upper-outer gluteus quadrant, sanitize your entire gluteus, not only the upper and outer portion.

Furthermore, remember to sanitize the top of the steroid vial, even if it is a new steroid vial. In such case you would need to sanitize the top of the vial after peeling away the tin cover.

Getting the needle ready for injection

Carefully remove the syringe from the sanitary packaging and twist on the withdrawing needle tip. Be very careful not to touch the connection point between the syringe and needle tip. Slide off the needle tip cover and withdraw as much air into the syringe as you plan on withdrawing in substance. For instance, if you are going to inject 1 milliliter (mL) of substance, withdraw 1mL of air into the syringe. The reason for injecting the air into the vial is to maintain the right osmotic pressure in the vial.

Insert the needle into the vial at a 90-degree angle so that the syringe and top of the vial are perpendicular to each other. Next, flip the vial upside down (with the needle still in the vial) and inject all the air into the vial. After you have injected all the air into the vial, pull back on the plunger of the syringe and withdraw the desired amount of compound into the syringe. When you’re done, flip the vial back upright and withdraw the needle from the vial.

Finally, all that’s left to do now is to change the withdrawing needle tip to the injection needle and you are ready to inject. Put the cap on the withdrawing needle, twist it off and dispose of the needle in the sharps bin. Then take the injection needle out of the package, twist it onto the syringe, and take the cap off while holding the needle upright (so the tip is facing the ceiling). Flick the side of the syringe to bring any air bubbles to the top, and gently push the plunger on the syringe to remove all of these bubbles. Keep pushing the plunger until you see the first drop of oil come out. Remember, it is important to make sure to get all the air bubbles out prior to your injection.

You are now ready to inject!

The Injection

Locate the spot you plan to inject into, and spread out the skin in that area with your spare hand. Place your index finger and thumb on your skin roughly 2 inches apart, gently spreading apart your fingers to tighten the skin.

Slowly, but firmly, press the needle into the area between your index finger, and thumb. A small amount of pain and discomfort is normal, so there is no need to worry if you feel that. Additionally, it is also normal for the site to bleed a little bit during the injection. Keep pushing the syringe until the needle is all the way into the injection site - go slowly, and don’t rush.


The purpose behind aspirating is to check if you have injected into a vein. A lot of experienced steroid users do not aspirate, arguing that you would feel a jolt of pain if you injected into a vein, making aspirating unnecessary. In spite of the fact that this is most likely true, I still recommend aspirating. After all, it is always better to be safe then sorry.

Aspirating involves nothing more then slowly pulling back the plunger on the syringe prior to your injection. You should see a few air bubbles withdraw into the syringe. However, if you have blood coming into the syringe, you have hit a vein. In such case you must withdraw the needle immediately and dispose of it in the sharps bin.

Unfortunately, if you injected into a vein, you will have to start the whole process over again with a new injection site. As I noted earlier, if you did inject into a vein, you would most likely experience extreme pain and discomfort, so you would definitely know that something was wrong long before aspirating.

On the other hand, assuming you saw no blood when aspirating, push down on the plunger and inject the substance into your injection site.

How fast should I inject?

Overall, the injection should take 30-60 seconds per 1mL of substance. Therefore, inject slowly and don’t rush. When you have finished injecting all the substance, keep the needle in the site for a slow count of 10, and then slowly remove it from the site. Immediately after that apply to the site a cotton ball soaked in 70% rubbing alcohol or 99% isopropyl alcohol, and gently massage the area with the cotton ball for 1-2 minutes.

Post Injection

Apply a band-aid to the injection site and dispose of the needle with the syringe in the sharps bin. Store the steroid vial in a cool, dry, dark place away from direct sunlight for best for best conservation.

Sadly, some post injection pain is completely normal, especially for new injection sites. Hence, if you are experiencing extreme post injection pain (PIP), applying a heating pad and gently massaging the area will help disperse the oil into the blood stream and elevate the tenderness.

Injection Procedure for Subcutaneous Injections

The injection procedure for a subcutaneous injection is very similar to an intramuscular injection. Everything is the same except for the fact that you do not need to change needle tips or aspirate.


Sanitize the counter you will be using with an anti-bacterial all-purpose cleaner and wash your hands thoroughly. After sanitizing everything, lay out 2 insulin syringes, 70% rubbing alcohol (or 99% isopropyl alcohol), cotton balls, Band-Aids, a sharp/hazardous material bin, and of course your peptide vial(s).

After everything is laid out, clean your injection site. Keep in mind that you need to clean the entire injection site, and not limit yourself to the area you are planning to inject into. For example, if you are planning on pinning right beside your belly button, sanitize your entire abdomen region and not just the area by your belly button.

Also remember to sanitize the top of the peptide vial. If it is a new peptide vial, you still need to sanitize the top of the vial after peeling away the tin cover.

Getting the needle ready for injection

Carefully remove the insulin syringe from the sanitary packaging and withdraw as much air into the syringe as you plan on withdrawing in substance. For example, if you are going to inject 0.1 mL of substance (which will correlate to a reading of 10 on the side of the insulin syringe barrel), withdraw 0.1mL of air into the syringe. The reason for injecting the air into the vial is to maintain the right osmotic pressure in the vial.

Insert the needle into the vial at a 90-degree angle so that the syringe and top of the vial are perpendicular to each other. Next, flip the vial upside down and inject all the air into the vial. After you have injected all the air into the vial, withdraw the desired amount of compound into the syringe. When you’re done, flip the vial back upright and withdraw the needle from the vial.

If there are any air bubbles in the syringe, hold the needle right side up so the needle tip is facing the ceiling and flick the side of the syringe to bring any air bubbles to the top. After the air bubbles get up, gently push the plunger on the syringe until you see the first drop of water come out. Make sure to get rid of all the air bubbles prior to your injection.

You are now ready to inject!

The Actual injection

Locate the spot you plan to inject into, and use your spare hand to pinch the area with your thumb and index finger in order to pull up roughly an inch of your skin. Slowly, but firmly, press the needle into the skin. The needle should slide in very easily due to being so thin. Keep pushing the syringe until the needle is all the way into the injection site.

Remember that it is always best to inject slowly and without rush. When you have finished injecting all the substance, keep the needle in the site for a slow count of 10, and then slowly remove the needle from the site. Immediately after doing the injection apply to the site a cotton ball soaked in 70% rubbing alcohol or 99% isopropyl alcohol, and gently massage the area with the cotton ball for 1-2 minutes.

Post Injection

Apply a Band-Aid to the injection site and dispose of the syringe in the sharps bin. Store the peptide vial in the fridge for optimal conservation.

Thanks to the fact that the needle will be very thin, and you will not inject a big amount of substance, there should be very minimal post injection pain from a Sub-Q injection.

Sources for Steroids

To put it bluntly, steroids are illegal in most countries. What’s more, even if you are ordering steroids online from a country where they are legal, importing them into your country is still illegal. Obviously, there are legal risks associated with ordering and using steroids. Thus, if you aren’t prepared to face the possible consequences, don’t use steroids.

Interestingly, it would be another article in itself, but if you are looking for a legal alternative to steroids, SARMS (selective androgen receptor modulators) are going to be your best option.

Furthermore, the source reviews section on the Evolutionary.org forum is a great resource to look for trustworthy steroid suppliers because evolutionary.org goes through serious measures to make sure that only quality and reliable sources are listed on the website. There are both US domestic sources and international sources listed there, so you will surely find a source that will fit you best.

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Trevor Kouritzin is a Canadian Natural Professional Bodybuilder and International Model. Mr. Kouritzin is also a Chemical Engineer and currently is a Human Nutrition MSc Candidate, he will be working on his PhD this coming year. Currently, he is conducting research on dietary supplements at prestigious universities throughout North America.

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