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Anadrol (Oxymetholone)

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Originally, Oxymetholone, better known as Anadrol or A50, was developed by Zoltan Pharmaceuticals, which doesn't exist anymore, in the 60s. Due to the ignorance of the time, and the lack of other alternatives, the drug was even given to children. Oxymetholone was used to help with muscle growth in patients with malnourishment and growth problems; in addition, it was given to osteoporosis and anemia patients. In time, it became evident that the side effects of anadrol are so harsh that some patients with wasting disease developed liver problems and an alternative drug was discovered as a replacement. However, a few decades later, oxymetholone resurfaced again to help with HIV/AIDS wasting syndrome

In bodybuilding, anadrol gained most of its popularity due to the shameless promotion by Dan Duchaine. You can call Mr. Duchaine the father of the modern underground steroid movement. Dan Duchaine touted oxymetholone as a cheaper alternative to dianabol, and with more bang for the buck. In fact, those of us who knew Dan, heard the rumors that he self-injected anadrol by brewing it in his house. True or not, Dan might have had one of the first Underground Labs (UG Labs) in US history.

A little historical UG information for you guys: It was rumored that Dan Duchaine died as a result of kidney disease he developed by testing and using too much anadrol!

What is Anadrol (Oxymetholone)?

Anadrol is in the Dihydrotestosterone (DHT) steroid group, but don't let that fool you. Unlike our favorite DHT-related cutting steroids like anavar, winstrol and primobolan, you can't get lean with anadrol even if you tried. It's interesting how a small change to a chemical structure of a steroid can make so much difference. Realistically, the only major change to oxymetholone is done with the addition of the 2-hydroxymethylene group to its chemical structure. However, the outcome, with anadrol being one of the most hardcore oral bulking steroids on the planet, is something that surprises all bodybuilders. (Click Here to Listen to our Podcast episode discussing Anadrol)

Oxymetholone has very poor ability to bind to the androgen receptor (like most DHT related steroids); in fact, studies have shown the binding is so low it's hard to even determine the level. You can compare it to winstrol when it comes to androgen receptor affinity. In addition, it can't convert to estrogen, and it's not a progestin. Though, there is a belief in scientific circles that it can somehow stimulate the estrogen receptor – this has yet to be fully studied.

Anadrol vs. Dianabol

This is a common question, which never gets resolved, especially in powerlifting circles. The reason is simple, 70%+ of anadrol users are powerlifters who look for maximum power and maximum strength with little regard to side effects. Look around your gym, see the big bloated powerlifter with the red face? That's anadrol talking and it talks big! Milligram of Milligram anadrol is at least twice as powerful in packing on mass when compared to dianabol. Sure, the mass isn't pretty, you're bloated and puffy, but you're strong and massive.

If you're into powerlifting or you want to get super strong, super fast, anadrol is the steroid for you. On the other hand, if you're looking for harder gains with less bloating and sides, go with dianabol. Generally, 4 out of 5 guys will choose dianabol for bulking, with 1 standout going for anadrol to really get those hardcore mass gains.

I promise you this, there is no better steroid on this planet than anadrol when it comes to bulking up and gaining fast mass. It can make anyone big and massive, and it does it fast.

What are the side effects of Oxymetholone?

Anadrol comes to you like a loaded gun, once you fire that first bullet (take that first pill) the side effects start and don't stop until you're done with the cycle. Instead of going over side effects one by one, I decided to give you a list:

  • Bloated face
  • Blood pressure (hypertension)
  • Headaches
  • Lower back pumps and cramps
  • Liver problems (liver enzyme issues)
  • Gynecomastia (Bitch tits)
  • Acne

That's a lot of side effects, right? That's why you need cycle aids when using anadrol.  I suggest Cardarine (GW-501516) and N2Guard with every cycle.

How do I take Anadrol and at what dosages?

Generally, anadrol only comes in oral form. Yes, I realized I mentioned Dan Duchaine was injecting it, but that's not a common preparation of the drug. In the most common form, oxymetholone is 17-Alpha-Alkylated (17aa), meaning it survives the first pass once it hits the liver due to a modification at the 17th carbon position. In simple terms, you can take it orally without worrying about absorption or loss of product.

For men, dosages are usually 50-100 milligrams (mgs) per day, and it's usually stacked with other wet bulking steroids like testosterone and deca durabolin.

For women, the story is a little different. Mr. Duchaine suggested a dose of 10mgs per day for women, but that was mainly tried on his bodybuilding and fitness girls.

Can you give me some anadrol cycles?

All the cycles with this compound are bulking and wet in nature, so there is no need to go over all the wet bulking cycles out there. I'll give you the most popular bulking cycle.

Anadrol Bulking Cycle

Week Sustanon 250 DecaDurabolin Anadrol Aromasin CardarineGW-501516 N2Guard
1 500mgs/EW 600mgs/EW 50mgs/ED 25mgs/ED 20mgs/ED 7caps/ED
2 500mgs/EW 600mgs/EW 50mgs/ED 25mgs/ED 20mgs/ED 7caps/ED
3 500mgs/EW 600mgs/EW 50mgs/ED 25mgs/ED 20mgs/ED 7caps/ED
4 500mgs/EW 600mgs/EW 50mgs/ED 25mgs/ED 20mgs/ED 7caps/ED
5 500mgs/EW 600mgs/EW 50mgs/ED 25mgs/ED 20mgs/ED 7caps/ED
6 500mgs/EW 600mgs/EW 50mgs/ED 25mgs/ED 20mgs/ED 7caps/ED
7 500mgs/EW 600mgs/EW -OFF- 25mgs/ED 20mgs/ED 7caps/ED
8 500mgs/EW 600mgs/EW -OFF- 25mgs/ED 20mgs/ED 7caps/ED
9 500mgs/EW 600mgs/EW -OFF- 25mgs/ED 20mgs/ED 7caps/ED
10 500mgs/EW 600mgs/EW -OFF- 25mgs/ED 20mgs/ED 7caps/ED
*ED = per day*EW = per week


The half-life for anadrol is around 9 hours, so you should be taking it 2 times per day. Always split you dosages into AM and PM if you want maximum results.

Trade Names

  • Anadrolic
  • Anadrol
  • Anapolon
  • Anadrollic
  • Anadroll
  • A50
  • Abombs
  • Oxydex
  • Hemogenin
  • Oxyanabolic


Informational Video:


anapolon anadrol

anadrollic 50

anadrol 50

anadroll 50

anadrol 50



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Albert Wolfgang is a professional medical writer with over 20 years of experience. He hold multiple personal training certifications, including the coveted NASM and AFAA certificates. He graduated with honors with a B.S. and M.S. in biochemistry with a minor in physical studies. Albert and his team have trained over 100 IFBB professional bodybuilders, including Hollywood stars and many up and coming fitness stars.

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