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Dostinex (Cabergoline)

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Cabergoline (brand name Dostinex, cabaser, caber), a fungi derivative, is a potent dopamine receptor agonist. Numerous studies have shown that cabergoline inhibits prolactin. Currently, it is the preferred choice in medicine over the older bromocriptine because of its longer half-life and minimal side effects.

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The the early 1980's, cabergoline was invented by an Italian drug company called Farmitalia Carlo Erba, which is now owned by Pfizer. Scientists discovered the drug while experimenting with ergot (fungus) alkaloids. The FDA approved the drug in 1996, and it went generic in 2005 after its patent expired in the US.

Uses in medicine

There are many uses that the medical world is discovering for dostinex. They include hyperprolactinemia, prolactin producing tumors, Parkinson's disease, Cushing's disease, and a myriad of other ailments.

One of the best known uses for cabergoline is in tumors and cancers related to high prolactin levels. In fact, it's been an industry leading drug when it comes to shrinking prolactin-secreting macroadenomas.

How it works

Cabergoline is a long acting dopamine D2 receptor agonist. Rat studies show it inhibits prolactin secretion in the pituitary's lactotroph cells. Prolactin is a protein hormone which is best known for enabling female mammals to produce milk; however, there are many other functions for prolactin in both males and females.

When taking cabergoline, the prolactin doesn't get secreted from the pituitary, which causes prolactin levels to drop. In males, the most well known effect of prolactin is during and after ejaculation. This is called the sexual refractory period; during this time, the male will lose interest in sex and feels satisfied. We'll go more into this later.

Bodybuilding Uses

There are several ways we can use caber in bodybuilding. Since it is a dopamine agonist, some athletes believe they can take it to give themselves an adrenaline rush during a sporting event. Also, the addition of dopamine can improve motor skills and give you an edge over your competition. In theory, you will be able to workout much harder and be able to ignore pain pushing your muscles to the limit.

The main way bodybuilders use cabergoline is when they run a compound which increases prolactin levels in the body. Trenbolone will turn into prolactin, and, when abused, you can get prolactin based gynecomastia. In addition, a spike in prolactin can cripple your sex drive. Even when you do not run a compound that increases prolactin, caber can still help normalize your libido when you are playing with your hormones.

Another way caber can be used in bodybuilding is by its mechanism of mimicking dopamine being produced from food intake. Ever had a craving for New York style greasy pizza, oreo ice cream or some other treat you know you shouldn't have? Well, when you take cabergoline, the dopamine being released can act as the pleasure chemical, which can make a bite of that pizza satisfy you rather than eating the whole pie. This aids weight loss goals and helps you stay lean.

And finally, sleep! Many bodybuilders who take cabergoline report improved sleep thanks to the dopamine mimic. This allows you to sleep more, deeper and longer.

Cabergoline and Sex

As mentioned earlier, when a man ejaculates during sex, his prolactin levels spike up causing him to lose interest in sex. Rat studies have proven that cabergoline actually reduces prolactin in the body, so when you take the caber you will be able to regain your sex drive quicker.

When we are on a cycle or when coming off a cycle, our sex drive can be altered. Sometimes in good ways, but many times in bad ways; especially, when trenbolone is involved. In this instance, if libido and sex drive is an issue, caber can be added to your cycle or post cycle therapy (PCT) to aid in prolactin level re-balancing.

Why do men have prolactin if we don't breast feed?

Mother nature is smarter than you think. As stated earlier in the article, female mammals have increased prolactin levels, which causes milk to be produced, so they can breast feed their baby. My theory is that mother nature decided to give men prolactin as we evolved, to prevent overpopulation of humans. If a man ejaculates, he is satisfied and loses interest in sex, then he won't want to have sex again for a certain period of time. This is why guys like to have sex then kick the girl out of their bed afterward. When a man takes cabergoline, it reduces the refractory period and you will be ready for sex again much sooner.

Side effects

Some bodybuilders complain about stomach pains on caber; however, when taken at a proper dose and with food, this isn't a problem. I recommend taking caber before bed with a light meal, that seems to be the best way.

Half-life and Dosages

As mentioned beforehand, cabergoline blows away bromocriptine because it has a much longer half-life of 3 days vs. 12 hours. This is why the medical community prefers it and so should you. Many guys complain that caber is expensive, this is more due to ignorance on their part. Most bodybuilders don't understand that you only need to take it twice a week and the dosage can be very low. I recommend a quarter mg (0.25mgs) per dose, which is fairly moderate. Caber is a very potent drug and should be run very conservatively, make sure you know what you're doing with it.


dostinex cabergolin

Dostinex by Pfizer

teva cabergoline

TEVA Cabergoline

cabaser cabergoline


dostinex tablets

Dostinex Tablets



Dostinex (Cabergoline) is usually sold in pill form, but it's readily available as a research liquid. Research liquids are usually 0.25mgs/1ml, while pills are generally 0.50mgs/tablet. There are guys selling capsules but it's rare.


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Steve Smi (Also known as Steve Smith), has over 12 years of experience in the bodybuilding and fitness industry. He's the co-Host of the popular Evolutionary Radio Podcast - over 500,000 listens! He has been a personal trainer and writer for the last 10 years with over 1000 articles written. He's been a moderator on forums for over 10 years. Steve holds the following certifications and records: NASM Personal Trainer NASM Fitness Nutrition Specialist Florida Local Powerlifting champion Top writer for 2019 Fitness rated

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