just wondering if i should be taking any other supplements with my cycle
i’m 24 years old 160 pounds, im trying to bulk up. i eat pretty clean, im going for more on the lean bulk direction.
this is my first ever cycle and im pretty fit before i started my cycle i was a boxer for a year so im pretty lean.
started my cycle on august 11th with winstrol 25mg oral everyday for 2 weeks and on august 12th (monday) i did a pin of 100mg of tren and did another pin that next monday. this last sunday i started 50mgs of winstrol but im keeping the tren the same.
i plan on just doing this for 4 weeks total so not a crazy cycle.
i have not been taking anything for this cycle other than just milk thistle for my liver support. i’ve been told since this is my first cycle and im not taking much that im fine not taking i think its called estrogen blockers or something. just wanted your guy’s opinion.