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Evolutionary Underground Episode #10 comes your way with Ricky V Rock and Steve Smi as your hosts. Today the guys are going to talk about the best way to get 6 pack abs, with the help of anabolic steroids, from Geneza Pharma.
Cycle #1
Ricky starts us off with GP Mast100, which is Masteron 100mg/ml with 10CC's total per vial. He says he likes to stack that with GP Primo100, which is Primobolan 100mg/ml with 10CC's per vial.
It's a good combination, although they aren't the cheapest steroids out there. However, Primobolan is one of those things where if you use an inferior brand you will get screwed. Sources and brands may run out of their Primobolan and then send their customers something else instead, and if you aren't experienced you may not notice the difference until it's too late.
Masteron (Drostanolone) is a unique anabolic steroid because of the way it is derived from DHT (dihydrotestosterone). It is altered by the addition of a methyl group at the carbon 2 position. This structural change is what makes masteron anabolic, and what makes it function the way it does. Read more...
All in all, Ricky says you must get it from a brand that is legit, so you know you are getting the quality Primobolan. He says that GP Geneza has been around for so long that you know it is the real stuff. Ricky says he has seen fake Schering Primobolan, and it is super expensive. So go with the brand we trust, which is Geneza.
He has 2 final tips with this cycle, the first is to use a testosterone base. Ricky is an advocate of doing it that way and says some people are already on TRT anyway. His 2nd advice is to make sure to get a lot of good quality lean protein on this stack if you want to feed your muscles. If this cycle is done correctly, even in a caloric deficit, you will gain good quality muscle mass. Finally, Ricky describes this stack as the aesthetic stack he likes.
Cycle #2
Steve goes next with his 6 pack cycle he likes. He likes using Trenbolone acetate from Geneza Pharma at 100mg EOD or 350mg total per week. He says that some people react incredibly well to Trenbolone, this group of people can shred down on it even while on a poor diet eating a lot of bad food. He cites reasons for this which include the fact that Trenbolone is 5X more anabolic/androgenic than Testosterone, and even though those ratios don't necessarily translate to real life, in this case, it exists. The bottom line is Trenbolone is much more powerful than straight Testosterone. He warns that some people don't react at all well to Tren, but he estimates about 33% react incredibly well to this cycle, even if your diet is poor you will still get 6 pack abs, even though Steve never recommends eating a poor diet.
Trenbolone, the most famous steroid for amazing gains, meets Equipoise, the most misunderstood steroid. In this article, we'll be going over the facts on how and why you need to stack Tren and EQ; in addition, we'll cover the fine points of bulking vs. cutting cycles. Read more...
Steve also says that Trenbolone is one of the few steroids out there that was designed for bodybuilders and once it became widely available in the 90s that is when bodybuilding truly changed. He finally warns that a lot of Trenbolone out there is dirty, which can lead to a greater chance of Tren cough, infections, fevers, and redness on the injection site. So he says you must use high-quality Trenbolone.
Cycle #3
Ricky's next cycle involves using a steroid blend that he likes. GP Sustanon is a blend of 5 different Testosterone esters all in 1: 20mgs Acetate, 30mgs Propionate, 60mgs PhenylPropionate, 60mgs IsoCaproate, 100mgs Decanoate. All of this adds up to 270mgs/ml.
Sustanon 250 is the trade name for an injectable steroid designed to be a sustained-release testosterone shot. As the name indicates, the product has 250mg of testosterone per 1milliliter. By combining four different testosterone esters in the mix, the designers of Sustanon 250 were trying to eliminate the peak and trough in blood serum levels that using only a single ester would create. This created one of the best testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) steroids on the market. Read more...
He likes using 1CC every 10 days, it isn't something crazy, but it is a simple way to get good quality Testosterone. Combined with a caloric deficit, working out hard in the gym, and using this steroid you can get those 6 pack abs. He says everyone wants those abs, but nobody wants to starve a little bit and nobody wants to lift heavyweights.
He also says he likes to add in a little bit of an anti-estrogen to help keep estrogen down.
Cycle #4
The next one by Steve is called GP Andromix, now a lot of you are wondering what the heck he is talking about, but it might be the best cycle of all.
Andromix is a mixture of Testosterone propionate 50mgs, Trenbolone Acetate 50mgs, and Masteron Propionate 50mgs. So it comes out to 150mgs per ML. In this scenario, he says you can inject 1CC EOD which gives you 50mgs of each every other day (175mgs total per week), or you can inject daily which gives you 50mgs ED (or 350mgs a week of each).
He recommends the 2nd option of daily injections so you don't keep things too conservative. He estimates that 33% of people will run this stack and get those 6 pack abs because the addition of the Testosterone and Masteron helps you get there due to the synergy that is being implemented.
Ricky's 6 pack ab advice
Before the guys get to the final cycle they wanted to present, Ricky chimes in and says that steroids can only get you so far on your 6 pack journey. He says your diet has to be on point and clean and you may need to suffer a little bit to get the body you want. If you are over 15% body fat you need to adjust your lifestyle choices, something as simple as just drinking water going forward vs. drinking and eating anything sweet can be incredible.
Ricky believes that many people attribute their body look to just the use of steroids. His point is if you combine both an incredible diet AND steroids then you will look like a sculpture because no amount of drugs can get you there without all your ducks in a row. Underground 10 we discuss Steroids for 6 pack Abs from Geneza #evolutionaryorg #Steroids #Geneza
— Evolutionary Podcast (@EvolutionaryPo) March 29, 2022
Cycle #5

Steve brings up a final steroid cycle which he feels can help the final 33% of you out there that may not react best to Cycle #2 and Cycle #4.
Steve believes in 3 things to cut down so we can see your abs. The first is time-restricted eating, the 2nd is putting quality food in your body, and the 3rd is cardio. Steve loves Equipoise as a steroid for cutting because you can go hot and heavy on the cardio while on it, as he believes it is one of the few steroids that will aid cardio and not hurt.
He says a conservative dose of 400mgs a week of the Equipoise is good along with some Winstrol @25mg-50mgs per day. They work well together if you are doing cardio and your diet is on point. The Equipoise will help, then adding the Winstrol will dry you out, and you will get that chiseled look and hard as a rock.
This stack is very solid for those who don't react well to Trenbolone. The Geneza Equipoise and the Winstrol stack is a wonderful choice for those who want to get 6 pack abs for the summer.
Equipoise, also known as Boldenone Undecylenate or EQ, is a veterinarian steroid developed by CIBA, to be a form of long-acting injectable dianabol. Read more...
He finishes his thoughts by saying fasted cardio is a great way to burn off excess fat for 25-35 minutes every morning. Combining fasted cardio with a clean diet, Steve can almost assure you that you will get 6 pack abs on this stack.
Forums on our forums? read on:
I am in Europe and wondering if geneza pharma will ship to me and how long does it take. Read more...
Muscle cramps are very common when using steroids. It usually happens with oral steroids like dbol but it can also happen with steroids like primo and sust. Read more...
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Guys, this is the deal. I am injecting myself some testosterone (cypionate 500 mgs per week), and now on week 5 I get really hungry, really fast. Read more..
Is it normal to feel strong hunger when you use trenbolone? Since I have started my cycle I get as hungry as I have never been before. Read more..
- Psychosexual effects of three doses of testosterone cycling in normal men
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