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Geneza Pharma Cutting Cycles reviewed

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In this episode, Ricky V. and Steve Smi discuss more cutting cycle advice because Tis' the season to cut down going into the summer. There are so many great options that Geneza Pharma, which is one of the best brands in the world, has to offer.

Cycle 1

The first cycle involves an oral cutting stack. Ricky V likes GP Winstrol, GP Anavar, and GP Proviron. Rick says it's okay to run these 3 together as long as they do not exceed 100mgs a day in total, otherwise you run the risk of health strain. The reason for the proviron is that it gives you that dry and hard look. https://www.evolutionary.org/forums/anabolic-steroids-peds/adding-100-mg-day-proviron-83488.html?

He recommends using a product called N2guard with this stack to help with liver complications because it contains milk thistle, TUDCA, and other liver aids. Rick also recommends a strong cutting diet and a lot of exercising to get the most out of this stack. Read More

Cycle 2

Steve is up next with his cutting cycle idea. He says that some of you reading this will react incredibly well to using Trenbolone as part of your cutting stack, even those that have an inferior diet. One of the reasons for this, as Steve explains, is that people will eat a lot of food and calories for some period of time. Then when they go on their cycle, they will cut back on their food intake while their metabolism stays high in the process, and even if their diet isn't the best they still manage to cut down hard many percent of body fat.

If you are one of those people who cut down great on Trenbolone, even if you are eating things like fast food, then if you were to eat healthier you will get outstanding results which will pay off long term with how you feel. Read More


Steve recommends using 250-300mgs a week of GP Trenbolone and no more for this particular cycle because this allows you to stay flexible. One of the best steroids to use in this stack is GP Masteron, and when you combine these two steroids it's like peanut butter and jelly, they just work well together. The reason Steve doesn't include Testosterone is that many people will get more smooth on it and that isn't what you want here.

Cycle 3

GP T3 Cytomel is a thyroid drug that Ricky doesn't always recommend to his clients. However, if you are experienced and at that prime level to take things to the next level, it might be something great for you to use. He says he doesn't want you to be on the drug too long because of its effect of suppressing your thyroid gland, so he recommends using a supplement called T3PCT when you come off of it. He also likes using this stack with GP Masteron which will harden and cut you up. https://www.evolutionary.org/forums/anabolic-steroids-peds/trenbolone-t3-clen-82483.html?

Cycle 4

A lot of you reading this will use steroids and deal with being 'hangry', aggressive, having insomnia, and other problems like severe organ strain. Steve says he gets a lot of requests for a cycle with low side effects so you can enjoy your cycle without it being a headache.

He says this cycle will not transform your body overnight, but it is perfect if you are a person who is willing to be patient and who just wants to run a cycle where you can focus on cardio and diet, while using steroids as the icing on the cake. He says on this cycle you don't have to feed your body a ton of food where you have to destroy your gut health and alter your bowel movements.

He says this cycle involves GP Testosterone 100-125mgs a week, along with Primobolan at 300-500mgs a week. You won't have any issues with joints, prostate, or anger. He says you can use this for 10-12 weeks and have clean results with almost no side effects. https://www.evolutionary.org/forums/anabolic-steroids-peds/primo-without-test-66273.html?

Cycle 5

The next cycle Rick recommends GP Superdrol for cutting at a low dose along with GP Boldenone/EQ 300mg/ml. It isn't an expensive cycle, and you will get a decent amount of product for an affordable price. He says he doesn't recommend using Superdrol longer than 4-6 weeks, but he says he likes to frontload the Boldenone/EQ to get more into your system faster.

So in this example, he will run a higher dose of the EQ for 4 weeks, up his calories a bit to rev up his metabolism, and then he will cut back on calories and do some fasting then he adds on the superdrol which will work well for hardening you up. https://www.evolutionary.org/forums/anabolic-steroids-peds/superdrol-test-prop-into-test-cyp-eq-tren-log-84138.html?

Cycle 6

The final cycle might be the best one of all and the most fun. Steve talks about GP Tren, Test, and Anavar.

If you react well to Trenbolone and Testosterone, where you can cut down on both, then you will love adding Anavar to it too. Steve notes that Anavar is in the top 5 most popular anabolic steroids of 2022, even though it is expensive. He says the reason it is so popular is that it works and it does a great job of helping you cut down.

Stacking the Anavar aggressively from 40-80mgs a day is okay, depending on how much you can afford. As far as the dosages of Testosterone it depends on your own experiences, you may want to run 100mgs only, and you may want to run 500mgs or more. He cautions if you do want to run a higher dosage you will need an AI like GP Aromasin. Read More

The Trenbolone should be ran 200-500mgs. https://www.evolutionary.org/forums/anabolic-steroids-peds/tren-ace-test-e-var-cycle-log-83151.html?

Final tips

Rick says that his final advice is to focus a lot on your diet. Controlling your appetite is one of the biggest challenges as to why people struggle to lose weight. If you want to get the most out of your cutting cycle it is most important to eat clean. As far as steroids, you must use good quality gear otherwise you will waste your time and money and jeopardize your health in the process.

Rick's final warning is that there are a lot of underground labs out there that are selective scamming people and selling fake products that are very harmful. Always make sure you are using a quality supplier like Geneza pharma so you don't end up on the wrong end of the stick.


Forums on our forums? read on:

does proviron gives boost to bulk,what if used with test n deca? Read more

Is it normal to feel strong hunger when you use trenbolone? Read more

I started taking t3 (cytomel) a week ago. I can see in the mirror I have Read More

planning to run my second cycle after the first being with deca and testosterone Read more

I've just started my first cycle of Anavar and am seeking to use it Read More


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Lev Butlerov holds a Masters Degree in Biology, he is NASM Certified, ISSA Certified, The National Council on Strength & Fitness (NCSF) certified and is currently working on his American Council on Exercise (ACE) certificate. From Lev: I love bodybuilding and the biology, chemistry of the industry. It's my hobby and my love. I have done multiple bodybuilding shows, 2 in Germany in the past 5 years. I hope everyone enjoys my articles. In 2021 (going into 2022, 2023) I will be working on my PhD thesis in physiotherapy and biochemistry, I hope to have some of the bits published here.

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