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Welcome to Hardcore 2.0 Episode #65. In this 2 part series, Steve and Mobster discuss how to hijack your testosterone levels compliments of Euro Pharma. In this part 1 edition, the guys get into things you can control in your life that can help, what to look for in bloodwork, and how using anabolic steroids can change your numbers.
Testosterone 101, what is it?
Testosterone is the male hormone that is present in both genders but is the dominant hormone in males. It is produced with males via our testes/Leydig cells which are fed thanks to our pituitary glands. Normal Testosterone levels for males in the USA can range from 300ng/dl up to 850ng/dl, however this has a wide disparity. Steve and Mobster discuss why that is.
One of the things Steve brings up is that just because someone might have a high Testosterone level doesn't mean they will be happy, healthy, and have vitality. He brings up an example of how he used to play poker with a bunch of wealthy older guys who were all on Testosterone yet were still miserable and out of shape. On the flip side, he says he has seen plenty of examples of people with Testosterone levels at 400 or less who live happy and healthy lives and are successful. The guys agree that making your Testosterone levels optimal is very important as this will allow you to gain more muscle and strength.
The guys go over some of the side effects of low Testosterone, and what they mean, that you may experience as a male.
*Decreased Sex drive: You won't want to have sex and this is a problem, especially in sexless marriages.
*Erectile dysfunction: This means you won't be able to get or maintain erections. In the USA we use more dick drugs like Viagra and Cialis then any other country.
*Infertility: If your pituitary glands aren't producing hormones, they won't stimulate your Leydig cells to produce sperm or Testosterone.
*Inability to burn fat or build muscle/strength: Steve explains that metabolic factors will make it harder to burn fat when having low testosterone. Also, a low Testosterone environment will make it harder to build muscle and strength.
*Poor energy and motivation: All in all expect to feel poor energy and not be motivated when having symptoms of low testosterone. 466 Everything you want to know about testosterone use in this podcast. #evolutionaryorg #testosterone #bodybuilding
— Evolutionary Podcast (@EvolutionaryPo) March 21, 2022
How to get your Testosterone levels up naturally
Mobster and Steve go over some strategies that you need to work on, to get your Testosterone levels higher, before you think about using any sort of PED or even supplements.
Exercise: The guys ask, why does your body need to produce testosterone if you sit on your butt all day? Get up and exercise.
Be healthy: Not just with the foods you eat and exercising but also mentally; stop stressing and putting yourself in stressful situations.
Have less body fat: The higher the body fat the worse your metabolism.
Specific dietary foods: Oysters, onions, Brazil nuts, broccoli, eggs, fatty fish and tuna, bananas, and avocados. Many are rich in magnesium, zinc, and potassium. Avoid alcohol, sugars, refined and processed junk and other crappy food.
Sleep is crucial: When you sleep you repair and recover everything in your body, including your reproductive system/HPTA.
Testosterone boosters: Several well-known Testosterone boosting supplements are out there including Fadogia, Tribulus, Vitamin E, Zinc, Fenugreek, and Tongkat Ali.
Also, magnesium, vitamin D, fish oil, calcium, and Boron are great options.
Total Testosterone vs. Free Testosterone.
As mentioned earlier, normal Total Testosterone levels can range from 300ng/dl up to 850ng/dl depending on a person's age and other factors.
For free testosterone, the normal range is 3.5-15.5 ng/dl or 10-45 pmol/L.
Steve says when you get a blood test in the USA you will need to ask your doctor and/or pay more to get your free testosterone checked. This is because free testosterone measures ONLY the active form of Testosterone. He says he has seen enough bloodwork to know that in most situations if your total testosterone is normal, then your free testosterone will be normal too, and so on. However, in some situations, a person may have a normal total Test but a low free test. Luckily, there are ways to help boost your free Testosterone.
How anabolic steroids affect Testosterone levels
Steve explains that when it comes to hormones in the body, unfortunately, you won't be able to trick it into producing its hormones along with exogenous hormones.
When you use Testosterone derivatives it can still show up as Testosterone in bloodwork. An example is a bodybuilder who had passed away was not using any Testosterone, yet his total Testosterone levels were extremely elevated from using a Testosterone derivative called Equipoise. Nandrolone is also highly likely to show up as Testosterone as well since it is extremely similar in structure.
Anabolic steroids also cause suppression and the guys explain how.
Also more time off. There will always be a response to testosterone/ped but the more time off the better the response
Part 2 preview
The guys then get into what they will be talking about in part 2, which will be Hardcore 2.0 #66. Some of the things they get into are how anabolic steroids affect your Testosterone numbers, bloodwork scenarios, and how to boost free testosterone with both supplements and steroids.
Where to get Euro Pharmacies
Euro Pharmacies can be purchased from
PSL is an approved source that has been around for 15 years providing customers with outstanding oral steroids, injectable steroids, ancillaries, PCT products, and more. When you purchase from them you know you are getting authentic Euro Pharmacies brand and not fakes.
Euro Pharmacies and PSL provide lightning-quick domestic shipping to American customers, no need to worry about customs and no need to stress about how long it takes. They ship typically within a few days and you get your package lightning fast. They also offer international shipping as well to many other countries.
They have reps on the forums to further assist with setting up cycles and answer questions you may have. If there is ever an issue they are on call to help with your order and make sure you are taken care of.
Forums on our forums? read on:
got my testosterone levels checked and they’re kind of in the middle we’d like to get those levels increase naturally with supplements Read More......
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My stats are five foot nine 158 pounds Read testosterone levels are in the low 300s and I love to try and take something to boost my testosterone levels naturally. What is your opinion about using different Read More.........
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