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Before I give you the actual cycle. We need to define what's a beginner when it comes to steroids. A beginner to steroids is someone who either: a) has never done a cycle before or b) has 1-2 cycles under his belt. Anything under 3-4 cycles is a beginner status to me.
Why do an oral only cycle?
It's simple, a lot of guys don't like injections and hate the idea of needles, while others don't have the time to properly inject themselves.

Fig 1. Dihydrotestosterone (DHT) Chemical Structure
Since we are talking about cutting, mainly DHT compounds will be used to get lean. Think anavar, winstrol, maybe some proviron. Adding cardarine (GW-501516) and clenbuterol would also be beneficial. Let's put together a cutting cycle with 4 compounds for 8 weeks.
Week | Anavar | Winstrol | Cardarine
GW-501516 |
Clenbuterol | N2Guard |
1 | 40mgs per day | 50mgs per day | 20mgs per day | 40mcg per day | 7 caps per day |
2 | 40mgs per day | 50mgs per day | 20mgs per day | 40mcg per day | 7 caps per day |
3 | 50mgs per day | 60mgs per day | 20mgs per day | -OFF- | 7 caps per day |
4 | 50mgs per day | 70mgs per day | 20mgs per day | -OFF- | 7 caps per day |
5 | 50mgs per day | 80mgs per day | 20mgs per day | 40mcg per day | 7 caps per day |
6 | 40mgs per day | 50mgs per day | 20mgs per day | -OFF- | 7 caps per day |
7 | 40mgs per day | 50mgs per day | 20mgs per day | 40mcg per day | 7 caps per day |
8 | 40mgs per day | 50mgs per day | 20mgs per day | 40mcg per day | 7 caps per day |
How do these drugs work together to create the perfect cutting cycle?
Essentially, you have 2 DHT cutting steroids (oxandrolone and stanozolol), a cutting SARM (Cardarine) and a stimulant fat loss aid (clenbuterol). To combat side effects and protect your liver from 8 weeks of oral steroids you have N2Guard.
Do I need an aromatase inhibitor (AI) with this cycle?
No, you don't need an AI as none of these compounds aromatize. Simply put, none of the products in the cycle convert to estrogen, so you don't need anti-estrogens.
Isn't 8 weeks too long for an oral cycle?
It depends how you define “too long.” If proper cycle aids like cardarine and N2Guard are used, you should be fine as your liver and organs will be protected. However, if you want to be very safe, you can run this oral only cycle for 6 weeks and take time off.
What kind of Post cycle therapy (PCT) do I need?
Since you're doing a short cycle, your PCT can be shorter than usual. I usually recommend the perfect post cycle therapy, which is around 6 weeks give or take and is very demanding. However, if you're doing a 6-8 week oral only cutter as I outlined above, I'll give you a different PCT.
Week | Clomid | Nolvadex | HCGenerate | Ostarine | N2Guard |
1 | 5 caps per day | 25mgs per day | 7 caps per day | ||
2 | 100mgs per day | 40mgs per day | 5 caps per day | 25mgs per day | 7 caps per day |
3 | 50mgs per day | 20mgs per day | 5 caps per day | 12.5mgs per day | 7 caps per day |
4 | 25mgs per day | 10mgs per day | 3 caps per day | 7.5mgs per day | 7 caps per day |
5 | 12.5mgs per day | 10mgs per day | 2 caps per day | -OFF- | 7 caps per day |
Hello i had some questions answered already and now want to know that if i live in america and purchase the above items will i have trouble
Albert Wolfgang
go here bro
Would this cycle also be effective for trying to gain mass with not a lot of bodyfat already present to even cut with (14%)?
Basically would this also be good for bulking?
Albert Wolfgang
You can gain mass with this cycle if you add calories and protein to bulking BMR.
Is their anything the winstrol could be substituted with? another oral?
– could superdrol be placed in there?