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- 1 Profile
- 2 Benefits
- 3 Side Effects, Dangers and Lies
- 4 Dosages and Use
- 5 Cycles
- 6 Half-Life
- 7 Celebrities
- 8 Trade Names
- 9 Videos
- 10 Pictures
In our industry, clenbuterol (better known as clen) is usually known as the “cousin” of ephedrine. That's because clen stimulates beta-2 receptors as a beta-2 agonist. Essentially, that means clenbuterol allows you to burn stored fat calories (your bodyfat) as energy before you reach other sources of fuel.
Clenbuterol is approved in certain EU countries as an asthma drug, but it's banned by the US FDA. However, it has found a home with livestock farming worldwide. It's fed to animals to increase fat free lean mass (FFL), so the animals get more muscles and less fat.
What are the benefits of clenbuterol?
Clenbuterol is mainly used as a fat-loss drug; almost exclusively in cutting cycles. Most users are amazed at the increase in lean mass after clen use. That's because studies have shown that it can increase your fat free mass and increase your basal metabolic rate (BMR), while acting as an anti-catabolic and anabolic.
Clenbuterol has amazing properties: it's a fat loss pill with the ability to aid muscle retention, decrease muscle loss and boost aerobic capacity. In simple terms, you get big and ripped!
What are the the side effects of clenbuterol?
Clen is probably one of the most controversial drugs in bodybuilding these days. Recently, if you read the message forums, people overstate the negative impact of clen all day long. Go 5 years back and clenbuterol was the savior from god for fat-loss. Well, what the heck is the truth? The truth is always somewhere in the middle.
I find that fellow bodybuilders tend to forget we are on steroid forums and in the steroid industry. We take drugs that can only be described as dangerous if you're nice, and deadly if you're in the media. Just think about it, the average UG (underground) lab produces testosterone, you inject in your body, with cooking oil, benzyl alcohol (BA) and benzyl benzoate (BB). Did you know that benzyl alcohol is used as a solvent in paint stripper, paints, inks and lacquers? Don't believe me? Read this: BA information. Now, let's move to BB. Did you know that benzyl benzoate is used as a solvent and as an ingredient in dyes? And these ingredients are just some of the poisons many of us are injecting into our bodies all the time, in some cases daily! Everything is relative, never forget that.
That being said, I don't want to detract from side effects of clenbuterol here, and, by no means, am I saying it's side effect free. There are real sides associated with its use:
- dizziness
- heart palpitation
- anxiety
- abnormal sweating
- over-heating
- blood pressure problems
- heart problems
What dosages of clenbuterol can I take? How do I use it?
Clen is nothing to play with, you should always start with a low dose, around 20mcg/day and never go over 200mcg/day. In general, for men, the dose is around 60-100mcg/day. For women, 10-40mcg/day is usual.
While there are a lot of rumors on the 2 weeks on, 2 weeks off regiment with clen, they aren't based on true science. Studies have shown that fat-free mass (FFM) increased in week 6 of usage by almost 5%. (reference: J Appl Physiol (1985). 2001 Nov;91(5):2064-70.) Therefore, it's safe to assume the best results come after the first 2 weeks. The problem is there is a deregulation of the CNS (central nervous system) beta-2 receptors for most people towards the third week of use. As a result, you'll need to add anti-histamines likes Ketotifen or Benadryl to keep clen working past the first 2 weeks
With all that in mind, I find it easier to have my clients just run clenbuterol 2 weeks on, and 2 weeks off, which makes it easier all around for them.
For daily use, supplementation is a requirement. You should use the following supplements every day:
- N2Guard
- Taurine
- Potassium
- Electrolytes
Can you give me clenbuterol cycles for both men and women?
This is a typical cycle for men doing clenbuterol - pure cutting cycle.
Week | Clenbuterol | Anavar | Cardarine | N2Guard |
1 | 20mcg/day | 40mgs/day | 20mgs/day | 7 caps/day |
2 | 40mcg/day | 40mgs/day | 20mgs/day | 7 caps/day |
3 | -OFF- | 40mgs/day | 20mgs/day | 7 caps/day |
4 | -OFF- | 40mgs/day | 20mgs/day | 7 caps/day |
5 | 40mcg/day | 40mgs/day | 20mgs/day | 7 caps/day |
6 | 60mcg/day | 40mgs/day | 20mgs/day | 7 caps/day |
7 | -OFF- | 20mgs/day | 7 caps/day | |
8 | -OFF- | 20mgs/day | 7 caps/day | |
9 | 60mcg/day | 20mgs/day | 7 caps/day | |
10 | 80mcg/day | 20mgs/day | 7 caps/day |
This is a typical cycle for women doing clenbuterol – cutting cycle.
Week | Clenbuterol | Cardarine
GW-501516 |
N2Guard |
1 | 10mcg/day | 10mgs/day | 3 caps/day |
2 | 20mcg/day | 10mgs/day | 3 caps/day |
3 | -OFF- | 10mgs/day | 3 caps/day |
4 | -OFF- | 10mgs/day | 3 caps/day |
5 | 20mcg/day | 10mgs/day | 3 caps/day |
6 | 30mcg/day | 10mgs/day | 3 caps/day |
What is the half-life of clenbuterol?
Clen half-life is around 48 hours, so after taking one dose you'll have it in your system for up to 2 days. Therefore, never high dose the first 3-4 days of your cycle. You need to get a feel for what dosage is right for you.
What celebrities used clenbuterol?
The most famous celebrities to use clen are:
- Britney Spears
- Lindsay Lohan
- Victoria Beckham
While in sports, many athletes have tested positive:
- Katrin Krabbe (Olympic sprinter)
- Guillermo Mota (MLB Baseball player)
- Jessica Hardy (US Olymic swimmer)
- Lainer Bueno (MLB Baseball player)
- Mick Rogers (Bike racer)
- Mick Rogers (Professional boxer)
Can you give me some clen trade names?
These are some alternative names for clen, there aren't many in the industry.
- Spiropent
- Ventipulmin
- Clenbuterol hydrochloride
- Clenbuterall
- Clenbuteroll
- Clenabol
- Sopharma Clen
Clenbuterol Videos
This is a general video explaining clenbuterol:
Clenbuterol Video
Clenbuterol Photos
Here are some pictures of different clen bottles:
- A descriptive study of adverse events from clenbuterol misuse and abuse for weight loss and bodybuilding
- Clenbuterol: a substitute for anabolic steroids?
- Effects of clenbuterol on skeletal muscle mass, body composition, and recovery from surgical stress in senescent rats
- Clenbuterol marketed as dietary supplement
- Clenbuterol increases lean muscle mass but not endurance in patients with chronic heart failure
- Anabolic effects of clenbuterol on skeletal muscle are mediated by beta 2-adrenoceptor activation
Hi. I’ve stacked clen with anavabol before. On my package it shows Clen20 and Anavabol10. When should I take how much? Thanks
Albert Wolfgang
Depends on the dosages, sounds like 20mcg clenbuterol and 10mg anavar, follow dosages accordingly.
I bought some clen but I’m not sure if it is legit or not. I’m not experiencing any side effects other than possible heart palpitations but it might be in my head.
Albert Wolfgang
My friend, Clenbuterol side effects are very subjective. Your CNS responds differently to clen, depending on your stimulant response.
For example, guys who take a lot of stims and coffee won’t get the nasty side effects from clen (like jittery feeling) but will still get the results.
Thank you for responding, it did clear up some lingering emotions. Then the lack of side effects had me worried even more prior to your response.
Where do people wanting to try it get a hold of Clen?
Albert Wolfgang
visit our forums
great article, I wanted to ask if dosages of Anavar to 40mg for 6 weeks, is need a PCT after use of anavar. The article does not mention PCT, but is it necessary?
Albert Wolfgang
You need PCT no matter how long you do anavar, it’s a steroid so it will suppress HPTA.
Are CrazyMass dot com or CrazyBulk dot com legit. I already placed an order for Clenbuterol. However after googling for reviews, it seems they’re all sponsored reviews. Can someone confirm if either of these companies are legit? Can you suggest another online distributor?
Thank you!
Albert Wolfgang
Crazymass sells steroid alternatives, not steroids. These are dietary supplements with similar names to steroids, they are NOT anabolic steroids. They have this information listed on the website in the disclaimer.
I recently bought from ‘CrazyMass’ and I wouldn’t do it again. As Albert mentioned they are not steroids and it clearly states that on their site and any supplements they send you.
I have not seen decent results from thier products. Neither can I find any reviews of thier products online that appear to be legit. I wasted money chancing it with them.
Great article
What are some websites where I can buy clenbuterol?