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Ben Chow Steroid Cycle

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Welcome to another episode of the IronOverload.io Hardcore podcast.  In this podcast #79, Steve and Mobster discuss Ben Chow and his life and career. They also go over his social media influence, diet, and training, and the guys speculate on his steroid cycle based on what we know he likes and has talked about.

Early life and career

Chow is a 34-year-old ex-bodybuilder who recently retired 2 years ago but is still loved on social media.  He was born 1 hour outside of London in the countryside.

The guys go over Ben Chow's very short career which was followed by some life-threatening experiences.  Always the rebel, Chow loved motorcycles, but one day in 2015 on the way to the gym he collided head-on with a car.  He was covered in blood from head to toe, and spent a week in the trauma unit with severe injuries, including losing his entire quad muscle which was ripped out.   Six weeks later he started to rehab a little at a time and was able to resume his gym activities.

Between 2017 and 2018 he had sepsis from a kidney infection.  He also says he lost his best friend Luke Sandoe, which was when he hit a new low in life. This didn't stop him from wanting to compete and he he jumped onto the scene at the NPC show in 2020 at the Texas State Championships where he got 2nd place. He competed in 2 more shows in 2021, winning the 2021 Lee Labrada Classic and 3rd at the 2021 Texas Classic.

At his peak, he grew over 290 pounds at 6'1''.


Social media influence

Chow's Instagram page is called 'squat like chow' and has a big following of over 100K.  He has several different things he promotes including supplements, online coaching, and bodybuilding food.  He also promotes for hosstile which is a collection of accessories, supplements, and brand wear.



Chow follows a 93:7 healthy food-to-junk ratio.  he believes in pushing to be in a deficit all week and then using that 7% cheat to eat whatever you want.  He also talks about following a low-protein, moderate-carb, and low-fat diet which computes to 150/250/20 on training days.

A typical meal plan for him for dinner for example would be:

white fish, brown rice, broccoli


chicken breast, white rice, asparagus



Bens Training – back workout

Mobster goes over an actual gym workout he did when he visited a gym in Texas and is NOT a standard workout. That was usually very controlled (time, food, place etc), but he went with the flow and did the following

*Pulldowns to stack and a loose style

*Dumbbell Rows to 250lbs and a back-off set with 200lbs x 10

*High pulley cable row (more detail orientated)


*T-Bar Rows


Steroid abuse

Chow announced his retirement on Instagram and admitted he abused steroids way too hard and didn't want to finish life too early.

"Pushed too hard: Something I have spent the last 6-8 months deliberating hard and something that I’ve battled back and forth with. My love for Bodybuilding and challenging myself burns brighter than ever, but I have to be realistic and honest. I have to recognize where I am at in life, what is important in the long run, and where I can add value to those around me.

As many of you know I had a Kidney infection in 2017/18 which progressed to sepsis, this caused a lot of stress and some damage to my Kidney function, so I have spent the last 4 years being very cautious to my approach in Bodybuilding to allow me to continue to push without regressing further. The reality is, that being 290Lbs+, taking PEDs, and redlining my body is just not a sensible strategy or something I NEED to do. I am in an incredibly fortunate position in both Life and Business and I am now able to accept this and embrace this new path in my life.

This is of course very bittersweet for me, but I am excited to redirect my time and passion to my Family and clients and be the best man, Husband, Father, and coach I possibly can."


Here is a stack we can speculate he used during his peak years in 2020-2021:

1200mgs Testosterone

1000mgs Trenbolone ace

1250mgs Masteron Prop

150mcg Clen

100mgs a day Winstrol

125mgs a day Anavar

20Iu's per day HGH

10iu's per day Insulin


Forums on our forums? read on:

Five foot ten, 88kg. 25 years old I’m looking to be the next tren maniac. Want to run a good trenbolone mix. First time with it. My thoughts Read More..........

howdy everyone. I’m 34 yrs young and I’m around 218 pounds and 5’11’’ This is going to be my first official recomp stack and I’m really looking forward Read More........

Currently 50 years old and I weigh 205 lbs and 15% body fat I’m looking to use masteron enanthate or prop on my next recomping Read More..........

I’m heading into a contest this summer and I’m currently about 16 weeks out. Interested in adding either masteron or winstrol to my current contest Read More.........

Would like to harden up while also doing a lean bulk. Looking to run sustanon and winstrol. Sust will be 250mgs a week and winstrol 50mgs a day. 12 weeks is what Read More.........


DISCLAIMER: The following article is for entertainment purposes, Ben Chow has not publicly admitted to using steroids and HGH as far as we are aware. His cycle is not a fact and it's our views on what he used and what steroids he took. This is for information purposes only.

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Lev Butlerov holds a Masters Degree in Biology, he is NASM Certified, ISSA Certified, The National Council on Strength & Fitness (NCSF) certified and is currently working on his American Council on Exercise (ACE) certificate. From Lev: I love bodybuilding and the biology, chemistry of the industry. It's my hobby and my love. I have done multiple bodybuilding shows, 2 in Germany in the past 5 years. I hope everyone enjoys my articles. In 2021 (going into 2022, 2023) I will be working on my PhD thesis in physiotherapy and biochemistry, I hope to have some of the bits published here.

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