With all due respect guys, you asked us to prove we are domestic. We uploaded a photo showing The Australian news paper with the days date circled in red showing Beligas products. You asked us to prove the products are genuine, (when i say you I mean 2 or 3 other Vendors on here, not the general public) we post up photos of the product & verification showing the products are Authentic. You ask us to prove the photos aren't from some random, we also showed you that we are an Official Trusted Vendor on Beligas Official website.
What else do we need? Pictures of us holding a Koala (drop bear for you US guys) a big smile and some products in hand?
This is all getting to much.
Can someone please tell me where you can get a copy of The Australian in Europe or anywhere else with the same days date of the post? Next we will be accused of flying it over in a fighter jet. Once again, not the general public making it hard for us, only other Vendors.
In regards to a Database, what we have and choose for our marketing is entirely at our discretion. I was simply pointing out I have better things to do then go around in circles with the same few who targeted us from day one and failed.