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Liver King Steroid Cycle Exposed

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'Liver King' background

Brian Johnson who is called by his nickname 'Liver King' is a fitness influencer and supplement owner who was recently involved in a scandal where he was caught lying about his steroid usage.  His official self-title is CEO of the ancestral lifestyle.

After high school, he obtained a degree in biochemistry and enrolled in medical school.  He dropped out of med school very early on, and went to work for a pharmaceutical company where he made very good money, which allowed him to spend his free time traveling and doing extreme sports.  During one of his adventures, he met his future wife Barbara and he ended up having 2 sons with her.

According to him, his children grew up very sick all the time. He decided to change their diets and cut out seed oils, liquid calories, and all junk food.  They only were given whole foods, and he took it even further by just sticking to raw meat, liver, and other organs trying to imitate what our ancestors ate.

He has completely denied using steroids and has vigorously defended his 'natty status' while crediting his knowledge, supplements, and lifestyle to how he looks the way he looks.

You can learn more about his history and his life here> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M-m5Sebcucg

9 ancestral tenets

Liver King came up with 9 ancestral tenets to follow in life for ultimate health and vitality.  He believes these are the recreation of the environment that we were supposed to be a part of. They are:

  1. Sleep: This is where we detox and recover
  2. Eat: Eat the whole animal
  3. Move: Walk 30 minutes 3x per day
  4. Shield: Avoid dangers like seed oils and electronics at night
  5. Connect: Connect with the earth, hug a tree and walk barefoot
  6. Cold: You should be uncomfortable parts of the day including taking cold showers and being exposed to elements
  7. Sun: We need sunlight, get outside more
  8. Fight: Fight, hunt, protect, struggle, and persevere.
  9. Bond: spend time with loved ones and protect them


Supplement line and social media

Liver King came out with a supplement line that focuses on 'parts of animals in a bottle' called Ancestral supplements. https://ancestralsupplements.com/collections/whole-body-health

His Instagram has a whopping 2M followers https://www.instagram.com/liverking/?hl=en and has a lot of videos of his adventures and travels.  His youtube also has a lot of views with some videos easily surpassing 1M views. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q_Vd7i4ZpgA

He has built a huge cult following by doing some outlandish things including doing curls in front of everyone while people were grieving the Queen's death.  One thing is for certain he loves the attention and clicks.

Leaked steroid cycle and lies

'More Plates More Dates' is one of the biggest fitness influencers on social media and he broke a bombshell that showed evidence of the Liver King lying about his steroid use.  You can watch the entire video here> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BKpmAGZQetc

Liver King has denied steroid use for years and has been called out by many in the industry and even guys like Joe Rogan https://generationiron.com/joe-rogan-liver-king-natural-status-steroids/Rogan has said on his podcast that it's all just a gimmick and "that guy he's got an ass filled with steroids. That's not a natural body. That guy is shooting all kinds of shit into his system to achieve that kind of physique".

The evidence was emailed that showed the Liver King talking to a coach about the PEDs he was using which includes spending a ridiculous USD 11K per month on HGH alone!   The email stated that he lives in Texas and was trying to build up his brands by hiring a team to film him at his house 7 days out of the month.  He was desperate to stay in top shape year-round so he could always look good on video.  He mentions he has been working out for 35 years, has a hyperbaric chamber at his house, and is now in his mid 40's and dealing with having to keep fat off his back. He then discusses the PEDs he is using.

Based on the email the Liver King cycle looks like this:

Peptides including IGF-1 and CJC

Peptides are short chain amino acid monomers linked by a peptide bond. The body utilizes these short amino acids chains to secrete/pulse growth hormone Read More.........

HGH 4iu's to 15IU's per day

Human growth hormone (also known as hgh, somatropin, nutrobal, nutropin) is a peptide hormone which stimulates growth on the cellular Read More.......

Deca Durabolin 1000mgs per week

Since the mid 1960’s, Deca Durabolin has become a staple in most testosterone and/or dianabol cycles, the main reason is that Deca adds a lot of strength to Read More........

Winstrol 150mgs per day

Winstrol or Stanozolol is an anabolic steroid used to get lean and hard, it's mainly used as an oral during cutting cycles to lose body Read More.......

Test Cypionate 1500mgs per week

The building block of all steroids, testosterone is a naturally-produced hormone in the body. It is secreted by the testes and is responsible Read More........

You can see a portion of the email itself here> https://dam.tmz.com/document/7a/o/2022/12/02/7aefa4257ec94e94a94d471b380dd735.pdf

Steroid admissions

Liver King was embarrassed into putting out a video admitting his steroid lies and apologizing but many feel like in the video he only lied more.  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q_Vd7i4ZpgA

In the video, he admits to having used Deca and Winstrol only in the past.  He admits that currently he uses peptides, HGH, and testosterone ONLY at therapeutic dosages via a clinical doctor.  Ironically, this admission includes the compounds that were shown in the emails to cover his tracks.  In reality, it is likely he also is taking more steroids like Equipoise, Trenbolone, Masteron, and Superdrol but wants you to believe he is only using small dosages.

Fallout and hypocrisy

Many in the supplement industry have called out Liver King for his hypocrisy and many of his fans are very upset to hear their hero has been lying to them for all this time.  The main issue is claiming you achieved your physique from your lifestyle and supplements that you are selling people, when in reality you were on steroids the whole time.

His apology video has been panned quite heavily by his followers as evidenced by comments. Here is an example of the comments being posted:

"The Liver King is speedrunning the influencer lifestyle. Barely a year in the game and he's already making an apology video lmao"

"Sorry for all those who thought eating testicles and eyeballs would lead them to a physique like this"

'I lied to help people with depression' "Yeah, and how depressed do you think they're gonna get when they find out that the person they were looking up to, that they idealized, that they thought was trying to help them has been lying to them all along?"

"-Advertises the video-only feels bad cause he was caught-tries to play some victim cards-shows narcissist behavior still within apologizing -basically scammed people-trying to tell the truth and slip in lies-trying to damage control with little twists"

"The fact that people believed he was natty at all is mind boggling"

Evo podcast

Evolutionary.org hosts Steve and Mobster did a podcast about this story where they went over the facts of the scandal and explained why this all happened.  They explain that there is no such thing as putting animal parts in a supplement that lead you to achieve a physique like Liver King.

Also, they discuss how this sort of scam has been happening for years in this industry, where people claim natural while on a ton of steroids, and gave examples of supplement owners who cheat and lie to their customers for profit.


Forums on our forums? read on:

what is the main difference between taking supplements for the liver and then supplementing for my kidneys Read More........

Hi guys I would like to run a cycle of hgh and I was wondering if it shuts you down like regular AAS, in case it does do you take the regular drugs that you take when you cycle Read More........

Having just come off a SARMS cycle of 12 weeks I am now about to do a mini PCT using Clomid, H2Generate ES and N2Guard for 4 weeks Read More........

I'm worried about kidney disease from abusing steroids over time do you think that this can be help by taking Read More.......

So i have a question for your guys.... Iv had low t for as long as i can remember, i have cycled on and off from the age of Read More........


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Lev Butlerov holds a Masters Degree in Biology, he is NASM Certified, ISSA Certified, The National Council on Strength & Fitness (NCSF) certified and is currently working on his American Council on Exercise (ACE) certificate. From Lev: I love bodybuilding and the biology, chemistry of the industry. It's my hobby and my love. I have done multiple bodybuilding shows, 2 in Germany in the past 5 years. I hope everyone enjoys my articles. In 2021 (going into 2022, 2023) I will be working on my PhD thesis in physiotherapy and biochemistry, I hope to have some of the bits published here.

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