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Andriol is an oral testosterone product, which is composed of testosterone undecanoate. It based in oleic acid oil and sealed in a gel capsule to make up 40mg's. When ester weight is subtracted, the dose comes out to 25mg of raw testosterone per capsule. Another version for this compound is Nebido, which comes in a injectable form, this made it very unpopular.

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Andriol was developed by the drug company Organon, and it was made available in the early 1980's. The main objective of the drug was to provide an oral testosterone version that did not go through the liver.  In addition, the idea was to create an anabolic-androgenic oral steroid that could be used for androgen replacement therapy and/or hypogonadism for men who had low testosterone. With the current success of topicals such as androgel, andriol has lost the little popularity it ever had.

How it works

Unlike other oral steroids, Andriol does not go through the liver, instead it goes through the lymphatic system. This allows the steroid to avoid being destructed by the liver, and enter the blood stream, intact. Interestingly, this would set it apart from the other oral steroids which are 17-aa or methylated.


Testosterone is the male hormone responsible for gaining muscle, losing fat, gaining strength and other man-like features. Bodybuilders will utilize hormones such as testosterone as performance enhancing drugs during cycles. Usually, pure testosterone can serve as a safe and low side effect way to get a test base during a cycle.

Although it is considered a weak steroid, andriol will still have positive effects on recovery, workouts, and libido when used at higher dosages. Bodybuilders who do not want to inject, or use topicals due to allergies or convenience, can use oral andriol instead without fear of damaging their livers.

It is not recommended you run andriol alone, as it is too weak to see results. If you don't stack it, you'll see results comparable to using proviron alone.

Side effects

Side effects are very low with andriol because it is a weak version of testosterone. Though, like all forms of testosterone, you can expect some aromatization into estrogen. Therefore, if you are prone to estrogenic sides, you still need to use an aromatase inhibitor (AI) with andriol.  Although the conversion seems to be low, a small dose of aromasin, or arimidex can be used.


Here are the benefits of boosting testosterone with andriol:

  • Increase fat loss
  • Increase muscle gains
  • Increase mood
  • Increase confidence
  • Boost libido
  • Better Sleep

Fig 1. Benefits of Testosterone

Dosages and Half-Life

Hormone replacement therapy (HRT) doctors will typically kickstart treatment with 120-160mg of andriol per day, split dose, and then stay at 120mg per day thereafter. For bodybuilders and competitive athletes, this dosage will not do very much, and they tend to dose up to 480mg per day. Though, personally I found these doses to be a bit excessive. If you combine it with other orals, 200-250mgs per day can work fine. It is recommended to take andriol before a meal.

The half-life of andriol is fairly short, you'll need twice a day dosage. The suggested split is in AM, before breakfast, and in PM, before dinner.


I would recommend Andriol 240mg per day stacked with a moderate dose of primobolan, trenbolone, deca durabolin, or equipoise (oral: usually mixed with dbol).  Andriol will provide your 'test base', and allow the other compound of your choice to do their jobs, without additional side effects.

Week Andriol Primobolan Cardarine Aromasin N2Guard
1 250mgs/ED 600mgs/week 20mgs/ED 10mgs/EOD 5caps/ED
2 250mgs/ED 600mgs/week 20mgs/ED 10mgs/EOD 5caps/ED
3 250mgs/ED 600mgs/week 20mgs/ED 10mgs/EOD 5caps/ED
4 250mgs/ED 600mgs/week 20mgs/ED 10mgs/EOD 5caps/ED
5 250mgs/ED 600mgs/week 20mgs/ED 10mgs/EOD 5caps/ED
6 250mgs/ED 600mgs/week 20mgs/ED 10mgs/EOD 5caps/ED
7 250mgs/ED 600mgs/week 20mgs/ED 10mgs/EOD 5caps/ED
8 250mgs/ED 600mgs/week 20mgs/ED 10mgs/EOD 5caps/ED


Andriol is a weak oral form of testosterone; however it does have low side effects, is easy on the liver, and will not require injections. Therefore, it's a great alternative for those trying to avoid injections.


andriol holland

Andriol Holland

andriol organon

Andriol Organon

restandol testocaps

Restandol Testocaps

schering nebido

Schering Nebido (injectable)

virigen organon

Virigen Organon


Want to read about Andriol on our forums? check out these threads:


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Steve Smi (Also known as Steve Smith), has over 12 years of experience in the bodybuilding and fitness industry. He's the co-Host of the popular Evolutionary Radio Podcast - over 500,000 listens! He has been a personal trainer and writer for the last 10 years with over 1000 articles written. He's been a moderator on forums for over 10 years. Steve holds the following certifications and records: NASM Personal Trainer NASM Fitness Nutrition Specialist Florida Local Powerlifting champion Top writer for 2019 Fitness rated

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