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Aaron Singerman is the founder of REDCON1 supplements, a gym owner, and businessman who has made news in recent months due to his numerous run-ins with the law and his history of drug and alcohol abuse. In this article, we will take a look at his ups, downs, and his steroid cycle.
Early life and heroin
Aaron was born in 1980 in New Orleans, Louisiana. His first job was working at his father's clothing store where he learned about business and how to take care of customers. He was a poor student and got expelled many times for disrupting the class. During his teenage and 20's he dealt with addiction issues, and his drug of choice was heroin. He says that he was able to conquer his addiction in his late 20's.
Heroin is an opioid drug made from morphine derived from the poppy plant, users will inject, sniff, snort or smoke it to get high. It is highly addictive and comes with long-term side effects from organ disease, to insomnia, to depression. Across the United States, it has become an epidemic with 1300+ people dying per week from overdose and can cost addicts $200 per day ($6000 per month) to keep the habit going.
Getting into bodybuilding
Aaron first started working in a gym as a personal trainer but realized that he wanted to live the dream of fancy cars, boats, and big houses. To achieve that, he knew that being stuck in a gym making near minimum wage wasn't going to get him there. He used the internet to read, ask questions and learn as much as he could about bodybuilding supplements. From there he started a podcast and launched some social media websites.
Supplement companies
Aaron started to network and go to competitions, which led to him meeting his wife who was also into bodybuilding. He partnered with more experienced businessmen who knew how to launch supplement companies and started a company called REDCON1. According to him, REDCON1 was inspired by his grandfathers who were veterans and fought in wars, so that is who he strives to serve. He also put his money into gyms, and other supplement brands including Blackstone Labs, and was able to have a lot of success growing them.
Singerman is married with 3 kids and lives in Boca Raton, FL in a $6M home.
On November 19, 2021, it was announced that two of the main executives of Blackstone Labs; Phillip PJ Braun, and Aaron Singerman had pleaded guilty to conspiring to sell illegal anabolic steroids and other unlawful products marketed as dietary supplements.
The specific charges he pled guilty to are:
Conspiracy to distribute controlled substances
sell unapproved new drugs
conspiracy to defraud the U.S. FDA
mail and wire fraud
Both men admitted they led a conspiracy to sell products, via Blackstone, that were labeled as dietary supplements but were substances and drugs that were not approved by the FDA. In other words, they were selling over-the-counter supplements that were laced with anabolic steroids and other hard drugs.
The reason they would have done this is to make their supplements seem more powerful, to bring in loyal customers who thought the products were amazing. This is known in the supplement world as 'spiking supplements'.
You can read all the details straight from the department of justice website below.
Aaron could face up to 13 years in prison and forfeit millions of dollars. According to this website Aaron may face a reduced prison term since he ratted out everyone involved which meant instead of serving decades in prison, he may serve less time. He is set to be sentenced in early 2022.
Dangers of using spiked
The obvious problem with selling spiked supplements is that the user is not aware of what they are taking. For example, a customer might take a testosterone booster wanting to naturally increase their drive and testosterone levels safely. However, since the product is laced with anabolic steroids they would become shut down, face side effects like liver disease, acne, reproductive damage, and even stroke.
Another common example of spiking supplements might come in the way of pre-workouts where the person is trying to get some extra energy and buzz before training. However, with spiked products, they would include something like DNP or Clenbuterol which can cause heart attacks, fevers, and death in the user.
This type of thing is extremely dangerous for customers because it can cause permanent side effects that they would have no way of knowing about.
BUI and more legal problems
In late November, Aaron was busted for BUI (boating under the influence). He claims he was lost while driving the boat. The worst part of it all is he had minors on board his boat which put them at risk. After smashing into other boats and docks along the Intracoastal waterway near his home he was arrested and blew well over the legal limit.
You can read the story
Click here the Aaron Singerman story Alcohol is responsible for 11,000 boat or vehicle deaths a year in the United States. It is also responsible for countless serious injuries and is the reason our insurance rates keep rising. We all have had family and friends impacted by DUI or BUI in our lives. Hardcore 172 Aaron Singerman Steroid cycle #evolutionaryorg #steroids #bodybuilding
— Evolutionary Podcast (@EvolutionaryPo) December 30, 2021
Aaron Singerman is not a good guy. Knowingly tricking your loyal customers is wrong and extremely immoral and should not be tolerated by anybody in our industry. Some are defending his ridiculous actions. The main problem with what he did is that it makes our entire industry look bad, which is not fair because there are honest businessmen who truly want to help their customers achieve their fitness goals safely, and by knowing what they are putting into their bodies.
Also, Aaron owns 2 homes worth over 10M, he acquired his wealth dishonestly and by stealing from the same people he claims to love including veterans, firefighters, and first responders. He should have to pay restitution to every victim he cheated. My only hope, as unlikely as it may be, is that he gets a conscience and apologizes to everyone, and makes the change in his life. He has a long road back considering his alcohol and drug history so I am skeptical.
Steroid Cycle
Aaron claims he got his physique using regular supplements, this is a common way to sucker in the naive young male demographic into thinking your products will make them look like them. However, we know that Aaron got his physique by using a lot of anabolic steroids. Let's speculate on what a typical cycle for him would look like:
- Cruise doses
- TRT: 250mgs per week year-round
- HGH: 3IU's per day year-round
- Proviron 25mgs per day year-round
Blast cycle:
- Trenbolone Acetate 600mgs per week for 12 weeks
Injectable trenbolone acetate was first released for use in the cattle industry in the 1980’s under the name Finajet. At the time, it contained the short acting acetate ester. This Trenbolone preparation was used to beef up cattle right before slaughter. Read more...
- Masteron Propionate 1000mgs per week 12 weeks
Masteron was developed in 1959, alongside anadrol, by Syntex Pharmaceuticals, but it did not hit the market until 1970. At first, it was sold under the brand names Masteril and Drostanolonum. Later, when Eli Lilly received a license for the drug, it was sold as Drolban. First developed to combat breast cancer, today it is used exclusively for bodybuilding as a cutting steroid. Read more...
- Primobolan 600mgs per week 12 weeks
Primobolan (primo), chemical name Methenolone, is by far the most popular injectable anabolic androgenic steroid (AAS) for cutting cycles. The only steroid that's more popular in cutting cycles is trenbolone. Read more...
- Anavar 100mgs per day for 8 weeks
Anavar (Oxandrolone) was originally created by a Doctor Raphael Pappo under the trademarked name Oxandrin, who worked for Searle laboratories. He created Anavar around 1964 for the treatment of multiple disease including muscle wasting. At that point, anabolic steroids were almost unheard of on the market, and he was part of the founders of the 1st few oral steroids to hit the bodybuilding scene. Later on, Searle was purchased by Pfizer and anavar was discontinued. Read more...
- HGH 6Iu's per day 20 weeks
Human growth hormone (also known as hgh, somatropin, nutrobal, nutropin) is a peptide hormone which stimulates growth on the cellular level. It is a protein which has endocrine functions in living animals and is synthesized in cells from amino acids. Read more...
Forums on our forums? read on:
For keeping estrogen side effects away from a testosterone Enanthate cycle at 250mg per week shot weekly every Monday. Read more...
I'd like to get your opinions on this... I've been on HGH (2iu 2x day so total of 4iu a day) for almost 2 weeks now and i gotta say.. Read more...
I have started my first trenbolone cycle, and my urine got really dark – like rust color. I do drink a lot of water – around 2 gallons per day, so I don't think this has to do with hydration. Read more..
Mast doesn't agree with my skin. Itchy scalp, dandruff, bad acne. Some people love it but its not for me, Winstrol has the same effect only with horrible joints to go with all the other sides. Read more..
Im looking to plan out a cycle for the new year where endurence and muscle retention is extremely important. Read more..
- Trenbolone Improves Cardiometabolic Risk Factors and Myocardial Tolerance to Ischemia-Reperfusion in Male Rats With Testosterone-Deficient Metabolic Syndrome
- Exploring the Polymorphism of Drostanolone Propionate
- Side effect of metenolone enanthate on rats heart in puberty: morphometrical study
- Comparing Oxandrin and Anadrol-50
- 17-epi-Oxandrolone
DISCLAIMER: The following article is for entertainment purposes, Aaron Singerman has not publicly admitted to using steroids and HGH as far as we are aware. His cycle is not a fact and it's our views on what he used and what steroids he took. This is for information purposes only.