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Oxandrovar Cycle

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oxandrovar cycleIn my last article, I discussed the price comparison of Oxandrovar to other prohormones. Today, we'll be discussing the cycling pattern of Oxandrovar along with other anabolic agents. The idea is to run a short burst cycle, known in the Professional Bodybuilding community as a Burst Cycle. You can either transition into a cyclical burst<->cruise pattern or into a burst<->PCT/rest pattern. This is going to depend on your goals. I suggest a hybrid version of the above two patterns.

Step 1) Burst Cycle: you max out your receptor cells for a short 4-6 week duration with both pro-steroids, SARMS and anabolic compounds, combining it with a revolutionary diet and training mix (example: evolutionary diet + HIT).

Step 2) Mini PCT: you run a short PCT run of 3 weeks (can extend to 4) to let your body recover and get time off.

Step 3) Bridge: you run a short 2 week bridge where you supplement and clean/detox your system before going into a cruise.

Step 4) Cruise Cycle: you cruise between your bursts, by running anabolic compounds or a combination of supplement and SARMS. This phase is around 4-6 weeks.

Step 5) Burst Cycle: ***Here you can safely repeat Step 1***

What's the logic behind this layout?

Steroids, pro-steroids, prohormones, SARMS and even supplement are all products which should be cycled. Your body needs to go through burst phases where you overload your receptors for maximum results and off phases, where you let your body recover and clear your receptors. You need to achieve homeostasis and become one with your body; learn that to get the results you want, you need to maximize your cycle planning. The idea is NOT to use more steroids, but to use everything a lot smarter in shorter cycles. More is not always better; rather, the right dosages, for the right periods of time is the proper way to achieve maximum results.

How do you cycle Step 1 to 4? How does one go about running this kind of cycle?

*Week 1-6: Step 1: Burst Cycle*

Week OxandroVar Cardarine


1 2 caps/day

(1 am/1 pre-workout)


(10mgs AM/

10 mgs PM)

2 caps AM/2 post workout/

3 PM

2 2 caps/day

(1 am/1 pre-workout)


(10mgs AM/

10 mgs PM)

2 caps AM/2 post workout/

3 PM

3 2 caps/day

(1 am/1 pre-workout)


(10mgs AM/

10 mgs PM)

2 caps AM/2 post workout/

3 PM

4 2 caps/day

(1 am/1 pre-workout)


(10mgs AM/

10 mgs PM)

2 caps AM/2 post workout/

3 PM

5 2 caps/day

(1 am/1 pre-workout)


(10mgs AM/

10 mgs PM)

2 caps AM/2 post workout/

3 PM

6 2 caps/day

(1 am/1 pre-workout)


(10mgs AM/

10 mgs PM)

2 caps AM/2 post workout/

3 PM

*Week 7-9: Step 2: Mini PCT*

Week HCGenerate Cardarine


7 2 caps AM/

1 post workout/

1 PM


(10mgs AM/

10 mgs PM)

2 caps AM/

2 post workout/

3 PM

8 2 caps AM/

1 post workout/

1 PM


(10mgs AM/

10 mgs PM)

2 caps AM/

2 post workout/

3 PM

9 2 caps AM/

1 post workout/

1 PM


(10mgs AM/

10 mgs PM)

2 caps AM/

2 post workout/

3 PM

*Week 10-11: Step 3: Bridge*

Week Cardarine


10 20mgs/day

(10mgs AM/

10 mgs PM)

2 caps AM/

2 post workout/

3 PM

11 20mgs/day

(10mgs AM/

10 mgs PM)

2 caps AM/

2 post workout/

3 PM

*Week 12-16: Step 5: Cruise Cycle*

Week HCGenerate ES Ostarine


12 2 caps AM/

1 post workout/

1 PM


(12.5mgs AM/

12.5 mgs PM)

2 caps AM/

2 post workout/

3 PM

13 2 caps AM/

1 post workout/

1 PM


(12.5mgs AM/

12.5 mgs PM)

2 caps AM/

2 post workout/

3 PM

14 2 caps AM/

1 post workout/

1 PM


(12.5mgs AM/

12.5 mgs PM)

2 caps AM/

2 post workout/

3 PM

15 2 caps AM/

1 post workout/

1 PM


(12.5mgs AM/

12.5 mgs PM)

2 caps AM/

2 post workout/

3 PM

16 2 caps AM/

1 post workout/

1 PM


(12.5mgs AM/

12.5 mgs PM)

2 caps AM/

2 post workout/

3 PM


What kind of results can one expect from the above cutting cycle?

If you do this 16 week run, you'll be able to achieve a massive amounts of fat-loss while packing on lean, hard mass. In my experience, I've had clients transition their body completely after running a cycle exactly like this. This 16 week cycle is one of the best cutting cycles on the planet, and I'm not exaggerating here.

Can I run this cutting cycle multiple times?

In my experience, the best way to do this kind of cycle is by thinking long term. You have to understand your body and how you react to different compounds. Two of these 16 week runs in a year will completely transform your body and change your life.

Will I get 6 pack abs by doing this cycle?

IMO, you can get very lean with this cycle, even under 5-6% bodyfat, as long as you dial in your diet and training. This means you'll have good looking, shredded 6 pack. You will see marked improvements in your cardio, endurance, fat-loss, energy levels and overall well being. This is one of those cycles that changes your life.


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Written by
Albert Wolfgang is a professional medical writer with over 20 years of experience. He hold multiple personal training certifications, including the coveted NASM and AFAA certificates. He graduated with honors with a B.S. and M.S. in biochemistry with a minor in physical studies. Albert and his team have trained over 100 IFBB professional bodybuilders, including Hollywood stars and many up and coming fitness stars.

1 Comment

  1. Avatar photo

    Hi WPA, I’m going to be running the cycle soon and have a question with regards to Osterine. I have read that it has a half life of around 23 hours and just wanted to know why you split the dose into 2 X 12.5 mgs am and pm? Why not take the whole 25 mgs in one hit a day?

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