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Welcome to a brand new edition of Underground episode #23. In this one, Steve and Mobster bring you a fun podcast where they discuss getting Super lean and Super Big with Geneza Pharma. If you ever wanted to achieve a physique beyond your dreams, while getting both lean and big at the same time then this is the podcast for you.
Info on Geneza Pharma
The first reason Geneza Pharma is such a great brand to use is its quality. Steve says if you are truly trying to get super lean and super big on a cycle you need steroids that give you that edge to finally break through your plateaus. The steroids you take must be reliable and not fake products. An example of this are when guys and gals out there take what they think is Anavar and end up taking Dianabol because they went with an inferior brand that lied about their products. We know Geneza Pharma Anavar is legitimate because we have years of proof from using them, plus they are produced by actual professionals who take pride in their jobs. They are not produced by some guy in the middle of nowhere brewing the gear out of his bathtub.
Mobster says that Geneza Pharma has been in business for a long time and they are an approved brand. Their products are tested and made in actual labs with extreme care to make sure the end product that you use is real. 481 Perfect Abdominals, rest between sets and Recomposition cycle ideas. #evolutionaryorg #Recomposition #cycle
— Evolutionary Podcast (@EvolutionaryPo) May 24, 2022
What does it mean to get super lean and super big?
Mobster starts this segment by saying it's difficult to bulk up and also get lean, especially when you are natural. Many view doing this as a form of recomposition, which is the hardest thing to do in bodybuilding. He finds it much easier to do one or the other, which is why steroids play such a huge role if you truly want to change your body composition.
Steve chimes in his opinion on this topic. He says imagine going to a beach in Miami or South California where there are a lot of attractive people with really nice bodies. The majority of people have lean muscle mass and abs showing, but we want to get big too, not just be skinny with abs. Out of every 10 or 15 people, there might be 1 guy who is lean but also huge, which is a look very rare but also hard to achieve. That is the guy who people point to and ask "What steroids is he taking?" In Steve's opinion, you need anabolic steroids to help you achieve this even with good genetics.
Steve starts the topic by talking about the #1 most epic steroid to achieve super lean and super big and that is Trenbolone. Luckily, Geneza Pharma has a lot of great Trenbolone options.
They have Tren Acetate, Tren Enanthate, and Tren Hex. They also have a Tri-Tren option, which is all those esters together. They also sell blends that contain Tren and other compounds all in 1 vial. Steve says a good rule of thumb is if you want to run a shorter 6-7 week cycle then go with the shorter ester option, if you want to go longer, up to 10 or 12 weeks, then the longer ester is smart so you don't have too many injections.
Steve describes Tren as the "nectar of the Gods" because it can not only lean you up but it can also make you big at the same time. This is why it's the #1 choice for bodybuilders of all levels no matter what their goals are.
A great dosage for Tren is 200-500mgs a week. You can also run it by itself or run it smartly with other steroids. Steve likes to use it with mild steroids like Anavar, Turinabol, Masteron, Equipoise, or a light dose of Testosterone.
Bulking then cutting down
Mobster talks about his favorite cycle for getting super lean and super big and that is stacking Geneza Pharma GP Deca 300, GP Dianabol 50, with GP Sustanon 270. He considers it one of his all-time favorite bulking cycles, so he will run this for 8 weeks to bulk up. During this bulking phase, you will want to reduce the repetitions and go heavier, combined with a very good diet where you are feeding your muscles.
The 2nd part of the cycle would be cutting back down. Mobster likes GP Stan50 (Winstrol) plus using the GP blend of Testosterone Enanthate and Equipoise 200. You can also swap in GP Turinabol 25 or add it to the cycle to give more hardening and cutting benefits.
Oral only cycle option
Steve talks about the next steroid he likes that can be run as an oral-only cycle and can be done in 6 weeks or less. That steroid is GP Anadrol 50. You will want to take 50mgs a day and it will not cost you much money as this steroid is a cheap one to acquire. Steve thinks it's a great idea to try this if you want to run something on a budget that will give you a lot of bang for your buck. The secret with Anadrol being great for both cutting and getting huge is that it is still a DHT derivative but it also binds to estrogen receptors.
NPP 100
Mobster likes GP NPP100, which is nandrolone phenylpropionate, a shorter ester version of Deca Durabolin. Nandrolone is unique, in that it will increase appetite and help you bulk up, but it also aromatizes at a far lower amount than Testosterone. Mobster then adds in Clenbuterol at a low dose of 40mcg per day to start, then gradually increasing the dose. This will help burn fat towards the 2nd part of your NPP cycle.
Testosterone and Masteron
Steve brings up a simple, yet effective steroids stack which combines Testosterone and Masteron. Geneza Pharma has a lot of options for you here depending on if you want to go with long or short esters. Steve likes GP Test Prop and GP Mast Prop for those who want to keep the cycle short and to the point. If you are a great reactor to Testosterone you will get really good results on this stack. 481 Perfect Abdominals, rest between sets and Recomposition cycle ideas. #evolutionaryorg #Recomposition #cycle
— Evolutionary Podcast (@EvolutionaryPo) May 24, 2022
Final tips and advice
Steve says you always want to keep aromatase inhibitors on hand including Aromasin, Arimidex, and letrozole. You also want to make sure you have your PCT drugs ready which include Clomid and Nolvadex. All these compounds are sold by Geneza Pharma to help you save money and hassle.
Mobster's final advice is to go into a cycle already in shape. You should not only be lean and have muscle mass on your frame before using steroids, but you should also have your organs healthy. This will ensure you have a successful cycle and can get leaner and get bigger.
Forums on our forums? read on:
I had some questions about ordering from geneza pharma and what kind of oils they use in their steroids. I'm interested in there injectables they look Read More.........
I’m looking to lean bulk if that makes sense My stats are 6’ tall and 62kg. I am around 15% body fat. I want to gain lean Read More........
My goal with this cycle is to recomp my body to something better than it was before I tore my acl and sat on my ass for 5 months. So far this seems to Read More..........
Is it normal to feel strong hunger when you use trenbolone? Since I have started my cycle I get as hungry as I have never been Read More..........
hello steroid forum experts here I'm looking around at steroid information and really just wanted to know what you guys feel is the very best oral steroid Read More.........
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