Okay I'll carry the log how do I do it
Cholesterol should be included regardless if you can afford as any AAS impact this, some more then other though. I’m not sure mk would be the best suit here but the others will chime in on this with more detailed knowledge. These questions are why you should get your log up and going legend![]()
Thanks for the advice. However, I 100% stay away from rad 140. Unknown insofar as what the future side effects are. And crashes test and fucks liver for minimal gains. Sarms are trash.Here's my thoughts. Others may disagree.
1. Don't do it. You're too young and you should be putting this energy into improving your financial position with the aim of peaking physically in your 30's.
2. If you are going to do it I suggest a cycle of mk677 and rad140 or lgd4033 instead. Better results with less management problems.
3. If you insist on test, then start on 250mg, increasing to 500mg. 250mg just won't be worth the expense. I like Arimistane (not Arimidex) for estrogen control myself. Available over the counter, cheap and side effect free.
Learn to manage estrogen on 250mg then slowly increase to 500mg.