Hey Boys how are yas!
Vietnam was awesome but I think I lost a it of my gains and gained some body fat even though I. Managed to get some don't know how legit it was but I put away like 6-7 vials while I was there for 10 day.
Ok so brief up date I've had 10 days off the gym and keep asf to get back in the gym and get mt dot back on track since eating like 10 bahn mi's a day fuck they were so good.
So I got my blood results back as you can see bellow my free test has stayed the same 51! so I'm not sure what's happening there since I changed labs.
My lhl hdl seems to be recovery, I also took my last shot the last Monday before last. And just shot about a 800mg of test e while I was over there.
Anyways I'll have photos up tomorrow of my current fat ass haaha
I'll take a few weeks of get mt bloods done again including igf!1 etc so I can get a baseline and then once I'm on I'll get another 4-5 weeks in
This is for another thread but my cycle look like
2-3 iui hgh per day , what's your thoughts on dosage and when to take it I've heard to take it fasted and then wait 30 mins before you eat and then someone said to take it at night? What's your thoughts?
600mg of NPP
450mg get prop
And Anadrol and where from 50- 50mg
2-3 iui hgh per day , what's your thoughts on dosage and when to take it I've heard to take it fasted and then wait 30 mins before you eat and then someone said to take it at night? What's your thoughts?
Thanks for all you support and in put my main Goal it to bulk
Thank you I'll appreciate.
Also the state And food I'm eating with come soon