Hi All
Newish member here. I’ve come onboard recently due to a disruption to my usual supply chain. Unfortunately after what I felt was good research and recon, my first new order was poorly timed and coincided with the ( by all accounts ) new suppliers disappearance.
But all good, that’s the territory we are in.
As a self prescribed TRT patient however, another solution was required.
Thankfully the team at r&dpharma have come to my aid and are sponsoring my next blast along with my ongoing TRT.
As such, I will now attempt to log my upcoming blast. I’m nervous about this concept as I am very busy with work and feel I may lack the detail required.
I have had the pleasure of reading a few logs of members and that only heightens my anxiety as they have all been extremely detailed and very well written.
My aim is to use these logs as a guide.
About me
51 years old
Training hard between 18 -30
Fairly fit between 30 - 45
Training hard again 45 - now
TRT started at 48 at 100mg per week
Blast twice a year
I eat dinner with my wife and kids. It’s good quality food however I would be unable to break down macros etc at this stage. But I will.
Again, lunch is good food. Usually on a work site so Ham and salads rolls, yoghurts, protein bars.
Breakfast is 6 Wheat Bix with yoghurt.
Protein shakes and bars in between to fill in the gaps.
Changes every 8 to 12 weeks but at the moment.
Day 1
Squat 3 sec eccentric down 1x6x130
Squat 3x6x110
RDL 3x10x110
Leg Press 3x10x130
FFE Splits 2x20x20db
Copenhagen 2x30sec each side
Leg Ext 3x20x50kg
Day 2
Bench 3 sec eccentric down 1x6x110
Bench 3x6x100
DB Inc Press 3x10x30dbs
Seat Row 3x10x78
Lat Pull 3x10x78
Inc DB curl 2x10x15
Tri ext 2x15x27
Shrug 2x15x40
Day 3
Day 4
Dead Lift 1x6x180
Squat 3x10x100
Hip Thrust 3x15x70
Leg Curl 2x15x20
Day 4
CG Bench 4x6x90
SA Row 3x10x30
Flat DB Press 3x10x30
Cable Fly 3x15x14
Tri Ext 3x15x27
Then usually weekend off. But might sneak an arm workout in.
I increase weight as I can and then after 8 to 12 weeks re program, Delia’s and build up again.
My new cycle will be
Test E 500 per week
Primo 400 per week
I hope this is an ok start. I understand I well get requests for more detail and photos. That will all come as I get better at logging.
To sum up, I am a regular family guy who works 60+ hours a week. I’ve kept fit most of my life. I’m sure many would question my decision to go down the steroid road but I felt after 48 yrs old I needed help to maintain what I was used to looking like. I don’t go crazy with doses and I still work hard in the gym but sometimes training days need to be flexible.
I look forward to positive feedback and advice.
Thanks for reading.
Newish member here. I’ve come onboard recently due to a disruption to my usual supply chain. Unfortunately after what I felt was good research and recon, my first new order was poorly timed and coincided with the ( by all accounts ) new suppliers disappearance.
But all good, that’s the territory we are in.
As a self prescribed TRT patient however, another solution was required.
Thankfully the team at r&dpharma have come to my aid and are sponsoring my next blast along with my ongoing TRT.
As such, I will now attempt to log my upcoming blast. I’m nervous about this concept as I am very busy with work and feel I may lack the detail required.
I have had the pleasure of reading a few logs of members and that only heightens my anxiety as they have all been extremely detailed and very well written.
My aim is to use these logs as a guide.
About me
51 years old
Training hard between 18 -30
Fairly fit between 30 - 45
Training hard again 45 - now
TRT started at 48 at 100mg per week
Blast twice a year
I eat dinner with my wife and kids. It’s good quality food however I would be unable to break down macros etc at this stage. But I will.
Again, lunch is good food. Usually on a work site so Ham and salads rolls, yoghurts, protein bars.
Breakfast is 6 Wheat Bix with yoghurt.
Protein shakes and bars in between to fill in the gaps.
Changes every 8 to 12 weeks but at the moment.
Day 1
Squat 3 sec eccentric down 1x6x130
Squat 3x6x110
RDL 3x10x110
Leg Press 3x10x130
FFE Splits 2x20x20db
Copenhagen 2x30sec each side
Leg Ext 3x20x50kg
Day 2
Bench 3 sec eccentric down 1x6x110
Bench 3x6x100
DB Inc Press 3x10x30dbs
Seat Row 3x10x78
Lat Pull 3x10x78
Inc DB curl 2x10x15
Tri ext 2x15x27
Shrug 2x15x40
Day 3
Day 4
Dead Lift 1x6x180
Squat 3x10x100
Hip Thrust 3x15x70
Leg Curl 2x15x20
Day 4
CG Bench 4x6x90
SA Row 3x10x30
Flat DB Press 3x10x30
Cable Fly 3x15x14
Tri Ext 3x15x27
Then usually weekend off. But might sneak an arm workout in.
I increase weight as I can and then after 8 to 12 weeks re program, Delia’s and build up again.
My new cycle will be
Test E 500 per week
Primo 400 per week
I hope this is an ok start. I understand I well get requests for more detail and photos. That will all come as I get better at logging.
To sum up, I am a regular family guy who works 60+ hours a week. I’ve kept fit most of my life. I’m sure many would question my decision to go down the steroid road but I felt after 48 yrs old I needed help to maintain what I was used to looking like. I don’t go crazy with doses and I still work hard in the gym but sometimes training days need to be flexible.
I look forward to positive feedback and advice.
Thanks for reading.