@simpler welcome to the EVO family. Though I see you have some issues with members already i saw in another thread, please keep polite and cordial so we can stay positive.
Masteron is the most misunderstood steroid in the world, so I'm not surprised. Many guys are not using it right.
I'm really sorry if I came across abrasive because I do not mean to. I've just been involved in bodybuilding at a fairly high level for 35+years. Over that much time, I was also a very good national level competitor and I trained most of my life at Diamond gym in NJ. If youre versed in Bodybuilding you should recognize the name Diamond and what it stands for in East coast bodybuilding.
Really I just want to help, I know I get worked up and don't put things the correct way to get through to someone but if someone writes an example of a cycle they are doing no matter nutrition, training or drugs that I know is about useless I find it hard to not just be straight forward with the person. For example, "Yo, you may as well flush your $ own the toilet", not exactly a good way to approach something. I agree but, really. After all these years I know how hard a sport Bodybuilding is, I also know how many guys out there that are clueless that hold themselves out as local gurus of some kind with no real credentials or no real personal experience .. Taking gullible people's hard earned $ and making them 0 progress. That alone gets me riled up because it's so prevalent and just so wrong.
Bodybuilding, at a decent level and to actually be a coach who is able to indicidulize each clients program based on their body type.their goals, their metabolism and experience doesn't matter if it's diet training, drugs or all three. A dead giveaway always is a guy who is a pure fake scam artist is the dude who hands you a generic plan he gives to everyone. Anyone does that run other way. Training people correctly if for a contest or just because they want to look better ALWAYS has to
include a very individualized plan based on that person, not the other 5 guys your training. The reason hese joker's do it that way is to do it correctly is f***ing hard and to be successful helping someone purely based on their individual needs you truly have to know exactly what you are doing. Again, because this shit is just fuckin hard. The diet is hard, the training is hard and putting together an effective drug regiment is just as hard.
Last kid I trained for a contest did a regional contest in the classic physique. He was only 20 at the time and came to me 16 weeks out dieting like he had 3 wks to go. First thing I told him is you keep this up till this contest you will look exactly like a swimmer. I had to change everything he was doing. Luckily he listened, we pretty much started from scratch and the progress he made over the next 16 weeks was fairly amazing. He finished 2cnd out of 14 guys and was youngest in his class. But most important, when he got on stage he looked the absolute best he could have at the time. Personally I thought he had it won but I didn't have the time to go over posing with him and he messed that up horribly. Even the judges told him that's what pur him 2cnd. I'm always proud, no matter how someone does, when I can look at them morning of contest and know they listened, didn't cheat and didn't decide they had me but knew better anyway. He was a pleasure to train.
Again the guy that got pissed at me I wish I came across better because what he's doing is hurting him more than helping and I could fix him in a month or two. Also, I never charge anyone anything. I love bodybuilding and I love helping a motivated guy or girl get into their best shape. Plus I had a very good career outside of bodybuilding and do not need the money.
Last thing in addition to the kid I told you about two years ago I started training a girl for her first bikini contests. Again a pleasure to work with because she listened and did everything I told her. First year she won all three contests she entered. Second year she turned pro at the USA.
If the guy reads this I apologize man and would be willing to make it right.