Hey guys, original posted for advice (link below) but was asked to come here and complete a log first
Original post seeking advice: https://www.evolutionary.org/forums/threads/advice-on-next-bulk.100224/
My Information:
Blood Work:
Other notes/wanted advice
Not a big photo guy, but willing to share these.
First picture was at the end of last bulk at 240ish lbs
Second picture is currently on my cut at 225lbs when I woke up this morning
Original post seeking advice: https://www.evolutionary.org/forums/threads/advice-on-next-bulk.100224/
My Information:
- Age:
- 33
- Height:
- 6’1”
- Weight:
- 225-230lbs any given day
- Body Fat % (estimated):
- 17%-14%ish? No clue really
- Training Experience (in years):
- on and off for 15 years, somewhat consistent last 8 years, and very consistent last 3-4 years
- Side note:
- had abdominal surgery which included partial resection of small intestine and bladder last February (February 2023)., was supposed to be 8-10 weeks recovery, ended up snow blowing my driveway after a big snowstorm like a fucking hero cause I felt like superman while on hydrocodone for the pain… and yep you guessed it, I busted open my stitches and nearly bled out waiting for an ambulance. Ended up taking me 5 months and daily clinic visits to clean and pack the open wound to fully heal instead of 2.5 months. Fuck me right. I was 220lbs going into surgery and 5 months later when all said and done due to lack of mobility and strict recovery diet + lack of appetite, I was down 35-40lbs, went from 220lbs to 180-185lbs. But I learnt my lesson, I’m not invincible and I worked my fucking ass off over the last 1.5 years to gain it all back and then some, sitting between 225-230lbs these days. And yes, my cycle at the time helped me get there.
- I typically cruise on 125 Test, 100 Mast, and 50 Deca. After recovery I got back into lifting for a few months and then did a 12 week mini blast bulk starting September 2023 after my recovery that consisted of weekly dosasges of 250mg test, 50mg Deca, 10mg Ostarine daily for entire 16 weeks and 25mg Dbol daily for first 6 weeks. Got myself up to 235-240lbs; alot of it water but felt fucking amazing the whole cycle. The weight fluctuations were rough on my body but feeling great now and currently almost done my 16 week summer cut of 300mg Test E, 250mgMast E, 200 Tren A (Tren for last 10 weeks - which I won’t be touching again) and down to 225lbs on a good day and fairly lean (for me at least). Also want to note I have bad knees from years of strain playing hockey so I am unable to fully push myself most days on heavy squats, I go as hard as I can but always have a lingering thought in the back of my mind that I’m going to blow a knee again so psychologically, it really holds me back.
- Typically do a P/P/L routine with a shoulder/trap day thrown in every other week depending on level of exhaustion. Train 5 days a week minimum, mostly 6 days a week though
- Each session consists of 6-8 exercises, 1 lighter warmup set for each exercise followed by 3-4 working sets, 6–10 reps on compound exercises and 8-15 reps on isolations. Obviously progressive overload. Slow and controlled reps, squeeze at the top of every movement and slow and controlled eccentrics, mostly till failure on full reps, sometimes not quite till failure on heavy compounds for safety reasons or if I feel I’m overworking something, and sometimes throw in half reps to true failure. I try to switch it up to keep the muscles guessing. Every session will contain 1 superset, 1 drop set, and one high intensity finisher exercise to end the session and leave nothing in the tank. 15 mins of cardio to warmup before each session so roughly 1.5hours of cardio per week combined.
- I do not know my max PRs anymore as I started training from home and my tiny wife trying to spot is really just there for psychological support because she ain’t gonna be of any real help if I need it. So I make do and try not to hurt myself hence why I don’t go till failure on heavy compounds either. The numbers below are based on my current working sets
- You’ll see I’m not the strongest guy for my size and I’m not going to wow anyone with my plate weights but when doing slow and controlled movements including eccentrics, it’s a formula that seems to work well for me to consistently build muscle without punishing my body trying to lift crazy numbers and helping me to avoid injury. It’s the one positive of having a wife who’s a shitty spotter, i get to work hard but i also work smart and safe.
- Push day:
- 1. Warmup - 15 mins cardio on treadmill
- 2. Incline Bench wide grip barbell Press - working sets currently at 245lbs x 4 sets at 8 reps per set
- 3. Flat bench dumbbell flys - working sets currently at 60lbs x 3 sets at 8 reps per set
- 4. Flat bench close grip barbell press - working sets currently at 180lbs x 3 sets at 10 reps per set
- 5. Super Set Excercises
- 1. Decline dumbbell fly - working sets currently at 50lbs x 3 sets at 12 reps per set
- 2. Tricep cable Pushdown - working sets currently at 70lbs x 3 sets at 12 reps per set
- 6. Drop Set
- Overheard tricep rope cable extensions - working sets currently at 60lbs x 3 sets at 8 reps per set
- 7. Finisher
- 3 sets of pushups (as many as possible so this varies by difficulty of session) each set alternating hand position (wide, close, incline for example)
- Pull day:
- 1. Pull-ups - i alternate grips each session - last session was wide grip, body weight, 4 sets, 15 reps per set
- 2. Wide grip lat pulldown - working sets currently at 150lbs x 3 sets at 8 reps per set
- 3. Single arm cable row alternating arms - working sets currently at 70lbs x 3 sets at 8 reps per set
- 4. Super set
- 1. Seated close grip cable row - current working sets at 160lbs x 3 sets at 10 reps per set
- 2. Standing 2 handed rope (hammer grip) cable curls - working sets currently at 70lbs x 3 sets at 9 reps per set
- 5. Drop Set
- Seated EZ bar preacher curls - 4-5 drop sets. Last session was 70lbs x 12 reps, 65lbs x 12 reps, 60lbs x 11 reps, 55lbs x 13 reps, 44lbs x 13 reps
- 6. Finisher
- Leaning back Seated dumbbell curls - 3 sets, extra slow and controlled. Last session was 40lbs x 8 rep set, 2 sets at 35lbs x 12 reps per set
- Legs/abs day:
- 1. 15 mins warmup on treadmill
- 2. Barbell Squat - working sets currently at 300lbs x 4 sets at 8 reps each set
- 3. Deadlift - working sets currently at 330lbs x 3 sets at 10 reps per set
- 4. Leg Extensions - working sets currently at 200lbs x 3 sets at 10 reps
- 5. Hamstring Curls - working sets currently at 100lbs x 3 sets at 8 reps
- 6. Triple SUPERSET
- 1. Single leg dumbbell Calf raises - current working sets at 60lbs x 3 sets at 10 reps, alternating legs
- 2. Rear foot elevated split squat - working sets currently at 80lbs x 3 sets at 10 reps alternating legs
- 3. Decline bench sit-ups with overhead dumbbell - working sets currently at 30lbs x 3 sets at 10 reps
- 7. Finisher
- 1. Hanging sit-ups - body weight, 3 sets at 15-20 reps per set
- No drop set on leg day
- Shoulder day:
- 1. Warmup 15 mins on treadmill
- 2. Seated Barbell Press - working sets currently at 150lbs x 4 sets at 10 reps
- 3. Front dumbbell raises - working sets currently at 40lbs x 3 sets at 10 reps each arm
- 4. Cable lateral raise - working sets currently at 25lbs x 3 sets at 10 reps each arm
- 5. Standing rear delt dumbbell fly - working sets currently at 45lbs x 3 sets at 10 reps
- 6. Seated rope face pulls - working sets currently at 85lbs x 3 sets at 12 reps
- 7. Upward rows - working sets currently at 120lbs x 3 sets at 12 reps per set
- 8. Barbell shrugs - working sets currently at 220lbs x 3 sets at 10 reps per set
- No superset or drop set or finisher on shoulder day
- Rest day
- Repeat
- Daily Caloric Intake: 4000 in bulk, about 2800-3300 for cut, 3500-3700 for maintenance. I’d probably be a lot leaner if I was more strict on counting this but hey, I’m a guy that likes to eat good food and my metabolism is pretty high so I’ve never needed to monitor this too closely. Not looking to be super shredded either and I don’t compete.
- Macronutrient Split: Protein/Carbohydrates/Fats (%)- my diet could be nailed down better, I don’t eat the cleanest but im pretty good most days and i also don’t typically count my macro percentages, I just try to keep it carb and protein heavy. 1-1.5g of protein/lb of body weight. I try to stay away from processed foods and sugars. I drink roughly 4 litres of water/day. Sometimes up to 5L, never less than 3.
Meal Plan: try to list 2-3 different meal options for each- Breakfast: eggs, bacon, toast with butter, protein shake with yogurt added, banana
- Snack: protein bar, nuts
- Lunch: deli meat sandwiches or lean ground beef burger, potatoes, veggie salad
- Snack: protein shakes, oatmeal with peanut butter, frozen fruits, honey, nuts mixed in (usually my preworiut snack)
- Dinner: chicken breast or steak or pork, potatoes or rice, grilled or roasted or raw veggies, milk,
- Snack: protein cookie and chug a shit ton of water before bed
- Daily: muti vitamin, fish pills, zinc, vitamin A, vitamins E B-complex, P5P, joint support, prostate support, 40mg Telmisartan for blood pressure, 10mg Nolva daily magnesium, BCAA’s, pre workout on training days. Greens powder, 5mg cialis daily.
- On and off with creatine, on and off with glutamine, cabergoline as needed but just ran out but have Pram on hand. P5P 300mg daily is typically enough for prolactin control on low dose deca and so far for Tren too. 10mg Nolva daily is typically enough to keep estro under control, especially if I’m using Mast, but Sometimes will take .25mg adex when I start to feel high estro sides.
Blood Work:
- Recent Blood Work: No but due for bloods end of current cut cycle
- Do you plan to do Pre, Mid and Post blood test during your next cycle: Yes
- Cycle Goals: Bulk, would like to end the bulk at close to 250lbs, assuming I’m a little over 230lbs by time I start in November) so looking to add 15-20lbs mass over 16 weeks, will be happy to retain roughly 10 after water weight is lost and be at 240lbs
- Compounds Planned for Use:
- Weekly for 16 weeks: 400 Test E, 400 EQ, 200 Deca - pinning IM 3x per week
- Daily for last 10 weeks: 20mg Dbol daily (I know 10 weeks seems like a lot but on such a small dose of 20mg and if dosed once a day in the AM, the impact on liver markers is usually minimal for me. 50mg split dose would be another story and I wouldn’t go past 6 weeks on that. I don’t drink.
- Have pram,, Nola, Adex on deck and no problem getting caber either.
- Cycle Length: 16 weeks (20 weeks max)
- Post Cycle Therapy (if applicable): N/A, will go back to my cruise
Other notes/wanted advice
- I alsrsdu know my diet needs work
- I definitely don’t get Enough sleep, probably 6 hours if I’m lucky - how much is this impacting my gains and recovery?
- Overall, looking for advice on
- compound ratios for this bulk,
- what to add, what to subtract,
- how long should I go for the cycle, willing to go up to 20 weeks max
- Should I end the cycle with Dbol or start it with Dbol or maybe do 6 week kick start and 6 week finisher?
- Advice for maintaining libido and not getting deca dick
- Any other advice appreciated, very open to constructive criticism
Not a big photo guy, but willing to share these.
First picture was at the end of last bulk at 240ish lbs
Second picture is currently on my cut at 225lbs when I woke up this morning