193lbs looking to get to 200 plus
In the gym 5 days a week keeping reps between 8-12 to failure
4000 cal/day
200g protein/day
Test e 500/week 1 pin per week
Mk677 20mg/day but out so off of this
N2guard 5 tabs/day
Arimidex .5mg/day
Keep ai’s but have never had gyno issues
This is my 5th cycle
In my 20’s I started cycling small then got up to 1g/week of test e, 50mg dbol/day for 4 weeks, and deca 600/week split into 3 pins/week
Went from 125lbs to 200 lbs in just over a year. Was not as careful then as I am now. Took several years off now I’m 49yrs old. Doing a blast now which is about to end will cruise at 200mg/week. When I start another blast I plan on
Teste 600/week, dbol 50mg/day for 4 weeks after dbol will start mk677.
In the gym 5 days a week keeping reps between 8-12 to failure
4000 cal/day
200g protein/day
Test e 500/week 1 pin per week
Mk677 20mg/day but out so off of this
N2guard 5 tabs/day
Arimidex .5mg/day
Keep ai’s but have never had gyno issues
This is my 5th cycle
In my 20’s I started cycling small then got up to 1g/week of test e, 50mg dbol/day for 4 weeks, and deca 600/week split into 3 pins/week
Went from 125lbs to 200 lbs in just over a year. Was not as careful then as I am now. Took several years off now I’m 49yrs old. Doing a blast now which is about to end will cruise at 200mg/week. When I start another blast I plan on
Teste 600/week, dbol 50mg/day for 4 weeks after dbol will start mk677.